(Secret Warriors II#9 (fb) - BTS) - Karnak tried talking business with Ahura while he was using the restroom, and Ahura later spoke to him about boundaries. (Secret Invasion: War of Kings#1) - Ahura and Luna stood by in shock while Black Bolt launched an aggressive attack on Skrull ships, killing many aliens. With his voice, Black Bolt harness immense power. Uncanny Inhumans#5-7 (April-June, 2016) - Charles Soule (writer), Brandon Peterson (artist), Nick Lowe (editor) We will use the information you provide on this form to be in touch with you and to … The baby sat up in its crib and seemingly drew the elemental creature out in the open to save Medusa, then the Inhumans were swiftly overwhelmed by the creature. After the tour, Ahura was left to wait for his father at a private dining suite, where he used his powers to give himself someone to talk in order to pass the time. On their way to Avengers Mansion they were attacked by statues under Lord Arcadius' control. Hair: Black. (Realm of Kings: Inhumans#1) - Ahura and Luna were playing aboard the Inhuman ship, pretending to be king and princess. Ahura also received combat training from Kang the Conqueror. [13] After the Skrulls Secret Invasion was conquered he joined the rest of the Inhumans in journeying to the Kree planet of Hala, where his father took power.[14]. Fantastic Four IV#16/2 (March, 2014) - Karl Kesel, Lee Allred (writers), Joe Quinones (penciler), Michael Allred (inker), Tom Brevoort (editor) Upon conceiving a child with Black Bolt, the Inhuman society deemed the pregnancy a risk due to Black Bolt’s destructive power and … Medusa named him Ahura, and he recognized her as his mother. Dressed in ornate robes accentuating their heroic costumes, the imperial Inhuman couple are framed against a starry backdrop that glows the same brilliant blue as the Terrigen mist that activates their unique genetic alterations. (Daredevil I#282) - Brandy and Pope made their way toward the center of the realm, where they hoped to find Daredevil, but the ground opened up beneath them, with demonic hands grabbing at their feet. (FF II#12) - Ahura joined the Future Foundation, Maximus, and Julius Caeser (alien) in trying to activate a portal that would bring the Fantastic Four home. Speaking triggers a massive disturbance capable of leveling a city. [32], Ahura speaks at least Tilan, English and Italian.[33]. Kang noticed Black Bolt's presence and forced him to retreat. The OHOTMU issues were also helmed by Gruenwald. Blackagar Boltagon, known as Black Bolt, is the king of the Inhumans, a strain of humans genetically engineered by the Kree Empire to be living weapons. Black Bolt was created byStan Leeand Jack Kirby. FF II#15 (February, 2014) - Matt Fraction, Lee Allred (writers), Michael Allred (artist), Tom Brevoort (editor) Ahura was a bit stunned. June 26, 2017 by Gary Collinson. (Daredevil I#279) - An angry crowd, including Fred, closed in on the church in Pottersville, where they heard an evil boy named Pope had killed a local goat. (Fantastic Four I#412) - Ahura stood by while the Fantastic Four, Ant-Man (Scott Lang), and Namor tended to the wounded Black Bolt. Most of his employees at Ennilux are also Inhumans, and they influence global trade, science, and inventions. (Secret Invasion: Inhumans#3) - Ahura watched helplessly as the Skrulls mentally interfaced with Black Bolt, seeking to break him. Medusa protected Ahura while Black Bolt, Karnak and Gorgon took care of the assassins. (Uncanny Inhumans#12) - Medusa and Lockjaw visited Ahura in Venice, asking him to seek acquisition of Stark Industries, after a recent attack on Stark left him depleted. As the king and queen of the Inhumans, Black Bolt and Medusa bring a considerable number of tactics into the field. (Fantastic Four Unlimited#2 (fb) - BTS) - Norm and Vera moved with Pope to the Bronx in New York City. When Maximus arrived to taunt Medusa, the fetus used telepathic powers to order Maximus away. He has endured rigorous conditioning to control this power, choosing to remain totally silent. Later, during a business meeting, Ahura heard about political unrest in Chernaya, and he immediately knew Karnak was responsible. Vera Adams was called Verna in Fantastic Four Unlimited#2. (Young Avengers II#11) - The Young Avengers sent out a call for help to many young super heroes, including Ahura. The Council apologized to the Royal Family, cancelling their genetics policy and freeing Ahura to return to his parents. Profile by Chadman. [19] While his mother met up with the former king, the young inhuman was taken around to be introduced to a number of the facilities patrons, like Reader and Treste. (by approximation) Subjected to the mutagenic Terrigen Mist while still an embryo, Bolt was born with strange powers surpassing even the Inhumans' norm. Daredevil I#279, p16, pan3 (Fred) As a battle ensued, Ahura ran off with Franklin and grabbed a baseball bat to defend himself, using it against the Inhuman Burrowers, then Karnak arrived and convinced Ahura to return with him to Attilan, as Black Bolt wished. Medusalith "Medusa" Amaquelin is a member of the Inhumans, wife to Black Bolt, and sister to Crystal Amaquelin. Black Bolt#8, p15, center (main) (FF II#5 (fb) - BTS) - Crystal, Luna, and Lockjaw delivered Ahura from Attilan to Medusa on Earth. Uncanny Inhumans#13 (November, 2016) - Charles Soule (writer), Carlos Pacheco, Kim Jacinto (pencilers), Andy Owens (inker), Wil Moss (editor) FF II#15, p7, pan1 (Ahura in Boltagon family uniform) There, Bently saw the Royal Family and communicated mentally with an upset Black Bolt, who gave him permission to take Lockjaw as they searched for Medusa. Medusa argued that Kalikya could try to heal Maximus first as a test subject. (IVX#0) - When it was shown that the Terrigen Mists were lethal to mutants, Medusa had Beast of the X-Men start seeking a cure. Uncanny Inhumans#14 (December, 2016) - Charles Soule (writer), Kim Jacinto (artist), Wil Moss (editor) Ahura has certainly had a complex history in the Marvel Universe. In Pottersville, Vera warned him not to go near the goat outside of town as it was known to be evil. Only in defense of his people does Black Bolt unleash this power of his destructive voice. (Uncanny Inhumans#0 (fb) - BTS) - Before Attilan was destroyed at the hands of Black Bolt, Ahura passed through Eldrac, the Inhuman doorway that sent people where they needed to be. As for Medusa, she possesses a head of super-strong prehensile hair, which is a lot cooler in practice than it actually sounds. We know that Inhumans can be given new names after Terrigenesis, which explains why names can directly line up with powers (Medusa = hair manipulation, Triton = amphibian abilities, etc.). After Black Bolt came to Earth to meet his son, he and Medusa returned to Attilan to present their son, named Ahura, to the Genetics Council. He had been teleported to the fortress of Kang the Conqueror, who took him under his wing. Vera Adams found the boy in the ship and decided to raise him as her own. Black Bolt#8 (February, 2018) - Saladin Ahmed (writer), Christian Ward (artist), Wil Moss (editor) (Daredevil I#280 (fb) - BTS) - Vera taught Pope about Heaven and Hell. [23] When an Inhuman monster called the Jailer attacked Black Bolt, Blinky sought out Ahura's astral form. Protected by an energy sphere Ahura witnessed more Kree attacking his family in the Blue Area of the Moon until the Kree Major Kol ordered the other Kree to put down their weapons and stop their assault on the Royal Family. Medusa fought her way free, determined to go to Earth to have her baby on her own despite the risk of its atmospheric pollution. Daredevil arrived to hold the crowd back. Daredevil arrived to hold the crowd back. Over the following months, he delved into learning the complex history of Ennilux, spanning thousands of years. The Jailer attacked in Black Bolt's mind, but Black Bolt, with the help of the Absorbing Man, Titania, and Lockjaw, defeated him. Only in defense of his people does Black Bolt unleash this power of his destructive voice. The Fantastic Four exposed the Genetic Council for having goals to overthrow Black Bolt, then Black Bolt attacked the Council, learning that they had put Ahura in a power-siphoning machine, allowing the Council leader to draw upon that power. Daredevil arrived, along with Karnak and Gorgon of the Inhumans, Brandy Ash, and Number Nine, and the woman led them back to the site of the crash. Back at Norm and Vera's home, Pope sensed the arrival of the Inhumans, and Lockjaw teleported in with Medusa, Karnak, and Gorgon. Minxi delivered the baby and soon Medusa held her quiet son in her arms for the first time. With his mother at his side, Ahura was frightened as an angry crowd, including Fred, closed in, but Daredevil arrived to protect him, along with Karnak and Gorgon of the Inhumans, and Number Nine and Brandy Ash. (Daredevil I#279 (fb) - BTS) - Ahura's ship crashed on Earth. In time, he stopped feeling like a hostage and instead started learning what he could from Kang. A small skirmish broke out until Dragon Man broke it up, then Alex Power returned to the FF. [17], In order to save the untainted Ahura, the Inhumans traveled back 13,000 years into the past, and went unnoticed by Kang due to Black Bolt's previous arrival. Thanks to Markus Raymond for adding Ahura's appearances in Inhumans: The Great Refuge#1, Fantastic Four Unlimited#11 and Uncanny Inhumans#20 and for adding images of his early years. As Kang left to handle a crisis, Medusa and Black Bolt arrived with a group of Inhumans (including Iso, Triton, and Reader) and allies (including the Human Torch and Beast, as well as Forey the dog). (Silent War#4 - BTS) - Medusa argued to Black Bolt that Kalikya could heal his mind, but Black Bolt refused to listen. The teen heroes agreed to help the Young Avengers fight the dimensional threat of Mother and her gathered "Young Avengers". Special Thanks to www.g-mart.com --Daredevil I#279 (Fantastic Four IV#16) - Ahura and the FF joined the Fantastic Four and many of their friends for a barbecue on Earth's Moon. (Fantastic Four Unlimited#2) - Vera took Pope to see a speech by the Fantastic Four about their neighborhood. The Inhumans have come into a bit of notoriety recently, thanks at least in part to their currently running live-action mini-series on ABC. Black Bolt, full name Blackagar Boltagon, is the ruler of the Inhumans. It's only in the last few years where he has had a consistent character development. Before his exposure to the Terrigen Mists, in the womb, he grew to the size of a full infant in a matter of days instead of months. (Fantastic Four Unlimited#2) - Vera took Pope to see a speech by the Fantastic Four about their neighborhood. Fred Black Bolt agreed that to save Ahura, he would allow the boy to belong to Kang forever. Secret Warriors II#6 (November, 2017) - Matthew Rosenberg (writer), Juanan Ramirez (artist), Sarah Brunstad (editor) images: (without ads) Magik and Inferno arrived, determined to attack Karnak, so Ahura used his psychic doubles to hold them back, then he put them on the trail of Sinister, saying he needed Karnak himself. Black Bolt asks Medusa for a distraction.    formerly Attilan, First Appearance: (As infant, unnamed) Marvel Graphic Novel: The Inhumans (1988); (as Pope) Daredevil I#279 (April, 1990); (as Ahura) Fantastic Four Unlimited#2 (June, 1993). FF II#9 (September, 2013) - Matt Fraction (writer), Joe Quinones (artist), Tom Brevoort (editor) In addition, Ahura seems to have some talent in science and invention. At breakfast, the team realized Medusa and Bentley-23 were both missing, so Ant-Man sent She-Hulk and Ahura to Attilan to look for them. (Black Bolt#11) - Ahura found his astral form pulled into the astral realm along with Blinky, and they soon determined that Black Bolt had called them both there for help against the Jailer, who hunted them there. All other characters mentioned or pictured are ™  and Uncanny Inhumans#20 (May, 2017) - Charles Soule (writer), Ario Anindito (artist), Wil Moss (editor) Pope's mother cried out for him. The council rescinded their death order, but promised to study the baby very carefully. FF II#10-12 (September-November, 2013) - Matt Fraction (writer), Michael Allred (artist), Tom Brevoort (editor) (Uncanny Inhumans#14) - Ahura, with Medusa, got word that Iron Man had attacked New Attilan, and he promised to leave if Medusa surrendered. (Daredevil I#279 - BTS) - In Pottersville, Sally's daughters saw Pope seemingly kill a goat by looking it in the eye. Please visit The Marvel Official Site at: http://www.marvel.com. (Fantastic Four Unlimited#2 (fb) - BTS) - Norm and Vera Adams moved with Pope to the Bronx in New York City. Lockjaw soon brought Gorgon, Triton, and Crystal to Medusa, and they continued arguing about events even as Crystal purified the air. [11] Luna was later used by Maximus to free Ahura. FF II#7-8 (July-August, 2013) - Matt Fraction (writer), Michael Allred (artist), Tom Brevoort (editor) Even a whisper from Black Bolt renders his enemies feeble and broken. Black Bolt was born to two of Attilan's top geneticists, Agon, head of the ruling Council of Genetics, and Rynda, director of the Prenatal Care Center. Click to view full size image. Medusa promised to turn herself in to Captain Marvel if they couldn't find the real culprit. Weight: 165 lbs. (Young Avengers II#15) - The after-party concluded. (Uncanny Inhumans#5) - Medusa took Ahura and Iso to visit Black Bolt in the bar underneath Grand Central Station, the Quiet Room. Secret Warriors II#10-11 (February-March, 2018) - Matthew Rosenberg (writer), Javier Garron, Will Robson (artists), Sarah Brunstad (editor) When they told the Inhumans, the public rejoiced, but the Genetic Council said the baby could not exist, as Black Bolt was too destructive and Maximus, his closest relative, mad. Young Avengers II#11 (December, 2013) - Kieron Gillen (writer), Jamie McKelvie (penciler), Kris Anka, Mike Norton (inkers), Lauren Sankovitch (editor) Black Bolt then allowed Kang to take Ahura into the time stream to save him from upcoming events. (Daredevil I#283) - The Inhumans prepared to go home as Daredevil broke off from the group. Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Update. As an infant, he demonstrated certain energy-manipulative abilities which he could not yet control, particularly that of producing quasi-sonic energy of great destructive potential through his voice. Black Bolt and Medusa abdicated their throne and the people tried to name Ahura the new King, but Ahura simply destroyed the crown with his evil eye. FF II#9, p13, pan4-6 (Ahura swimming) As the battle concluded, Black Bolt was driven mad, and Maximus declared himself leader of the Inhumans. Medusa embraced Ahura. (FF II#10) - An alternate version of the Human Torch lived among the Future Foundation for a time, occasionally growing aggressive with the team. Even a whisper from Black Bolt renders his enemies feeble and broken. He has endured rigorous conditioning to control this power, choosing to remain totally silent. (Daredevil I#280) - Ahura and Brandy landed together, seemingly miles below, and they started to climb up a miles-long wall that had images of gods carved in it. The title Thor featured a back-up feature called "Tales of the Inhumans", which recounts the character's origin story. IVX#6 (March, 2017) - Jeff Lemire, Charles Soule (writers), Leinil Francis Yu (artist), Wil Moss (editor) (DaredevI I#279) - After Pope was accused of killing the goat, his mother met him at the church, where there was an angry crowd closing in. They were unable to treat his mental illness. These doubles have limited psychic powers and can communicate with each other, and Ahura, telepathically. Uncanny Inhumans#4 (March, 2016) - Charles Soule (writer), Steve McNiven (penciler), Jay Leisten (inker), Nick Lowe (editor) Ahura stood with the Royal Family as they announced an ongoing alliance with the Kree. --Daredevil I#279 ([Daredevil I#279 (fb)], [280 (fb)], 279, [Fantastic Four Unlimited#2 (fb)], 2. There, the Royal Family imprisoned the Wizard, then the FF returned to New York. Following the monster's death, Ahura accepted Black Bolt's embrace. Forventet udgivelsesdato: Februar 2021. The marriage of Black Bolt and Medusa in Marvel's Inhumans will represent the strongest romance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe according to the actors in an exclusive interview. The son of King Agon and Queen Rynda, Black Bolt is exposed to the mutagenic Terrigen Mist while still an embryo, and eventually demonstrates the ability to manipulate electrons. Ahura stated how relieved he was that his parents and the Royal Family were off planet. Blinky and Ahura were pulled into the psyche of Black Bolt,[24] and into the traumatic memories of his childhood, allowing Ahura to better understand his father. Medusa aided in the attack on the Kree as well. Karnak was banished for his actions. The issue was written by John Byrne and scripted by Mark Gruenwald. Medusa and Ahura delivered Lockjaw to Crystal because it was her dog even though Ahura would surely miss him.

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