When they finally found out Jerry was an Army veteran, they encouraged the family to advertise it. Now I do question, ‘What’s next?’ I want to create a legacy for people of every stripe,”  she explained. She’s come a long way since she was that little girl reading the newspaper to her parents; she’s earned six Emmy awards and is a best-selling author. “It’s really good for our National Defense,” Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley told National Review Online, “having [Ernst serve] in the Senate will be good for all debate on national security.”. In the process of making that transition he became an ambassador for other student veterans. After getting an “Accelerator Finalist” nod at SXSW in 2014, the West Point grad and former Army Airborne officer founded Ampsy to slow the rate at which content falls into what he calls the “social media abyss.” Ampsy has a suite of social aggregation tools designed to improve a brand’s reach across the Twittersphere by solving what the company website calls “a major leakage problem in the customer acquisition and retention funnel.” Look for Jeremy to continue to stay ahead of the digital pack in 2016. Maj. Michael Grinston, command sergeant major of Army Forces Command, right, speaks about the importance of having the correct gear and equipment to accomplish the mission. He shared his struggle walking through what he called ‘dark times.’ But he feels that it’s how you get back up and tackle it that really matters. “I would learn about the world that way,” she said. The Army’s efforts to put people first will continue in the new year as the service and its leaders work to “do better,” the sergeant major of the Army said. He is the author of the 2009 New York Times bestseller The Unforgiving Minute: A Soldier’s Education. Mills’ latest effort to support these veterans and their families is through his Foundation’s national retreat center, located in his home state of Maine. Grinston holds a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration from the University of Maryland Global Campus. Her employment struggles after being medically retired from the Army motivated her to start Halfaker and Associates, a consultant firm that specializes in government tech solutions. In 2016, Stewart attended the Warrior Games, an adaptive sports competition in which injured and ill service members and veterans participate. When asked if he would be who he is today without his military service, Cooper was quick to say no. McCain also took over as chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee this year, which could be sporty considering his criticism of wasteful spending and his currently rocky relationship with the Pentagon. Together they have built Soko Glam into an international player in a very short time. Leadership is now encouraged to openly share vulnerabilities and stories of their own struggles which can have undeniable impact on the Force. Tim Kennedy is many things: Special Forces sniper, YouTube video star, and philanthropist. It still warms my heart. “[The CIA] stained our national honor, did much harm and little practical good,” he said on the senate floor. “I saw in Congress we had fewer veterans serving than had ever served before in our nation’s history and you have people making very important decisions about where and when our troops go into battle,” Gabbard told Yahoo News. He hopes to move up to the K&N Pro Series soon, driving a bigger car in front of bigger crowds. JARED LYON — Chief Development Officer, Student Veterans of America. If one person helps another person, it compounds over time. He also applied his direct approach to veteran suicide rates, an issue he didn’t hold back on. The editors of WATM (with inputs from a proprietary panel of influencers) scanned the community and came up with a diverse list of those with the highest impact potential in the year ahead. After honing his tech chops while working as AOL’s Director of Media Strategy and Development, he pivoted into the venture capital space where he’s been able to use his passion for technology, media, entertainment and lifestyle to assist fledgling businesses. The Commit Foundation’s mission statement is at once lofty and matter-of-fact: “[The foundation] creates serendipity for veterans by fostering mentorship, extending and growing professional networks, promoting familiar camaraderie, and setting the stage for inspiring moments.”. There are veterans who work in the tech sector, and then there are veterans like Jeremy Gocke who carve the leading edge of the tech sector. Despite her success, she’s never forgotten her foundation. “I look forward to working with Command Sgt. “Have the mentality that one person can make a difference…You have to put some effort into that; you can’t wait for someone else to do it,” he said. She also hopes that her story will inspire the next generation to chase dreams and excellence. A 2018 updated version of her book is now available (audio book set to release in late May), with an additional appendix that empowers readers to find a mission — inciting confidence that every one of us can live with purpose, live for each other, and lead. The editors of We Are The Mighty looked across the community and created a diverse list of veterans who continue to serve in a wide variety of high-impact ways. First Sgt. But he knew he could be. He shared that growing up biracial was difficult, especially as a boy in Alabama. His work with ASAP has been featured by numerous media outlets, including the Washington Post, ABC News, NBC, CNN, NPR, PBS, Military Times, Task Purpose, and Stars Stripes. “I developed a great rapport at the VA but also this reputation for shooting straight with them because I knew what I was talking about,” he explained. He explained that his members were always ripping their skin with weights or from rucking and he wanted an in-house solution. She’s built the business with an eye on veteran hiring, and, in turn, used the lessons learned as a board member for the Wounded Warrior Project, specifically with WWP’s “Warriors to Work” employment program. Besides his videos, he’s also written on important topics like PTSD. Eventually, the entire workforce of Doc Spartan was filled with individuals who were in recovery. GBF’s mission is to provide support to special forces soldiers and their families. Along with co-founder Dan Brillman, an Air Force tanker pilot, he’s created software that helps organizations to navigate the “Sea of Good Will,” the 40,000 organizations dedicated to helping veterans that have historically presented a challenge because of their sheer number and dizzying overlap. After a legendary career as an Army special operator, highlighted by effectively re-organizing JSOC and leading the war effort in Afghanistan, General McChrystal accelerated into the normally pedestrian world of business consulting. Hall’s film expanded the book’s audience to moviegoers across America, giving a prominent spotlight to the issues faced by returning veterans. “I want people to realize they have the power to change things for the better. Daniel Rau was inspired to serve his country when he saw the Twin Towers fall on 9/11. Her successes in 2016 could well inform how other cities better serve veterans going forward. I wouldn’t be who I am today without serving, there’s no doubt,” King said. Look for bigger impact in 2015 as Murphy continues to find his voice as a host and gains more creative control over program topics. Zach Iscol is a combat decorated Marine veteran who served two tours in Iraq and fought in the second Battle of Fallujah, where he led a combined unit of 30 American and 250 Iraqi National Guard troops, and later helped build US Marine Corps, Special Operations Command. Watch for his star to rise this year with the release of “Range 15” — an independent horror-comedy produced in collaboration with fellow military apparel company Article 15 — hitting theaters in May. At Veterati.com, Veterans spouses are matched with successful business people in their area of interest using smart algorithms. Coming from three generations of military service, Elizabeth Halperin-Perez spent nine years as an Aviation Logistic Specialist in the U.S. Navy. As their new national commander, Rohan is expanding on those four pillars through her “Family First” platform, which broadens the American Legion’s focus on service members and veterans to include family members as well. Under Dole’s leadership, the Elizabeth Dole Foundation has brought national attention to military caregiver issues through its Hidden Heroes Campaign, launched grassroot support initiatives in more than 110 cities across the nation via Hidden Heroes Cities, encouraged innovation and the creation of direct service programming supporting caregivers through Hidden Heroes Fund, empowered and equipped military caregivers in all 50 states and Puerto Rico with tools to advocate on behalf of their caregiver peers though the Dole Caregiver Fellows program, and advocated for national caregiver support with Congressional and VA leaders. She joined the civil air patrol and then the Air Force ROTC, which she credits with building a strong foundation to support her focus. I could have done it forever but it was during a time where the VA backlog was getting pretty bad,” Gillums explained. Cooper now serves as the Director of National Security Outreach at Human Rights First, a nonprofit organization that advocates for human rights, especially in encouraging America to be a leader and champion of human rights at home and abroad. Unbeknownst to her or her medical team, she had three separate tick borne pathogens running through her body. Look for more from Boothe and the Ms. Vet America event in 2015. In her role as the DAV National Commander, Metcalf-Foster aims to spotlight the need to close the health care gap that exists for women veterans, as well as the need to expand government support for caregivers of pre 9/11 veterans. In 2015, with McNulty now managing director of Team Rubicon Global, look for greater impact from the five-year-old organization as it expands to support relief efforts worldwide. Major of the Army Michael Grinston says the review is expected to be completed by the end of the year, according to Military.com. “It was the biggest cliché. Fast forward to today, The Paradigm Switch has recently relaunched and is putting military spouses first. In 2015, Cooper’s passion for advocating for Afghan and Iraqi wartime allies and Syrian refugees led him to found Veterans for American Ideals, a nonpartisan, grassroots, community-based group of veterans aiming to leverage military veteran voices to bridge divides and regain a shared sense of national community. Noto’s job this year is to diminish investor skepticism by growing Twitter’s user base beyond its already gigantic footprint – a suitable challenge for a former Ranger who honed his business chops at Goldman-Sachs and the NFL. Michael A. Grinston (born 1968) is a soldier in the United States Army and the current Sergeant Major of the Army. Although he served three tours in Iraq, he is quick to point out that he never saw actual combat and that service is not about that. Sign up for our newsletter and receive the mighty updates! We have something here that can give a veteran the opportunity to control their own destiny and be in business for themselves and wow, how many veterans can they hire? This Mighty 25er is not only a combat veteran but also a trail-blazing journalist devoted to uncovering the truth at all costs. The Green Beret Foundation is the only Special Operation Forces benevolent organization solely dedicated to supporting and serving Green Berets that has received a four star rating from Charity Navigator, which is the highest rating awarded by the nation’s largest independent charity evaluator. We have a JDog spouse community and I have a spouse buddy program too,” she shared. She is a frequent public speaker and her articles on topical issues such as the #MeToo movement, veteran entrepreneurs as a force multiplier in our economy, how veterans can bridge the partisan divide, and the potential impact of U.S. State Department cuts have appeared in publications such as The Washington Post, Task Purpose, and USA Today. BOB McDONALD — Secretary of Veterans Affairs, This year Secretary McDonald continued his attempts to leverage his successes in the private sector to solve the daunting problems facing the VA. As he promised at the outset of his tenure he has remained very visible, even going so far as to broadcast his cell phone number to large crowds during his speaking engagements. Seth Moulton’s reluctant entry into politics was spurred primarily by his experiences as a Marine across four tours during the Iraq War – a war he didn’t believe in. AMVETS is arguably one of the most influential, congressionally chartered veterans service organizations, serving veterans since 1944. Although many may put him on a pedestal, especially with the nickname that he’ll probably never shake off, Wright remains a humble Airman. Grinston has held every enlisted leadership position in artillery, ranging from cannon crewmember to command sergeant major. What people don’t know is that when she accomplished all of this, she was critically ill from a tick borne illness. The program utilized the services of local nonprofits and government agencies to match qualified veteran candidates with open positions. Anu Bhagwati’s path to becoming an advocate on behalf of female service members started during her time in the Marine Corps where she weathered myriad examples of sexual harassment and found no quarter within the system designed to protect her and then found no justice when she attempted to go around it. She was also recognized at the White House in 2013 as a “Champion of Change for Advancing Clean Energy Technologies Climate Security”. While working toward his undergraduate degree at Georgetown University, former Marine and Afghan War vet T.M. He never dreamed he’d eventually become the voice of the enlisted as the Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force. As military vets continue to take their own lives at a rate of 22 per day, don’t expect Rieckhoff to give up on this issue in 2015. Sergeant Major of the Army Michael Grinston, center, gets feedback from soldiers about their concerns at Fort Hood, Texas, Thursday, Jan. 7, 2021. Among her notable contributions is a id=”listicle-2565932886″.3 million donation to the University of California, Santa Barbara to fund studies on how the U.S. military could openly integrate transgender members into its ranks. She’s held a wide variety of consulting and advisory roles with both public and private organizations including the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict and COMMIT Foundation. In 2016 they signed an agreement with the VA Central of Washington. King’s hometown had become an epicenter for the opioid crisis. After filing bankruptcy, the Army veteran and his wife had to quickly figure out how they would make it. He continued his climb within PVA, becoming the Associate Executive Director of Veterans Benefits in 2011, the Deputy Executive Director in 2014 and eventually, leading the organization as its Executive Director in 2016. Tyler Merritt founded Nine Line Apparel with his brother Daniel, also a former Army officer. “I left the grunt work, which I loved, but now I was able to influence policy,” Gillums said. “The thing that makes me most proud as I look back over my Air Force career are all the young men and women I helped influence and have had a positive impact on. STANLEY McCHRYSTAL — Co-Founder, The McChrystal Group. “Break through barriers, I promise you that you can.”. David C. Dyer, U.S. Army) 1st Sgt. I can sympathize and empathize with them. Also keep an eye out for more of his hilarious videos, which are usually put together by Ranger Up. At one point, Gillums thought of becoming a lawyer, but with his new role he was able to do the same type of work without going to law school. It was those experiences that challenged him to continue to read, study and develop himself both as an airman and a human being. As more veterans transition to VA care next year, the pressure is on the new secretary to improve the way the agency has performed overall since 9-11. Army vet Anthony Noto was named Twitter’s CFO this summer after shepherding the social media giant through its IPO, and he’ll need to channel the aggressiveness he used as a football player at West Point as the company attempts to, as the Wall Street Journal put it, “transform its mainstream presence into widespread adoption.”. He looks to bring that same accuracy to the story of another well-known veteran: George Washington. However, he stated that it is vitally important that citizens realize how influential their own voices can be. After partnering with a capital equity firm, the sky was the limit. As VACI‘s Deputy Director, Amber is in charge of building a portfolio of partnerships with creative, innovative, and disruptive organizations to ensure effective services are available to veterans. Eggert’s selection for this role comes as no surprise. MARTY SKOVLUND — Freelance writer and film producer. He has been open about sharing his struggles as a young airman and how pivotal having a mentor was for not only his career, but his life. This franchise approach will model Team Rubicon’s successes with American veterans and allow foreign military vets to continue to serve in their communities. This year Nate is poised to increase his impact with “MVP,” an organization formed with Fox Sports personality Jay Glazer that partners professional athletes with special operators to deal with the common challenges of career transition. The company follows a process that King learned while deployed to Iraq for two tours during his time in the Army: Foreign Internal Defense. Evan Hafer always cared about a good cup of coffee regardless of where his Army duties took him, even when serving with the Green Beret in a variety of hostile regions. “I said, ‘We have to help these guys. The website … Maj. of the Army Michael A. Grinston speaks at media briefing at the Pentagon, Washington, DC, Oct. 13, 2020. He ultimately won the election after unseating a longstanding incumbent during the primary. The veterans in the program had all been in combat and were struggling with drugs and alcohol, unable to get jobs. Yet these exceptional individuals all share one goal: to improve the lives of those who have sacrificed for their country. Some things don’t change. He hopes to continue to be that and encourage others to do the same. I also saw it as a way for me to continue to serve,” Wright said. “I am really blessed with military leadership in my family – that made such a huge difference in one’s ability to be resilient, innovative, creative and believe all things are possible.”. West left his lucrative job at Goldman-Sachs three times to serve during the Iraq War. The Veterans Cannabis Project has been active on Capitol Hill, working to educate lawmakers, and requesting they take action to help clarify the health benefits of cannabis. In addition to the Purple Heart, Eggert is also the recipient of the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star, Combat Action Badge, and Meritorious Service Medal with 4 Oak Leaf Clusters. “Fight for what’s right and seek the truth, even when it’s uncomfortable. Through these programs and performances, Pressler has helped to create connections and understanding between veterans and members of their local communities. Following 9/11 he took part in many USO tours, which led him to form The Lt. Dan Band, which entertains troops at home and abroad and raises awareness at benefit concerts across the country. Meek launched Sandboxx Travel in 2017, which enables service members to book hotels and flights, often with military discounts, through the Sandboxx app and site. It boils down to a choice,” Cooper explained. When they were both sent back to the states, the wedding planning commenced. Absolutely on purpose. Jennifer Pritzker (born James Pritzker) enlisted in the U.S. Army, serving in the 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions while on active duty, then at various units in the Army National Guard until retiring as a lieutenant colonel in 2001. It’s a focus that Cooper is deeply proud to be a part of. They are veterans, donning camo pants and sharp-looking JDog embroidered shirts. Despite the fact that she knew how hard she worked for it, Malachowski acknowledges that she had a privilege growing up in the family and supportive environment that she did. — Michael A. Grinston (@16thSma) June 5, 2020 Grinston said Monday he decided to release the video because he thought it was the right time, and … After five years and multiple tours to Iraq as an Army Engineer focused on counter-IED ops, Amber Schleuning returned to school to study post-conflict mental health. When America was attacked on 9/11, Szoldra was a senior in high school and watched it unfold in his history class. Major Dan Rooney is a U.S. Air Force Reserve F-16 fighter pilot with the Oklahoma National Guard. When she shared the idea of franchising with Jerry, he was understandably nervous given their past experience with bankruptcy. And for Faulkner, there’s no end in sight. Eggert recently announced that the company exceeded its goal of hiring 10,000 members of the military community between 2015 and 2017. As for what Szoldra hopes readers take away from his story, his words were simple: “Find your purpose,” he said. “You need to find that something in your heart that sets you on fire,” King shared. The Mighty 25 Committee utilized a set of specific criteria to select 25 members of the military-veteran community currently making a significant impact. And he’s just getting started; Jones is currently working on a political science degree at Columbia in addition to his gig at Task & Purpose. “What I want people to know is, our journey is really all about love. Sinise established the Gary Sinise Foundation in 2011, through which he continues to serve and honor America’s defenders, veterans, and first responders as well as their families and those in need. Jerry went down to the local VA hospital and met with the director, who discussed the Compensated Work Therapy program with him. LOREE SUTTON — New York City Mayor’s Office of Veterans Affairs Commissioner. “He said, ‘There will be times where it will feel like we are bending or even breaking but I would rather fight for the democracy and potential of America than look from afar and wonder what difference I could have made if I had stuck in the fight,’” Faulkner shared. In this role, she conducted an analysis of women’s initiatives and engineered a strategic plan to empower Iraqi women economically and politically. Although she was asked to stay on, she became too sick. When she met Daniel, the idea for Veterati sparked: build a technology platform to help America’s 1.5 million service members currently transitioning into the civilian workforce as well as 5.5 million underemployed military spouses navigate and break into civilian careers. Brent Cooper is the Executive Director of the Green Beret Foundation. His Foundation recently added the annual Snowball Express event to its roster of programs. He had no clue he’d begin a career that would span 33 years. Retired Air Force Chief Master Sergeant Kaleth Wright’s legacy of service is one of courage, devotion and a pretty creative nickname. The intent of the series is to show the exceptionalism of the American worker and encourage citizens to buy items that are created by American manufacturers. In April 2017, Biden was appointed to the JP Morgan Chase Military and Veterans’ Affairs External Advisory Council. He just worked like he does – military style, ” Tracy explained. Fighting since 2001, the 35-year-old Kennedy now has an 18-5-0 record in the UFC. The laws regulating marijuana are currently murky, since it is illegal under federal law, but legal under the law in some states. “They need a safe place, to be around safe people and they need a new purpose in life. (Spc. Tackling such dicey issues as whether or not the Iraq War was worth it, the social estrangement of returning veterans, and refugee and immigration rights of Muslims coming to America, Gallagher challenges intellectual and moral complacency. Look for Kennedy to continue his rise in the UFC next year. Gibbons-Neff is a guy to watch in that he shows a deft hand by leveraging his warfighting experience while remaining an objective journalist — a skill few possess who deign to cover the topics surrounding national security. Sgt. Many times, it’s simply because they believe it’s so important to get the information out,” he explained. The New Yorker said this about Army vet Phil Klay’s debut Redeployment: “The best literary work thus far written by a veteran of America’s recent wars . Johnson continues his support for military members and their families through his partnership with Under Armour’s Freedom initiative, which supports the military and first responder communities by enhancing their physical and mental wellness.

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