The ones you do have are so used to your closed off nature that they tease you about it. I’ve felt this way for as long as I can remember. its not good to be cold hearted believe me…. But I enjoyed it, its some insight into my life. There are many different ways to descrive the word "cold". I felt everything very deeply but believed that it was not appropriate to show it. A silly and insignificant situation, … Yes! Thanks again. And never react on anything He finds some stuffs I complain about as being silly He never initiate a conversation with me What should I do? Selfishness. Long History of Destructive Relationships. Design by Jessica Henry. Growing up, I always was cold-tempered and reserved. Regarding #3 – one big piece missing is the fact that one of the main reasons we come across as cold is when we are actually trying to be as neutral as possible in our language, to avoid conflict resulting in other people saying hurtful things and bruising our sensitive souls. A cold personality refers to, well basically a personality which not many people like. She is a deep thinker and socially anxious introvert who writes about human behavior and personality, the nature of introversion, the concept of belonging, and social anxiety, hoping to help those who struggle with similar issues as she does. He was open and expressive about his affection and ways of showing his endearment. It's easier and more comfortable to be alone. I face similar situation as you. Love all the comments my heat goes out to you all I mean tbh i dont want to be an emotional person emotions are weak and extremely petty to everyone in the comments knows were not really cold just misunderstood that we have no care or value for petty emotions we live in extreme emotional situations where life has to grasp you emotional values has to be understood, respct, honer great emotional value witch im sad to say is dead and lost only to a few cold people do we understand this i come across as big headed and all i do is try to help but my passion leads with aggression because it extreme and people dont understand and exclaim that you’re making them out to be dumb…… i could go on there’s so much i could say pros and cons but… what do we do btw i dont agree with how you concluded. He shows no emotion but just run away for everything. Changing personality is usually considere… I am a pathological empath, but at times I just feel emotionless, and cold, but heart aches with sadness and I’m so overly sensitive to everything. Trying to replace those thoughts with others, as one counselor suggested, doesn’t make it go away. However, there are healthy and unhealthy versions of each Myers-Briggs® type. The crying over hurts leaves me feeling like I’m selfish. Sometimes, you want to show your dear ones how much you care and how much you love them, but you literally can’t. But don’t be too sad, JenB. Ironically, I am like this because of what I perceive from others and their coldness and it has developed over the years. My mom used to call me cold and it was so hurtful. I’m almost the opposite. Here are some of the struggles I faced as a cold person with a sensitive soul. Beyond personality types. They enjoy an orderly life. 12) You Never Want To Appear Weak. Whenever they meet me they just stare and point out my differences. ISTJs are planners; they like to carefully plan things out well in advance. I say, this is my way of protecting myself and dealing with being a Cancerian and a Goat. Melancholic: Sauda. How COLD Are You? I dont know why but i just dont give fuck about anything or anyone its like idk. You try to conceal your emotions and feelings either they are negative or positive. Cold Personality Find out everything you need to know about individuals with a cold personality or have a free consultation with a therapist or life coach. I thought my sensitivity was a weakness, so I did everything to hide it. You half-heartedly pat their back and say 'there, there' and look around desperately for someone to rescue you. When I’ve tried to talk with a mother who rejects this, it only ends up in arguments. Each color represents a different primary personality type, and all four lay the foundation of True Colors’ fun and insightful personality-identification system. Here, I’m not speaking only of love confessions or relationship talks but of any situation when you have to reveal your true thoughts and feelings to someone. I fight for others but not for myself. I’m surprised you women faced this issues. Quick like a fox? Still trying to make people understand I sometimes do feel bad about things.. They often complain about cold hands and feet, cold feeling in stomach, sensitive to low temperatures or noises, sleepiness, discomfort after eating cold foods, and a pale and bulky tongue. I don’t understand why I feel so different at times, I act tough but when I’m angry I cry like a baby and I feel so small inside, like a ball of pink glass that with any offense will shatter. You like your own company and you never ask more of yourself than you're willing to give. I’m afraid if I talk I’ll start crying and get the same cold reaction I’ve always gotten. If someone breaks down in front of you, you honestly have no clue how to deal with the situation. It feels like an invisible wall that separates you from them and stops you from expressing your tenderness. I have two best friends whom I love dearly but they would never push me. I encountered a sensitive soul yet expressive one. He assured me with a sweet smile. You're closed off to protect yourself from looking stupid, emotional, needy. While INFJs are famous for their doorslam, Fi doms are famous for their repulsion switch. I can’t just shake them off. Anna LeMind is a psychology enthusiast who holds a bachelor's degree in social sciences. This kind of conversations make you feel awkward and vulnerable, so you try to avoid having them even with your parents or special someone. You wouldn't be part of a rally, even if you supported a cause. I feel cold and I know I don’t want to be this way. They make friends easily are positive and have natural energy. You care deeply, but you just like hiding your emotions. My culture has men that are quite expressive/friendly and rather loud. Not just physically, but emotionally. ... A GoToQuiz Exclusive: Big Five Personality Test, allows you to adjust sliders to fine-tune your responses to a series of questions. The Spring Personality – Warm Colours A spring person can be brunette, blonde or redhead but will never be very dark or heavy. This “Hot Or Cold” Food Test Will Reveal Your Personality Type. Like i wnna know why though like why am i like this i have had traumas in the past but i gotten over it but even if someone died that was close to me i would just not care. So, which animal best describes your personality type? You can't tolerate it. I am a bit of a mix. We bring you the good times. They like things to be well-organized and pay a great deal of attention to detail. But glad to know such people exist and I am not the only one. This means that you don't often have very many close friends. Well, are you kind or cruel? Never forget that they do have feelings too and, in fact, may be even more sensitive than you are. Are you a cold person with a sensitive soul? Some are evil, some are kind, but now all must know they're mind! my life growing was good until mid school i went through so much pain misery in order for me to keep on living i had to kill somethings inside of me such as feelings caring and more sense then i have been doing well but i try m best to show some true friends i care but sometimes it hard to show. Knowing it can help you better understand the right treatment for your chronic illness or pain. Speak to a professional dating coach now. Don't they know all the other crap that's going on in the world? I’m not mean, but I’ve been told by family and friends that I can be cold, not social, and harsh. You (or, at least, your subconscious mind) are used to considering any kind of strong emotions to be a weakness. Wow, this is perfect. Truth is, if you are filled up to the brim with yourself and your own emotions, how can you to be empty or empathic at the same time? You're very concerned with self-preservation. You'll have to be careful if you want to keep up the facade...someone might come along and they'll be able to break down your walls and take off your mask, and you won't see them coming. by Sarah Aspler. Answer each of the 18 items below as quickly as you can. It may seem like they’re never really “all there” … Skip to content. It unsettles you, why are they interested? The motto of the open individual might be \"Variety is the spice of life.\"People low in openness are just the opposite: They prefer to stick to their habits, avoid new experiences and probably aren't the most adventurous eaters. But as everyone says I am a cold hearted person and that cannot be changed. Their movement is fluid but can appear difficult. When I have cried in the past, I’ve been told to get over it. For example, if you are in a relationship, you may be avoiding any manifestation of tenderness and love when you and your special someone are in public. I keep thinking I’m going to come across a romantic relationship or friendship where the other person will instinctively know that I’m not being myself and that I have a lot to open up about. You are really vulnerable and get hurt easily, but no one knows it. I want to work on it too. Thank you! People you are not very close to may even think you just don’t care or don’t have feelings at all. If you are this kind of person yourself, try to give yourself the permission to be more open about your feelings with your loved ones. Having a personality color blue suggests a tendency to having a fixed set of principles and desire to live according to these principles. Now hes gone and Im working daily on changing that part of me so I never lose someone I love again. Some people get that impression, but you're not. Instead, you want people to perceive you as strong, cold and indifferent, even though underneath it all, you might be a big softie. You prefer to do individual projects as opposed to working in a group. Every point resonated through me as I read them. The four temperament theory is a proto-psychological theory which suggests that there are four fundamental personality types: sanguine, choleric, melancholic, and phlegmatic. You're not comfortable sharing your life and feelings with another person. Well some of the points made are significant features and true but not the other few. Designed to uncover key social information about yourself and others, True Colors is a tool that fosters an environment of understanding and collaboration. Criticism, conflicts and all kinds of negative vibes unsettle you very deeply. I saw that why should i show my feelings to others why should i care when really i don’t find no interest in these conversations. You just can't keep up and frankly, you don't want to. Eager beaver? They’ve accepted I am the way I am, and would find it extremely bizarre if I all of a sudden brought out an emotional side after being friends for almost 5 years. Relationships make you feel vulnerable. It is also a peaceful personality type. If you love a cold person with a sensitive soul, don’t wait for them to make the first step and always take the initiative in your relationship. Can you relate to any of them? Then receive your personality analysis. Have you been called cold and unfeeling? But as much as I’ve tried ignoring hurtful things, they never really go away in my mind. It underlines what I already believe about those who present as emotionless. Instead, you want people to perceive you as strong, cold and indifferent, even though underneath it all, you might be a big softie. Since you rarely show your true emotions, it makes sense why other people may mistake you for a hard-hearted person. Plus, you have no time for relationships, one night stands you can do, but small talk and flirting? I really needed to find out if there was an explanation for my cold-heart, now I know. Share your thoughts in the comment box below. That’s why you absolutely hate when someone sees you cry, be angry or frustrated. Lively, vivacious, effervescent and impulsive, the spring personality has a great deal of charm. They can’t imagine that you can be frustrated with something so tiny and keep thinking that stupid situation over and over, silently drowning in the sea of distressing emotions. I want to change but at the same time I don’t. Failure to display exuberant emotion might seem cold and may be taken very wrongly by others. Water types are articulate, clever and introspective, self-contained and self-sufficient. This is really true how I feel my sister and mom always wonder why am I so cold and really they want me to show emotions but it’s so hard for me to do that for them I just idk they want me to talk to them about my emotions but I don’t know how and it’s hard as well and when ever we are fighting I have to put on this cold look and that just makes them even more mad. Beyond thinking or feeling, people on the battlefield may be highly aroused or may be calmer in their approach. Here is a description of the red personality type. When things start getting too serious you get out of there as fast as you can. If YOU’D like to be part of the CT team and write for one of the fastest growing student websites in the world, then email us: 14 Signs That Your Girl Best Friend Likes You, 11 Signs That Your Best Friend Fancies You, The Relationship Game: How to Avoid Catching Feelings for Someone, Top 5 Irish Cocktails For St. Patricks Day, 5 Childhood PS2 Games You've Probably Forgotten, The Top Ten Irish TikTokers To Follow In 2021. The challenge for the spring personality is single-mindedne… i began to stop caring for people thinking im wasting time here and there telling myself whats the damn point of this whole things so i start to distant myself from many friends and kept a few close true friends. Things could be going great for a while, like a friendship honeymoon period, but as soon as some kind of difficulty presents itself, you leave. Search cold personality and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. I am very sensitive and cold, but even adding the adjective sensitive makes me feel like I am trying to make myself sound better than I feel I am. People often think you're really upset about something because you're super quiet all the time. The reality of personality differences is much more complicated than 16 types. If someone tries talking to me at that point, I won’t talk, I grit my teeth hoping they’ll go away and stop trying to get me to talk. Relationships can be messy and feelings can get hurt. Not only are you a terrible flirt, if someone is flirting with you it can take you a while to notice. But I don’t want anyone seeing me cry and try avoiding it at any cost. You're a solo artist. He didnt talk to anybody about our problem and please help to understand and overcome this problem. I am rather detached from most emotions and it feels like being a vast desert. Im gald my google question gave me a very probable result . They may well be more cognitive in experience then emotional. But you're not, you just have your mind on other, more important, things. Learning Mind is a blog created by Anna LeMind, B.A., with the purpose to give you food for thought and solutions for understanding yourself and living a more meaningful life. I’m emotionally detached in that I just am not effected by the same people as others but when people say nasty things like calling me a monster for it, it does hurt but I brush it off. Cold emotions are those that are experienced with a low level of arousal. A silly and insignificant situation, such as a misunderstanding with your colleague or a critical comment from your boss, can sometimes spoil your mood for the whole day. I just wanted to say that I am always trying to keep hope alive that eventually I won’t feel the need to be cold and seem unfeeling toward others, that the anger mixed with confusion and fear will be transformed into positive feelings. People don't always love you for it, but it's all you have to protect yourself from showing emotion. The blue personality type is seen as perfectionists. This is not coming from any type of sexism but only the fact that me being a male, I have had problems with this in every relationship I have been in. You can't understand why someone would be so not composed or together. My partner is a very expressive man, while I am totally the opposite, so he thinks that I don’t love him as much as he does. Orange, Gold, Green, and Blue. They're curious and appreciate art, imagination and new things. I have problem with my husband which too sensitive and try to avoid to discuss to explain everything. I really deeply want to, but it gets frustrating. Situations like not celebrating as expected, not reciprocating a heartfelt comment, being terrible at comforting someone, not jumping in ecstasy when presented with a well-meant gift, or generally just not showing strong emotions when it seemed called for. It may surprise you, but not all sensitive people are a sort of “drama queens” who react to everything with an emotional outburst. Jan 5, 2019 - Why those warm and fuzzy INFJ types can be very cold sometimes. And I don’t know who I can talk to or how to get help with it, since I’ve tried yet no one really understands it, and counselors have just told me I’m in charge of how I react. While the 16-personality framework and its complex cognitive functions are fun and intriguing, they are less useful for predicting important life outcomes, like relationships, health, happiness, hobbies, educational and career outcomes. Did you identify with any of the above-described struggles? According to 16 Personalities, INFJs are the type most likely to … Dr. Paul Hysen, Ph.D., provided some useful charts. ISTJs are sometimes referred t… You don't pester yourself with questions. Sometimes, you find it extremely challenging to even start a conversation aimed to explain how you feel. Even at parties, you would never be really interested in meeting people and having small talk with all these randomers, staying in and reading or watching Netflix is a lot more fun to you. But to me that cold face is like a shield it’s like protecting me from being an emotional wreck right there in front of them, Has anyone manage to overcome this My grandmother was like this My Aunt and My Mom I definitely have a bit of it and would love To get help for myself and my Mom. Most formulations include the possibility of mixtures among the types where an individual's personality types overlap and they share two or more temperaments. Having a personality color red suggests a strong will, ambition, and energy. I so much want to show love and be loving but just don’t “feel” it inside. You're closed off to protect yourself from looking stupid, emotional, needy. I believe people just need to communicate more effectively in understanding each other. Water type people have a greyish complexion, dark rings under their eyes, big heads, small shoulders, big abdomens, active hands and feet, and back longer than average. Maybe I can just send this link to my girlfriend and she will understand more! Openness is shorthand for \"openness to experience.\" People who are high in openness enjoy adventure. You manage your image so that people get what you think is the 'correct' version of you. It makes you feel inbelievably uncomfortable. So I avoid crying in front of anyone to this day. You prefer individual sports, like swimming and running, to group sports. Psychiatrist says I suffer from bipolar depression and generalized anxiety. Although it doesn’t feel good when people misunderstand your feeling and thought most of the time…, it is very awkward. Being emotionally unavailable doesn't make you less of a person, you still love and want to be loved, you're just afraid of letting someone in, it only gives them more power over you. 3 Comments. They may have lots of fresh ideas but could have too many projects going at once. Yes, you get stressed, but you relieve it through exercise and you don't let it drag you down. I’d like to add something, though I don’t know if anyone else feels the same way (if you do, don’t hesitate to reply): The reason I don’t like to talk about my feelings is because as soon as I start talking, the emotion comes and it’s too strong, so, I have to change the subject (or my tone of voice) to keep it from spilling out. You hide certain aspects or interests so that you fit in, or to put people off so they won't try to relate to you. It feels like it would’ve been impossible for me to write. It's easier to not commit to anyone and focus on yourself. If he left you because of that, probably because he did not put extra effort to understand you deeper. when i was in elementary i didnt cry when someone hit me got in trouble or anything cause i thought emotions made people weak so i hold it all in and acted tough and in middle school i started softening and told my self in at the end of middle school i had to be cold hearted and emotionless again cause emotions hurt and now here i am… i find it hard to love people the same now i dont even feel bad anymore when people get hurt physically and mentally but i only did it cause of problems i have… so dont be cold hearted, This article exactly talks about me! Hi I love someone who is cold emotionally and I am sure he is sensitive but he never show it. But while the cloud of depression I stayed under has lifted, I still feel empty. I talk short cant keep a conversation going because i get bored easily or i just dont care and wanna end the conversation. I experienced several severe childhood traumas. Choleric: Safrawiyy. I can’t help but think everyone would think it’s just a cry for attention. You find it difficult to flirt because you don't really think you're that much of a catch. They are the ones who would generally examine the smallest details of every situation and fret about each one of them. Other family are not there to help and counseling hasn’t worked. Anna is the author of, © Learning Mind 2012-2021 | All Rights Reserved |, 5 Struggles of Being a Cold Person with a Sensitive Soul, How Social Rejection Fuels Creativity in Independent People, Classical Music Lovers and Metal Fans Have Surprisingly Similar Personalities, The Power of Misfits: How to Find Your Place in a World You Don’t Fit In, How to Talk to Strangers As a Socially Anxious Introvert, ‘I Have No Friends’: Why You Feel This Way & What to Do, 40 Brave New World Quotes That Are Scarily Relatable.

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