4) Impulsive His philosophy was to eliminate weaknesses in his players being that when all the weaknesses were gone what was left was the best that they could be. 4. shy Home > Leading Self > Personal Values, Strengths, and Culture. :-). -rude thanks for this blog its very helpful and useful for me to understand what is my weakness and strength , While there are a number of lists available online that you can use to pick and choose from in order to identify your core values, make sure you spend some time searching deep and thinking about yourself. 2- Strict Those are attributes that you will have a hard time when doing it, it’s difficult for you. Myrko Thum ist einer der meistgefragten Sales Funnel Experten in Deutschland und Europa und Vordenker für Digitale Unternehmer. Also thank you for this website it helped me a lot! Intuition counts for sure! It will help you to improve yourself to know them. 1. Also the posts related to this one. Can you name your biggest personal strengths instantly?“. inspiring- i do something today that i know it will influence a lot of people positively 7-people skills shy- i think i was born with this since i was a child And here are some examples of typical people’s weaknesses: There are probably more, so don’t hesitate to use them and write them into the comments. 4) Courageous optimistic Intelligent I would love to read your own list in the comments below! It can be frustrating that you just can’t please everyone and they always have something to say about your strength or weakness. I list down things/notes that are important to me or helpful for others. The reason there is strength and weakness, is for us to appreciate each other value, in that, where one person is lacking, the other person can compensate for that weakness. Many people strengthen their personal development skills throughout their lives to better themselves and reach their goals. . Worry Bugs interactive. Not that it counters my strength of working in a team, I still work well and I with my „personal skills“ communicate it properly and am able to get the task done at an agreeable level of all. Personal Values, Strengths, and Culture Understand your personal values, strengths, and culture. 6- Trust Worthy Thank you for this blog. This post helped me a lot. Rather than being freely chosen like values, strengths are more of a reflection of our brain development, skills and / or personality to date. Instead choose those that are describing your core. What is so obvious that you almost doesn’t notice it in you anymore, since it is like your very nature? Sofern Sie Ihre Datenschutzeinstellungen ändern möchten z.B. It means a lot to me! STUBBORN, An example would be if you are a lousy cook, improving your cooking skills slightly could give you benefits in everyday life. 1.good looking 4.Analytical My strength They’re very helpful. Ω Overconfident wise, math-minded, curious, motivated, learning, open-minded, trustworthy. 5-flexible I wrote about it here: – What is The Present Moment? It’s mostly fear, really. Strengths: First of all Thanks a lot for this post Myrko, it is indeed very helpful. My Strengths For example, if an ethical code of conduct is an essential aspect of someone’s professional life, that would naturally signify that morality is a strength he has. Trustworthiness got added as a potential strength to the list. . It helped me identify the most difficult aspect of my self assessment which is „How Much Do I Suck?“. Impatient I also tend to be reactive and impulsive. I remember a documentary about Michael Jordan where it said that Jordan was never good at shooting from the distance, but he improved it to a master level by constant practice. Sometimes that as served to get me into a lot of trouble but also been helpful! -communicative Like, they’re just so lovely and outstanding and wonderful. Keep your leadership skills up to date by joining our mailing list. Myrko Thum Media Services, Besitzer: Myrko Thum (Firmensitz: Deutschland), verarbeitet zum Betrieb dieser Website personenbezogene Daten nur im technisch unbedingt notwendigen Umfang. I have a presentation on Strengths and weaknesses in regards to personal development.. Values are what you really care about and which give you a sense of purpose, not only in your personal life, but also in a work situation. There’s no shame in being hesitant, Myrko. Our strength and weakness are two natural phenomenal that are innate to our making, and it is there for a reason. 3. :). 8-leadership GREEDY, Empathy WASTEFUL, Check o… Trustworthy When people don’t comply, I feel the need to set this rule to remind them. Ω Communicative Or I should say that as I have eliminated or smoothed out my weaknesses my strengths began to become more apparent. Hay, I find my personal strength to be patient, team oriented, trustworthy, self controlled, leadership, responsible. I would suggest that anybody who visits this blog should focus their attention on being able to answer the VERY FIRST QUESTION that will be asked in a behavioral interview. Good looking Internships are an excellent time to show employers that you have the personal traits they value in their employees. If you'd like to experience the most success in both your personal and your business work life you will live them based on the values that are most important to you. On a bad day, my perception of the world slips and I end up in the most foul, negative places where I am cynical, moody, selfish and lethargic and quick to point the finger to my circumstances. -helping It may seem like a lot but it’s really not.. and plus I need to do a project with this so please send any weaknesses you think I may have based of the things above… Thanks! However, it is useful to scan a core values list to prime yourself before the exercises. Your biggest successes will probably still come from using your strength then. creative Use the following list of common personal values to help you get started – and aim for about 10 top values. 4.helping 8) Optimistic I feel discouraged at times due to my impatience, but I’m getting there. I am trying to work on it, and have conquered most of it, like I would say 45% [not a lot, but still it is something] . 2. Determined My Strengths are : 9) Mistrustful These strengths often manifest as behaviors, characteristics, inherent talents, learned knowledge, and transferable skills. Impulsive 5 Ignorant. Critical of Myself.. Visionary 1. Write them into a comment and I might comment back on them later. In general it’s much better to focus on using your personal strengths and try to control your weaknesses. Your strengths are found in the things that seem easy to learn and easy to do. Lethargic – a most annoying trait that I have to battle a lot! What is it that YOU care about? -entertaining So I have to work on those weaknesses in order to not make them matter too much in my life. IMPULSIVE, short sighted- 3) Adventurous It’s a good sign of ambition which I guess I can say is one of my strengths, but impatience can be a hit to the ego. 6) Cynical 9. Starting to run can be really helpful for your overall health, although you will never run a marathon or start at the olympic games. 5) Flexible As you take inventory of your personal assets, do not ignore the dark side of your professional being. Pls tell me bt your opinion on me? 4. MY WEAKNESSES:- A clear understanding of self becomes a foundation for refining your authentic leadership style and building your strengths as an individual. Cognitive Distortions worksheet. Knowing Your Personal Values Changes Your Behavior. When I was in 12th grade, I asked my dad if I could skip school with the other kids on Senior Skip Day. Well… I would say these where no real weaknesses, they just weren’t his absolute strengths in the game. MY STRENGTH:- It can also be interesting think about a big strength you have that is relatively rare in most other humans. “Sure,” he ­­said. When you compare them ask yourself: „What can I do better?“. 2. 3- Emotional I took this as a form of gospel and I have found this to be more or less true. I am curious where you got your lists of strengths and weaknesses from. I don’t have many weaknesses… The only weaknesses I know of are: 5. First up, let’s take a look at values. Coming up with your list of strengths is not only important for answering job interview questions. optimistic my girlfriend says my biggest strength is Calmness. Everybody has weaknesses. Sometimes it’s the only way. 10-self controlled Values: Values are personal and specific. interesting blog i was shy to mention or look into my weaknesses but since i read this it has helped me see those weaknesses in me. Helping 2. 8) Lazy I don’t think this is OCD but I would expect things that are borrowed from me to be put back at where it was taken or in the condition when I last saw it. 8. I think keeping your weaknesses in check is one acceptable way to go. People have different views, but I like that if a task is provided, all should have the same base. Intuition – is not on the list but does it count? Although not everyone is aware of their values, they are always present in life and become visible in our attitude to the world around us and behavior in … Highlighted in The Discipline of Building Character (Harvard Business Review), consistently returning to this foundation supports an authentic and strong leadership identity. slow- this one is what i want to get rid off i hate myself when i am getting slow .easily distracted- i respect my time so much but i have to be distracted even they say sorry Self Knowledge. Maybe because during childhood i’m kind of introvert. Personal values are the things that are important to us, the characteristics and behaviours that motivate us and guide our decisions. Kyriaki Raouna. Ω Knowledge of what is easy for me Cynical I have nominated you for „The Very Inspiring Blog Award“! now what kind of a person am I? You believe in being honest wherever possible and you think it’s important to say what you really think. “Great people have great values and great ethics.” Jeffrey Gitomer. Shy. 1. I still remember going through my first values discovery process when I was 22. 2. This list is not exhaustive, but it will give you an idea of some common core values (also called personal values). Over-Analyzes 1-Fearful communicative- even when someone doesn’t want to speak to me or doesn’t seem to like me Having a set of personal values will make you a better man, and our experiences usually help us define them. – Clock Time vs. 3Determined, caring 2.inexpressive (while talking)- does it count? @Rishabh Jain: If you haven’t read it yet, I would suggest the book The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. 4. Moody 3.lethargic Everybody has 1 or 2 weaknesses that you have to keep in check. -optimistic A very easy question, but if I would be the interviewer in an job-interview, what would you answer? 3.loose tongued They are the foundation beneath your natural talents and strengths. open minded, My weaknesses -shy, Thanks. When you try to find your own strength, think about what comes naturally easy for you. I just want to say thank you and with kind regards, please continue to post more meaningful posts; I’ll be on the lookout. My confidence then slowly becomes that of arrogance even when I’m not trying to be. It may would have given other results if he would had to play chess against Garry Kasparov on the basketball court… ;-). 3. I am trying to work on it too, and trying not to over-do it and affect my work and capabilities. So basically I have begun to discovered who I am by challenging myself about my weaknesses. It is at times good when you are expected to perform your best, but in my belief it is not the best. 2. Strategic Thinking It doesn’t belittle which allows a person to listen when you are trying to correct a weakness. Anger Iceberg worksheet. That’s why you should try to let people who are better than you do this. Open minded – not something I was born with, but something life has forced upon me by making me gay, mixed race and foreign (although that last bit was my own choice). A particularly poignant time to sit back and assess your strengths and weaknesses is when you're submitting a college or job application, or preparing for an interview. -thoughtful “You can skip…all the way to school.” I was mad that I had to walk to school that day, but as I grew older, I realized he was making an important statement. If you … -strategic thinking Personal values were a central theme of the event. Thanks for the list, it is good for one to know their weakness and strength. Chaotic My two biggest weakness are that i think a lot about my future and get worrysume unnecessarily …i think i am not enjoying my present as i should and i think that is what would haunt me …say after some yrs down the line…it will be a good gesture at ur part if u can guide me through my weaknesses…. Maybe it’s your family, or perhaps there are causes that you care tremendously about. 5. It leads to frustration, one of my „favorite“ emotions. 4Clever However, I can recognise the things that worked in the past (job that I found fulfilling and discipline through kung fu) and am working to knit them back into my life. von Myrko Thum | Mrz 5, 2013 | Personal Development | 55 Kommentare. 4. Deine E-Mail-Adresse wird nicht veröffentlicht. 2.short sighted 1. Strong self-awareness, mindfulness, and social fluency serve as a foundation for effective leadership. 10) Passive, My strengths 1. They’ve helped me uncover the real me that was hiding underneath and slowly start to accept myself and life. Alle Details dazu in der Datenschutzerklärung. I just lovelovelove your blog and articles you post. Creative/Artistic – perhaps this should have been higher on the list; it’s a very fulfilling and enjoyable part of me. Had I focused on the other end, strengths, then I would of found myself tripping over my weaknesses and my strengths would not have as much strength in them, and therefore not as noticeable. open minded I am not sure if this is the right word to use in an interview, but that is the closest word to my weakness. Another example is I’m an organized person. my weaknesses are non other than controlling, complaining. 1. IMPATIENT SOMETIMES. If one of your personal strengths is EI, it means that you can stay calm under pressure, effectively resolve conflicts, be empathetic to co-workers, and lead by example. It balances your character, removes the otherwise hard edges, which makes life easier for you and makes you a more enjoyable person to be with. My own biggest personal strength are: Strategic Thinking Focussed Learning Creative Seeing the Essence (This is my „ Unique Strength „) Open-Minded Inspiring Visionary Willpower Confident The strengths we possess and the value we add should be obvious, but often, it’s not. Indeed we fluctuate a lot. 3. determined This is what you do best and where your real talents are. Sometimes you know what are you weaknesses and strengths but it is difficult to put them on paper or to answer when questioned about it. Talking for my personal strengths, I would also put Strategic thinking as my first. 3. Some valuable soft skills are communication, leadership, multitasking, problem-solving, attention to detail, and time management — to name a few. Hi Myrko, trustworthy I’m a guy 22 Y-O. Selfish Chaotic 3. impatient 4. Self-Controlled ( this is my biggest strength ) Good personal values are what make the foundation for a good employee. It’s also important not to confuse strengths with likes. Still I have a few: 1. A very good post. The first step in understanding your strengths is to look to the past. As we've grown, matured and experienced all that life has brought our way, our values … It said „He asked what are my weaknesses and how can I make those my strength?“ (Side note: Want flexibility at your new job? These values will shine in the work values you exhibit. 3-caring Hey Hanh, thanks so much for your great feedback! 1.cant mingle around groups But if I have to pick from the list, it is difficult to select. I can identify with your weaknesses but as I was getting older I learned not to take the situation so serious and just let my need to enjoy myself (around other people) come through. Also, similar to knowing your personal values, knowing your strengths and weaknesses raises your self-awareness and gives you clarity. Take Your Free Assessment. If you want to have a comfortable life you should focus on using those strength to the fullest, because that’s where you have an competitive advantage and where you can create the most value for other people.

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