Explore the constituencies in this county, or view the representation of parties. Roath. I … Rhodri Morgan a former First Minister, was previously MP for Cardiff West, as had George Thomas, 1st Viscount Tonypandy, who served as Speaker of the House of Commons between 1976 and 1983. Cardiff West (UK Parliament constituency) Wiki Coordinates: 51°29′10″N 3°12′50″W / 51.486°N 3.214°W / 51.486; -3.214 Cardiff West (Welsh: Gorllewin Caerdydd) is a constituency represented within the A small window now remains to fix that before many successful British businesses are ruined by this negligence. Twitter. For further details call 029 2022 3207 Evans won by 194 votes. Kevin Brennan is the Welsh Labour Member of Parliament for Cardiff West. Email: [email protected]. Kevin Brennan is the Welsh Labour Member of Parliament for Cardiff West. Subject: Letter to Kevin Brennan, Labour M.P., Cardiff West Date: Mon, 8 Jan 2007 12:20:25 EST Kevin Brennan, M.P., Cardiff West, Lords Commissioner for the Treasury, Dear Mr Brennan, The hate mailer "Loren Dilmann" is almost certainly the known harasser and abuser Akhlesh Lakhtakia (his previous gutter abuse is recorded on the home page of… Jo Stevens is a 54-year-old MP for Cardiff Central and a shadow secretary of state for digital, culture, media and sport. As we have heard, covid has also shone a light on the inequities of the new economics of music streaming and how it is failing to deliver for music songwriters and composers. Cardiff West Constituency Surgeries **** PLEASE NOTE SURGERIES ARE NOW SUSPENDED DUE TO GOVERNMENT ADVICE**** Every Saturday. Kevin worked as Mr Morgan’s constituency-based researcher from 1995, acting as his agent and Campaign Manager in the 1999 and 2000 Welsh Labour leadership contests. Labour hopes depend on stressing the independence and hard work of the local MP – Julie (wife of Rhodri) Morgan – and persuading those Lib Dems not to switch to the Tories. Call Wales is six nations matches must remain free to wear in Wales in any new forecasting deal.I don’t just want to talk about rugby union – but to say a few words about the state of the union of the United Kingdom and Wales is in it.Any union – whether a sporting union, or a trade union or a political union of Nations, can only flourish with the consent of its members – that consent can only be obtained for a culture of respect.I am genuinely worried that the UK government, yes Prime Minister and the current Secretary of State for Wales don’t understand that.We read that the union unit set up at the very heart of Whitehall to save the union has been so disunited itself and beset by Bootle round that it has had to be suspended.If the government can’t even keep a unit in charge of unity United what hope is there that I can keep the United Kingdom United?We read that the union unit set up at the very heart of Whitehall to save the union has been so disunited itself and beset by brutal rounds that it has had to be suspended.If the government can’t even keep a unit in charge of unity United what hope is there that it can keep the United Kingdom United?That all may not be lost – because the union unit is replaced we are told by the cabinet committee consisting of – and a “press reports “prime minister Boris Johnson, Welsh secretary Simon Hart, Scottish secretary Alistair Jack, Northern Ireland secretary Brandon Lewis and other Cabinet members“ They are to discuss how best to save the United Kingdom – forgive me if I’m sceptical that this news will have people running down to the bookies to put money on the improve chances of The survival of the union The problem is there is no evidence here any understanding of the principle of consent and respect – in fact we have clear evidence to the contrary from the secretary of state for Wales himself, in an act of aggressively undermining the democratically elected Welsh sellers and government by centralising spending powers from Wales said this week - “I do wish Welsh government would stop fretting about their own little status in Cardiff“Those words deputy speaker “their own little status in Cardiff’ contain not an ounce of respect in there for Welsh photos and the two referendums which established elected devolved tissues in Wales.I say to the Secretary of State – he is treading a dangerous path – he has revealed he has no respect for Wales is democratic institutions – choosing instead to look down his nose from Gwydr House sneering words “their own little status“ with reference to the elected government of Wales – I presume he’ll soon be getting fitted for his governor general costume and print hat at this rate.Now I sometimes hear colleagues say that these constitutional issues don’t matter.I have never heard anyone on the Ely omnibus talk about devolved powers – that may be right – but they do matter the things people really care and talk about.It does matter to Welsh people that they have the right to elect a government that genuinely reflects their values and aspirations and is empowered to make real changes that affect their lives. Devolution has allowed those values of the Welsh people to be expressed in progressive policies that are in alternative to Neo liberalism and running the country in favour of the wealthiest through crony capitalism.It doesn’t matter to people in Wales that their NHS has been true to its Welsh roots – free from market driven motives and privatisation which the UK Tory government is now trying to emulate with the abject failed experiment in competition under the Lansley reforms.It does matter that Wales can decide to have an integrated public transport system denied from the centre to all the London until recently – with rail brought back into public control bringing Wales in line with modern European countries.It does matter to people that their education system remains comprehensive, free from divisive selection, local governance free of outsourcing and fragmentation.And in this Covid crisis – it has mattered to people at the Welsh Labour government has not duct or delayed difficult decisions – as always put health and welfare first – And in this Covid crisis – it has mattered to people that the Welsh Labour government has not dumped or delayed difficult decisions – as it always put health and welfare first – Struck better deals on PPE for the NHS and social care because of its public service values rather than turning too expensive and devious outsourcing that has repeatedly failed.It has mattered to people that has had a successful publicly one contact tracing service rather than a massively wasteful outsourced Chumocracy.And it matters that in Mark Drakeford we have a first Minister writing praised for integrity, difficult decision-making, grasp of detail and open communication in contrast to a prime minister held hostage by headlines and headbangers.Now is not the time for Empire realism from the Welsh secretary or the Prime Minister – now is the time to recognise that this voluntary four nations can only function through equality and respect for devolution and a commitment to enhance and develop our democratic institutions in Wales and also in the nations and regions across the United Kingdom. Ely & Caerau Community Hub, Treseder Way, Cardiff CF5 5NW‎ From 10:00am – 12:30pm. He is also on the Select Committee for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport. I wish to make four quick points. Abortion, assisted suicide, embryo research voting record information for Boyd Clack MP who is standing for Cardiff West Right To Life UK Help stop abortion up to birth for babies with disabilities including Down's syndrome & club foot 730 + visits across the constituency. Stephen Doughty MP Labour and Co-Operative MP for Cardiff South and Penarth Contact me Standing up for Cardiff South and Penarth. The Cardiff West constituency has a total population of 91,446, of which 70,630 are eligible (18+) to vote (77.2%). 395 Cowbridge Road East Canton, Cardiff, CF5 1JG. When is the second only to London in percentage growth in music tourism recently – not least in Cardiff – and this Saturday in normal times its streets would be thronged with people for the six nations rugby encounter between Wales and England – sadly there will be no crowds this Saturday – but millions will watch on free to air public service television and I say to the W are you – do not lock this important part of our sporting culture in a cupboard behind a pay wall. Powered by, Podcast discussing Rhodri Morgan's contribution to Wales, Speech on Covid-19 and the cultural and entertainment sectors, Why a debate on 'every child matters' is needed, St. David's Day debate speech on Welsh Affairs, Government need to support the 3.8m people excluded from support schemes, Government should include insurance for live events in Budget, DCMS Cmte inquiry into music streaming with Spotify, Amazon & Apple, UK government need to implement a Wellbeing of Future Generations Bill, Sydney Morning Herald: British MP urges Australians to stand firm against Facebook, Government should provide the underwriting to help summer festivals plan to reopen, DCMS Cmte inquiry into EU visa arrangements for creative workers, DCMS Cmte inquiry into music streaming with the MU & the Ivors Academy, DCMS Cmte inquiry into music streaming with the BPI & MPA, Governent's act of self harm in stopping artists' EU visa free touring. ‘Don’t let them bully you’: British MPs urge Australians to stand firm against Facebook blackout, The chair of the British Parliament’s committee for the media and technology says Facebook’s “irresponsible” decision to cut off news and official government feeds for Australian users constitutes “bullying” and will unite legislators from around the world into wanting to curb Big Tech’s abuse of its monopoly.The Australian government has expressed shock and outrage at Facebook’s decision to stop Australian users from posting and sharing news content, as well as wiping the posts of some government authorities, MPs and charities.Facebook has taken a hard line with Australia over its media bargaining code.The Silicon Valley giant took the action to protest the proposed media bargaining code, which would force the company to pay Australian media organisations tens of millions of dollars in recognition of the news content shared on the site.Kevin Brennan, a Labour MP who sits on the committee, said Facebook had exposed its own double standard.“Mark Zuckerberg’s true colours have been exposed,” Brennan said.“On one hand Facebook claims it can’t stop an Australian terrorist live-streaming a massacre but in a single change to its algorithm can cut off every Australian news organisation and a host of essential government services.“This aggressive approach by Facebook towards Australia should serve as a warning to other countries that the market power they have acquired through the harvesting of people’s data can undermine the democratic right of nations to frame their own laws and raise their own taxes.“The Battle of Zuckerberg is a battle to defend democracy against big tech bullying.”. **** PLEASE NOTE SURGERIES ARE NOW SUSPENDED DUE TO GOVERNMENT ADVICE****. 2000 + contributions in Parliament. View on Google Maps. Cardiff is a county in Wales. Promoted by Ian Bounds, on behalf of Jo Stevens, both at 116 Albany Road, Roath, Cardiff, CF24 3GA. Cardiff West Conservative Association are pleased to confirm Matt… New lockdown measures give rise to concerns for people's mental health The Leader of the … Morgan stood again for Welsh Labour in 2010, whilst the Conservatives chose Jonathan Evans MEP, who had previously been the MP for Brecon and Radnor. Many constituents have contacted me to express their dismay with a recent planning committee meeting… Children’s Mental Health Week Resources 01 Feb 2021. Morgan worked as an industrial development officer for south Glamorgan county council for six years from 1974, and he was then the European … Early Day Motions signed by this MP; Previous MPs in this constituency Thirdly, covid has been hard enough for the music industry in itself but, combined with the negligent no-deal Brexit for musicians and touring artists, it is a double dose of disaster. Kevin Brennan MP (Cardiff West) Contact Details. Enter your postcode to get information about elections, your … Well, if this is not the right time for an insurance intervention, there never will be an insurance intervention from the Treasury. Cardiff Central Labour MP Jo Stevens is out of hospital after being treated for Covid-19. Fairwater Hub, Doyle Avenue, Cardiff CF5 3HU From 5:00pm – 6:00pm. It would be the best boost not only for the industry but for morale and the economy. Some change is happening already—at 2 pm today, SoundCloud announced that it is going over to fan-powered royalties and a user-centric system, which is a step forward by the industry—but as well as the industry the Government should be prepared, if necessary, to reform the law in favour of creators and away from wealthy corporate market powers. For advice on Coronavirus (Covid-19), please visit gov.wales/coronavirus. The Welsh Parliament is the democratically elected body that represents the interests of Wales and its people. *Read in full on the Sydney Morning Herald's website here. Cardiff North MP raises concerns over Cardiff Biomass Plant vote 19 Feb 2021. That should be a priority for the Government. Covid-19: Cultural and Entertainment Sectors2nd March 2021. Further details. Cardiff West was founded in Cardiff in 1950. 395 Cowbridge Road East 5700 + constituents helped with problems. First, others have mentioned the plight of freelance musicians and artists, who have been excluded from support because they do not fit the Chancellor’s criteria for support. After working Rhodri Morgan, he was elected as Labour MP for Cardiff West in 2001. My record since 2012. He has held a number of ministerial jobs in the last Labour Government and has most recently served as … This is typical Treasury orthodox thinking. "I was born in Cwmbran and have lived in Cardiff for over 30 years. It has returned a Conservative only once, in the Tories' landslide year of 1983, when Stefan Terlezki became the MP. I, too, welcome back to the House my dear friend and constituency neighbour, the shadow Secretary of State, my hon. Tomorrow, the Chancellor has another chance to put that right. They have been enjoying a gold rush from streaming; after the gold rush, let’s have a “new home in the sun” for our brilliant musicians and songwriters. Cardiff West is a UK parliament constituency that is represented in the House of Commons by Kevin Brennan of the Labour party. In the 2017 General Election, the people of Cardiff West voted for Kevin Brennan of the Labour Party. Entered the House of Commons on 9 June 1983 — General election. Thank you deputy speakerI beg to move that this house has considered the matter of Welsh affairs – and in doing so I thank the right honourable member for the Preseli Pembrokeshire and the honourable for Arfon For supporting the application to the backbench committee and to that committee for granting this time – although it is, and always has been my view, that time should be set aside as a permanent fixture of the UK Parliamentary calendar to debate the affairs of each of the constituent countries of the United Kingdom Every year – Phone or around Saint Davids day in the case of Wales.I want to open on a sad note by paying tribute to the former member for Aberafon Howell Francis died earlier this month.How well entered the house nearly 20 years ago alongside me and other members from Wales who are still here – the members for from there, Alan and decide, carefully, and our van.How well entered the house nearly 20 years ago alongside me and other members from Wales who are still here – the members for from there, Alan and Deeside, Caerphilly, and Aragon.It won’t surprise Honourable members and others listening to new Howell that in his maiden speech in 2001 he spoke about Labour history, the miners strike of 1984, Welsh devolution, and the rights of disabled people – The subject personally close to Harold and his wife Meyer and their family – in calling for rights for disabled people in that speech he said “ Those are, after all, universal rights, whether they apply to a disabled child in Soweto or to a disabled minor or steelworker in skewing close “Typical, I’m voice for the oppressed everywhere, and internationalist voice, a compassionate socialist voice, a distinctly Welsh voice.Rest in peace good friend and comrades.Deputy speaker – circumstances mean that I am participating in today’s debate from Wales is capital city – I recently heard a quote about Cardiff from the late great Victoria Wood who said it was “ Classy, but somehow CD at the same time“ – surely the slogan to put on our roadsigns – but in truth Cardiff has developed in the last 20 years – in the era of devolution – into a classy capital city that truly feels like a modern capital, with a vibrant cultural sector and the seat of the government of Wales.When is the second only to London in percentage growth in music tourism recently – not least in Cardiff – and this Saturday in normal times its streets will be thronged with people for the six nations rugby encounter between Wales and England – sadly there will be no crowds the Saturday – but millions will watch on free to air public service television and I say to the W are you – do not lock this important part of our sporting culture in a cupboard behind a pay wall. Printed & promoted by (and on behalf of) Kevin Brennan at 395 Cowbridge Rd East, Cardiff CF5 1JG. Cardiff West is a constituency represented in the House of Commons of the UK Parliament since 2001 by Kevin Brennan of the Labour Party. Commonly known as the Senedd, it makes laws for Wales, agrees Welsh taxes and holds the Welsh Government to account. Canton, Cardiff, CF5 1JG, Mark Drakeford AM, Ty Hywel, National Assembly for Wales, Cardiff Bay, Cardiff CF99 1NA, For advice on Coronavirus (Covid-19), please visit gov.wales/coronavirus, For advice on Coronavirus (Covid-19), please visit, Copyright © 2020 Mark Drakeford MS | Cardiff West | Developed by. Secondly, we have missed the live music sector and could all do with a summer of live music events and festivals. Mark Drakeford AM, Ty Hywel, National Assembly for Wales, Cardiff Bay, Cardiff CF99 1NA. Friend Jo Stevens. His responsibilities included Further Education, Skills, … On New Year's Eve, her Twitter account said she had been "laid low with Covid for a while". Voting Record — MPs for Cardiff West 2017-present, Westminster Parliament 2015-2017, Westminster Parliament 2010-2015, Westminster Parliament 2005-2010, Westminster Parliament 2001-2005, Westminster Parliament 1997-2001, Westminster Parliament All Parliaments Jo Stevens MP.

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