Glass bottles are prohibited. Bicycles may not be stored in hallways, stairwells, or other common areas because they may block emergency egress. The Center for Student Wellbeing can provide information, assessments, resources, and referrals. The accompanying Service Animal is trained to do a specific task for the Handler. Issue a personal warning to the suspected student, or. Any guests that are not Vanderbilt students are required to show an official form of identification and their name will be recorded alongside the Vanderbilt student with whom they are a guest. Contact information for the Consumer Affairs Division may be found on their, Student Center for Social Justice and Identity. If a non-Vanderbilt business intends to sell food, the sale must also be approved by Campus Dining. Policies. Also, an undergraduate student must maintain a cumulative 2.0 average. The arrangements and responsibilities for the care of an Emotional Support Animal are the sole responsibility of the Handler at all times, including regular bathing and grooming, as needed. Sponsorship is the passive listing of the name or logo of a sponsor tastefully displayed on a T-shirt, banner, or event website, or listed among sponsors in a program. Vanderbilt University supports the use of social media by employees to connect with students, fellow faculty and staff, alumni, fans, colleagues and more. to advertise and promote the organization and its purposes on campus, and to advertise in Dean of Students-supported publications and other media. The application can be found in the Forms section of the VPB AnchorLink page. Emergency exits may be used by residents or guests only for emergency exit or exit during drills. see the Blair Academy at Vanderbilt Course Offerings brochure, available in the office and on the If the University Registrar does not maintain the records, the student will be directed to the University official to whom the request should be addressed. to provide a means whereby undergraduates may effectively express their views and interests to other components of the University and to the outside community in matters which affect their social, cultural, physical, and academic welfare; to stimulate effective student organizations and to coordinate their activities for the benefit of the Vanderbilt community; and, to provide for the development and coordination of activities and services beneficial to Vanderbilt students and the University community; to serve as a liaison between students and the University; and. To be eligible to hold office in a student organization or to be a division head or business manager of a Vanderbilt Student Communications division, a student must be enrolled full time (as above), and may not be on academic or disciplinary probation. Tampering with door alarms, fire extinguishers, sprinkler heads, water flow or other control valves and other fire-safety equipment. Authorization must be obtained through the Special Event Registration Process (see below), to hold a social event or other gathering to which persons other than Vanderbilt students, faculty, staff, and affiliates are invited. All group members are responsible for the data and the content of labs, reports, assignments, and projects. The use of devices, such as funnels, vaporizers, and beer bongs, designed for the rapid consumption of alcohol is prohibited. the use or production of unauthorized aids, which may include crib sheets, answer keys, or computer programs; unauthorized posting, sharing, taking, or distribution of past or present examinations or other course materials; unauthorized advance access to examinations or other assignments; compromising a testing environment or violating specified testing conditions; unauthorized use of books, notes, websites, phones, watches, calculators, or other outside materials or devices during an examination; soliciting, giving, and/or receiving unauthorized aid orally or in writing; or. Vanderbilt Hall, located at the corner of Avenue Louis Pasteur and Longwood Avenue, is the residence hall for Harvard Medical School (HMS) and the Harvard School of Dental Medicine (HSDM). The Blair Student Handbook A guide for Bachelor of Music students and advisers 2017–2018 The Undergraduate Catalog is the legal binding document that pertains to your degree. the costs of care necessary for a Service Animal’s well-being. to use University facilities for conducting regular business (as in the case of campus publications). paying for any damage to University property or pest treatment caused by the animal. be funded by its members or the University. All programs leading to the Bachelor of Music degree are accredited by the National Association of … University-wide events, such as Commencement, Homecoming/Reunion, CommonVU, and Family Weekend have priority over other events. A majority of the students assigned to the residence hall space must be of legal age to drink alcoholic beverages in order for alcohol to be present at an event in a residential space. The application form is available in the Forms section on the VSG AnchorLink page. The beverages at B.Y.O.B. Events that include showing a film on campus. If a topic for a paper has been discussed fully among students prior to an assignment, then the students should consult the instructor about writing on that particular topic. Security must be provided at all events at which alcohol will be consumed. The accused may choose not to make any statement at the time of the first meeting, and may instead defer making a statement to an agreed upon time prior to the hearing. On an annual basis, hosts of events at which alcohol will be available must complete. Blair Student Handbook Blair Student Handbook 2020-21. Cannabis Use Disorder Identification Test (CUDIT). Removing window or door screens is prohibited. Alcohol may not be served to an individual that one knows or reasonably should know is intoxicated. The accused may also provide relevant documentation or information to support his/her/their account of events. Amphetamines, and their new derivatives “crystal,” “ice,” and Ecstasy (among other “street” names), are used for stimulation. Items suspended from the ceilings, sprinkler heads, overhead piping, or on or near water pipes. This collection serves as an archive of student handbooks produced in electronic form. Nonalcoholic beverages and food must be provided during the entire period that alcoholic beverages are available. Restricted areas may include, but are not limited to, food preparation areas, research laboratories, boiler rooms, and other areas prohibited by law. The work or tasks performed by a service animal must be directly related to the individual's disability. The sale of alcoholic beverages on campus, including the sale of tickets that can be traded for alcoholic beverages or the sale of tickets for entry into an event where alcohol is distributed at no additional cost, is prohibited with the exception of occasions for which the Special Event Registration Committee has approved the engagement of a licensed vendor. Students should make sure that they are aware of any guidelines or restrictions on specific class assignments or examinations. All alcohol must be checked with a third-party licensed bartender responsible for the distribution of the beverages throughout the event . paying for any damage to University property caused by the animal. The international student and his/her/their same-sex domestic partner will complete an affidavit affirming that they meet the following criteria: that they are not related by blood in a manner that would prohibit them from being married under Tennessee state law. Keep all prescription medications secured at all times and properly dispose of any unused medications. Students should keep copies of original data used for group projects and assignments. Access to windows and doors must be kept clear for emergency egress. Site Development: Digital Strategies (Division of Communications), The Handler has a disability as defined by the ADA; and. The accused will ultimately be asked to enter a plea of guilty or not guilty prior to the hearing. Emergency notification through the AlertVU system, Emergency phones (located across the campus), Victim Services support for crime victims, Contact VUPD via phone call or real-time chat, Submit an iReport with a photo or video directly to VUPD Communications Officers, Trigger a mobile BlueLight that shares their location instantly with VUPD, Use Virtual Walkhome to have VUPD monitor their walk across campus, Eligibility for discounted movie tickets and certain free/discounted event tickets through, Eligibility for validation of ID for admission to athletic events though the. In some circumstances, these guidelines and protocols may supersede provisions in the Student Handbook. Students should ask their instructors or consult a citation manual to learn how to cite online sources. Failure to indicate any outside source of ideas, expressions, phrases, or sentences constitutes plagiarism. If you have questions, please contact your supervisor or HR Consultant.Also see the Employment Laws website.. Use the search box below to find the policy you need. In any case in which the Chancellor does not follow the decision or the recommendation of the committee, the Chancellor will report to the committee his/her/their reasons for so doing. ), Events at which alcohol will be present (see additional event management policies in. Events at Vanderbilt, 615-322-2448, can provide additional information. Gatherings must be by invite only. If there was an adverse impact on the individual’s work or education environment, EOA considers whether there is a legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason for the action. The motion picture titles shown on the Vanderbilt campus are cleared by the distributors for public performance exhibition. administers co-sponsorship funding for program initiatives that align with the missions of the VPB component organizations. Change Blair Major. Vanderbilt University Law School Class Agent Handbook Fiscal Year 2020 . Alcohol must be present on a "bring-your-own" or B.Y.O.B. Campus student agents for businesses must register with the Dean of Students, or the Dean’s designee, and may solicit business through advertising in student publications under the purview of. Undergraduate students may obtain further information from the dean of each school, from the Undergraduate Honor Council at Vanderbilt University, PMB 351598, 2301 Vanderbilt Place, Nashville, TN 37235-1598, telephone 615-322-7868, from the Honor Council website, from the Honor Council adviser or from the Office of Student Accountability, Community Standards, and Academic Integrity. This handbook supplements these general resources to include specific information applicable for the graduate (i.e. Earlier print issues are collected in the Vanderbilt Library Special Collections. The student and partner then visit Vanderbilt Card Services together in order to obtain a Commodore Card for the registered partner. With the authorization of the Dean of Students or the Dean’s designee, they may arrange for licensed vendors to sell alcohol. It simply acknowledges the support for the team, the event, etc. In general, the policies and regulations in the Student Handbook apply to students registered for Vanderbilt study-abroad programs, and some additional regulations may apply. Complete a mail-forwarding card with a valid U.S. address of where mail should be forwarded. All programs leading to the Bachelor of Music and Bachelor Musical Arts degrees are accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music. Vanderbilt University reserves the absolute right to refuse any request for the use of University space or facilities that—in the University’s sole discretion—is either inconsistent with the mission of the University, or which may present potential or actual adverse logistic or administrative conditions including, but not limited to, any safety or security concerns. However, these activities may not be promoted off campus except when the activity also serves the similar interests of other academic institutions and, therefore, is promoted on other campuses as in the case of films, concerts, and lectures. to use University meeting rooms and facilities at no charge or at a reduced rate. Arson or igniting fires of any kind--anywhere on campus--except for the purpose of cooking on a grill in accordance with University policies and regulations and applicable statutes. The University makes the handbook available to students via the World Wide Web ( Fundraising events - or "bar nights" in "limited service restaurants" (bars) - as defined by Tennessee statute TCE 57-4-102 - or at any location where money is collected at the door, or through any other arrangement, with an establishment involving financial transactions that circumvent the University's accounting system, are prohibited. Procedures for all types of meetings described above include registering in advance with Events at Vanderbilt, so as to ensure the adequacy of arrangements, minimize schedule conflicts, reserve space, and demonstrate ability to pay for costs incurred. I hope you will find this Student Handbook a valuable resource in addressing your questions and concerns as a VUSN student. All events where alcohol is present should have signage reminding attendees that identification will be checked and only attendees over 21 years of age are permitted to consume alcohol. The Honor Council of any graduate or professional school. This handbook is updated annually but it is not intended to be a comprehensive guide to the MSN degree program. The practice of "self-serve" is prohibited. All events at which alcoholic beverages will be consumed must be appropriately registered according to the regulations set forth in this chapter. No other alcohol is permitted at the event. The University may not receive any portion of proceeds from sales or collect fees, unless the sales have been approved in advance by the Dean of Students or the Dean’s designee. The University may restrict the times and places of organization meetings on University premises. There must be designated primary host and at least on secondary host for every event. During the first meeting, the accused will also be informed of the procedures that will be followed. Events that include minors must be registered and approved in AnchorLink at least two (2) weeks prior to the date of the event to ensure that compliance obligations, if any, associated with the Protection of Minors, Student organizations hosting events with minors that require a. This page is your link to policies and procedures. Note that public performance rights must be obtained prior to showing a film on campus. Papers are to express the original thoughts of the student. These exceptions include: Disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. Vanderbilt University is committed to the protection and confidentiality of student education records, To have the grievance reviewed by an impartial committee using the preponderance of the evidence standard. during which attendees must keep their alcohol with them at all times. events (during which undergraduate students are present or invited) is limited to "beer," only, as defined by the Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 57, Chapter 5 (i.e., beer, ale, or other malt beverages, including hard seltzers, having an alcohol content of not more than eight percent [8%] by weight), students and guests are prohibited from bringing liquor, wine, or any other alcoholic beverages to such events. Students should ask their instructors if a tutor or other individual may help you with any assignment. Contact information may be found by searching for the appropriate division at, Complaints related to state consumer protection laws (i.e., laws related to fraud or false advertising) may be referred to the Tennessee Division of Consumer Affairs and may be reviewed and handled by that Unity. In determining whether discrimination occurred, EOA examines whether there was an adverse impact on the individual’s work or education environment and whether individuals outside of the protected class received more favorable treatment. The number of attendees admitted to an event must not exceed the capacity of the designated space. On an annual basis, hosts of events with alcohol or any student that will serve alcohol at an event much complete. It is essential that you familiarize yourself with our policies and procedures and use this for general information about the School and the Vanderbilt University community. Liquor may only be present and served at an event hosted by graduate or professional student organizations when a third-party licensed bartender is engaged to distribute all alcohol. When an alleged violation of the Honor Code is reported, a member of the Office of Student Accountability, Community Standards, and Academic integrity will be assigned to investigate the incident. Emotional Support Animals should be current with immunizations and wear a rabies vaccination tag if appropriate. The investigator will provide the investigative report to the president of the Honor Council, who will determine whether sufficient evidence exists to warrant a hearing by the Council. Will include a list of witnesses and a summary of the facts and information submitted to the committee and upon which the committee plans to rely, Will usually be completed within ninety (90) days after the preliminary assessment during the academic year, and. Events that require contracts for talent (speakers, musical performances, etc.). to publish events on AnchorLink and in the University Events Calendar, to use campus bulletin boards and kiosks to promote the organization's activities, and. Obstruction or disruption of teaching, administration, and University procedures and activities, or other authorized activities on University premises, including programs, events, meetings, or speakers hosted by student organizations, departments, offices, or other entities; Physical abuse of any person, including assault and other unwanted physical contact; Sexual misconduct and intimate partner violence including stalking, domestic violence, and dating violence (See. Unpredictable behavior and/or destructive behavior, Terse replies to questions or conversation, Change in sleep pattern ranging from excessive sleep to inability to sleep, Frequent excuses for absences from planned activities, Express your concern and caring using "I" statements, Make concrete suggestions as to where the student can find help or how the student might cope with a given problem, Try to get the student to seek professional help, Understand that the definition of friendship includes making difficult decisions that may anger your friends, Be offended if the student tries to avoid you, Take “I don’t have a problem” as an answer, Try to handle the student alone-ask for assistance, Gossip: speak of it only to those who can help, Excuse behavior because “everybody does it”, Vanderbilt University Counseling Center: 615-322-2571 (CONFIDENTIAL), Vanderbilt Office of the University Chaplain and Religious Life: 615-322-2457 (CONFIDENTIAL), Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion: 615-343-2644, Office of Inclusive Excellence: 615-343-3697, Office of the Dean of Students: 615-322-6400, Office of Housing and Residential Experience: 615-322-2591, Office of Student Care Coordination: 615-343-9355, Center for Student Wellbeing: 615-322-0480, Margaret Cuninggim Women’s Center: 615-322-4843, Bishop Joseph Johnson Black Cultural Center: 615-322-2524, Student Center for Social Justice and Identity: 615-322-5089, Vanderbilt University Police Department: 615-322-2745, Metro Nashville Police Department: 615-862-8600, Vanderbilt University Medical Center Emergency Services: 615-322-0160. Use or storage of grills is prohibited on any balcony or patio, or in any residential facility. The following examples illustrate the kinds of problems that can arise. The Office of the  Dean of Students does not endorse advertisements for off-campus businesses, such advertisements being those that are designed to bring more business to the off-campus concern.) Disclosure to parents if the student is a dependent for tax purposes. Charges will not be removed after this deadline. Individual student hosts or officers of an organization hosting an event are responsible for ensuring compliance with University policies and state and local law. In addition, co-sponsorships of any sort with—or from—a business or establishment with alcohol sales accounting for more than 50 percent of total business transactions (“bar” as defined by Tennessee statute TCA 57-4-102) are prohibited. Consent to Release Academic Information Businesses may not use a University post office box as a business address, nor may anyone use University space, voice network, or data network for business purposes not authorized by the University. Other species of animals, other than miniature horses, are not considered service animals for the purposes of this definition. provides limited support for new organizations that were not eligible to participate in the annual activity fee allocation process, and for established organizations with new initiatives or unexpected circumstances. Failure to evacuate a building when a fire alarm sounds is prohibited. Concession arrangements for athletic events and all events at Memorial Gymnasium are made with the athletics department. Student organization leaders may apply for co-sponsorship funds by completing the application in the Forms section of the Dean of Students AnchorLink page. Upon satisfactory completion of the training program, a certificate of completion is awarded to the student. No more than three strands of such lights may be strung together, and must be plugged directly into an outlet or into a surge protector that is plugged directly into an outlet. financial support from the University (Student Services Fee allocation, and other sources when available). basis. The provision of emotional support, well-being, comfort, or companionship does not constitute work or tasks for the purposes of this definition. It is the student’s responsibility to become aware of its contents. The Blair Student Handbook . Organizations undertaking such distribution must comply with University policies regarding the ordering of merchandise and licensing. ", as shorthand for "Bring Your Own Beverage," may be used on postings, etc., for events that have been registered as B.Y.O.B. Insufficient information to support the finding of the original authority. All members and guests must go through the designated entrance to be signed into the party. It is essential that you familiarize yourself with our policies and procedures and use this for general information about the … Is kept from ordinary observation and locked within the trunk, glove box, or interior of the person’s motor vehicle or a container securely affixed to the vehicle if the permit holder is not in the vehicle. The Office of the University Registrar is distinctly different from the Peabody Office of Academic Services and typically handles records and registration questions and policies applicable at the university-wide level. Vanderbilt®, Vanderbilt University®, V Oak Leaf Design®, Star V Design® and Anchor Down® are trademarks of The Vanderbilt University, Sexual Misconduct and Intimate Partner Violence, Site Development: Digital Strategies (Division of Communications). Businesses may distribute materials to campus mailboxes via postage-paid, U.S. mail, only. Films, videos, or DVDs may not be shown to dorm audiences, clubs, fraternities, sororities, or other organizations, without first obtaining a public performance license. Following a full panel hearing, a member of the Honor Council Executive Board will then prepare a summary of the proceedings. In addition, co-sponsorships of any sort with - or from - a business or establishment with alcohol sales accounting for more than 50 percent of total business transactions ("bar" as defined by Tennessee statute TCA 57-4-102) are prohibited. Financial reports of expenses, income, donations, sales, and disbursements must be made available to Office of Student Organizations, and the appropriate student governing body. Findings reached on the basis of the information presented, proof to accountability staff for a finding of responsibility using a “preponderance of the evidence,” or more likely than not, standard. Pharmacological Sciences, and provides students with an estimate of the timing of these events. Accessibility information. The right of refusal for the use of University space or facilities includes the cancellation of a confirmed event due to any potential or actual safety or security concern for the University community. Undergraduate students may obtain further information from the dean of each school, from the Undergraduate Honor Council at Vanderbilt University, PMB 351598, 2301 Vanderbilt Place, Nashville, TN 37235-1598, telephone 615-322-7868, from the Honor Council website, from the Honor Council adviser or from the Office of Student … If sales are to occur, the business must complete a “Premises License Agreement” in advance, outlining the responsibilities of the business, including the remittance of taxes associated with the contemplated sales. MEET THE VSA ADMINISTRATIVE TEAM MARK SHIVERS, PHD VSA DIRECTOR As a full-time member of the Programs for Talented Youth team and Director of Vanderbilt Summer Academy, Mark manages and oversees the academic, student support, operations, activities and participation in an individualized treatment plan at the University Counseling Center to address substance use and/or co-occurring mental health disorders when indicated by the results of the evaluation. Solicitation for insurance and the like may take place in residence halls only with the invitation of a resident student. The request must be completed by no later than the tenth day of classes of any new semester. The Honor Council may send a notice to the Office of the University Registrar to enter an Incomplete and add a notation to the accused’s academic record stating "Honor Council Investigation Pending," if the accused is not compliant or if the investigation or hearing will continue beyond the end of the semester (i.e., becomes a “holdover case”). Students should ask their instructors before collaborating on any assignment with a classmate. Cyclists on roadways must ride with traffic as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or roadway edge, except under one or more of the following circumstances: Cyclists on roadways may not ride more than two abreast, and cyclists on Vanderbilt sidewalks must ride in single file. Accessibility information. Possession, use, distribution, or facilitation of distribution of other drugs or drug paraphernalia is prohibited. ", Office of Housing and Residential Experience, "Events with Alcohol Hosted in Residential Spaces", Coaches and Consultants for Registered Student Organizations, Funding (See also “Sale, Solicitation, and Fundraising.”), Event Policies for Graduate and Professional Students and Organizations, Event Policies for Undergraduate Students and Organizations, Events with Alcohol Hosted in Residential Spaces, On Campus Events that Include the Sale of Alcohol, Warning Signs of Possible Substance Misuse. Events that are considered high risk based upon the size of the event, the type of activity involved, the even date/time of day, etc. Papers may be sold in vending machines on Rand Terrace and in specified, pre-approved residences. University policies and regulations in general–and alcohol … The only places on campus where students (who must be of legal drinking age) may routinely possess and consume alcoholic beverages are as follows: the rooms and apartments of students in upper division residences (with the exception of substance-free floors and buildings and Recovery Housing rooms), designated Greek facilities (with the exception of liquor and wine), and. During the period of suspension, a student is prohibited from being present on the Vanderbilt campus, or at any Vanderbilt sponsored or co-sponsored program, without express authorization from the Office of Student Accountability. during the event registration process. New information that was not reasonably available for presentation to the original authority, the introduction of which could reasonably be expected to affect the finding of the original authority. Student property may not be stored in these areas. A clear error of judgment in the conclusion reached by a decision-maker at an earlier stage of review resulting in insufficient information to support the decision. If permitted by the instructor, students should check over group members’ work before it is submitted; this includes labs, data, and other reports. Cut trees, wreaths, and greenery (generally employed as seasonal decorations), are prohibited. VSG allocates for both general co-sponsorship grants and a “co-sponsorship of the month.”. drugs are not recommended for ongoing management of anxiety. No approval is required for the operation of dining rooms by fraternities and sororities in their respective chapter houses. These compounds are very addictive and may produce psychotic and violent behaviors. Serving as a front for off-campus organizations or groups is strictly prohibited. A service animal is a dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability. This handbook provides guidance on how to do so effectively, safely and within university guidelines. The undergraduate Vanderbilt Student Government will nominate students for the one undergraduate position, and. The accused may also have one character witness answer specific questions concerning his/her/their background.

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