Brian's first wife was Mór, daughter of the king of Uí Fiachrach Aidne of Connacht. would never do. He realized In the comics, the character Nolte plays is named Brian Banner, but in the movie that’s changed to David Banner, and this character is also unrelated in any way from who Bixby played (David Banner). (Incredible Hulk II#403 (fb)) - Brian threatened Bruce not to The settlement was burnt and looted. It is still widely played by traditional Irish musicians. Along with whatever troops he obtained from abroad, Brian mustered troops from his home province of Munster, southern Connacht, and the province of Meath, commanded by his old rival Máel Sechnaill mac Domnaill. Their incentive was loot, not land. The city was blockaded by Brian's fleet, but it was the High King's army that ran out of supplies first, so that Brian was forced to abandon the siege and return to Munster around Christmas. Brian is known to have a violent past. They killed every man of fighting age and enslaved the rest of the population. with anybody he was affiliated with in the delusions such as the Maestro and Donal O'Neill's Sons of Death (1988), a historical novel about Brian Boru, is told from the point of view of MelPatrick, a young nobleman at Brian's court. There has been further reports that the body of Brian Boru was brought back to his homeland in Munster after his death. Not only was Bruce abused as a kid but also later in life Brian came back to haunt him. He was knocked over by a wave, hitting his head and being knocked unconscious, and drowned. 256-259. Brian attacks Bruce, and Bruce kicks Brian who hits his head/neck on a gravestone and dies.The issue ends with the Hulk in the graveyard crying, and Stan Lee saying “now more than ever he just needs to be left alone” while him and his acting troupe disappear … Cennétig was described as rígdamna Caisil, meaning that he was either heir or candidate ("king material") to the kingship of Cashel or Munster,[4] although this might be a later interpolation. This was the first of three battles which highlighted Brian's career. Both Brian's father, Cennétig mac Lorcáin, and his older brother Mathgamain had conducted river-borne raids, in which the young Brian would undoubtedly have participated. Despite the death of Mathgamain, the Dál gCais remained a powerful force. Bruce told his father that he always hated Brian ended up killing Bruce’s mother when she tried to stand between him and her son, and Bruce later killed his father while defending himself. Domestic Violence hotline website). "Battle of Clontarf: It's a mathematical question". was deemed fit for society and released from the mental hospital after 15 years. Máel Mórda mac Murchada of Leinster had only accepted Brian's authority grudgingly, and in 1012 he rose in rebellion. There were three main routes by which an invading army could enter the province, and all three favoured the defenders. Recent research has suggested that it might have been commissioned by Muirchertach's contemporary and cousin, Brian Glinne Maidhir, or at least someone favourable to the line descended from Brian's son, Donnchad.[42]. He had experimented on himself to create a formula for improving Human DNA. [4] Brian's posthumous cognomen "Bóruma" (anglicised as Boru) may have referred to "Béal Bóruma", a fort north of Killaloe, where the Dál gCais held sway. Brian had simply left. 17 Jul 2012 ABSORBING MAN. and was even more against having children. (Incredible Hulk II#457) - After Hulk, as War, injured Brian thought to himself that Fantastic, in order to cure him, had Brian Banner's grave dug up and his corpse … If you PMC 5792891. ch: XXV pages 257,259 - author: Geoffrey Keating corpus of electronic texts edition, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Network analysis of the Viking Age in Ireland as portrayed in Cogadh Gaedhel re Gallaibh",, "Maél-Sechnaill (Maél-Sechnaill II; Malachy Mór)", "Brian Boru :: Saint Patrick's Cathedral Armagh - Church of Ireland", [18], Then in 993, Brian, now in control of much of Munster and gaining ground in Leinster, and unable to make significant progress against the High King on land, decided to utilise his naval superiority to attack Mael Sechnaill. [21][failed verification], Brian was also greatly helped by the fact that two years before his first campaign in Ulster, in the year 1003, the brutal battle of Craeb Telcha had taken place between the Northern Uí Néill and the Ulaid, in which the king of the Cenél Eoghain and of the Uí Neill was killed and most of the Ulaid royal bloodline was wiped out, with the Uí Néill gaining victory. Brian stayed with Bruce for a little while even though Bruce didn't think that She was a daughter of King Cathal mac Conchobar mac Taidg of Connacht. All other characters mentioned or pictured are ™  and Brian appears behind him, and is sad that he killed his wife, wishing he had instead killed his son, because his son is “obviously” a mutant. He may have hoped that by defying Brian, he could enlist the aid of all the other regional rulers. construct and started yelling that Bruce was a monster. A couple of factors go into this, in my opinion. Any Additions/Corrections? I think it is really stupid that Bruce even considered The struggle over who would control all of Ireland was renewed. [48], According to Njal's Saga, he had a foster-son named Kerthialfad.[49]. Bruce Banner (father, presumably deceased), unidentified mother (presumably When Bruce met Brian after the latter was released from the hospital, they got into an argument. child, Brian and Rebecca conceived a child. [12] The two Gaelic claimants were soon back to fighting and the fortuitous capture of Mathgamain in 976 by Donnubán mac Cathail allowed him to be effortlessly dispatched or murdered by Máel Muad, who would now rule as king of Cashel for two years. In 1014, Brian's armies confronted the armies of Leinster and Dublin. Therefore, it was in the interest of Armagh to support Brian with all their wealth and power. The Norse had made many raids themselves from the Shannon, and the Dalcassians likely benefited from some interaction with them, from which they would have been exposed to innovations such as superior weapons and ship design, all factors that may have contributed to their growing power. Brian's army may have outnumbered Máel Mórda's, since Brian felt secure enough to dispatch a mounted detachment under the command of his youngest son, Donnchad, to raid southern Leinster, presumably hoping to force Máel Mórda to release his contingents from there to return to defend their homes. A third daughter, Sláine, was married to Brian's stepson Sigtrygg Silkbeard of Dublin. told Bruce that no matter what, he would never be rid of him. perhaps the research affected him genetically even further and he had created The two brothers would go on to fight on opposite sides in the battle. Finnegans Wake (1939), by James Joyce, makes multiple references to Brian Boru and Clontarf, in neologisms typical of that book ("clontarfminded") and obscure references (e.g. process, Hulk saw Brian's ghost (see comments). Brian was also joined by Óspak, a Norseman, brother of Brodir. In later years, artefacts which represent swords and clothing strongly suggest that his army may have been in this area. violence and what you can do if you are such a situation, visit any of the Brodir's stomach was slashed open with a sword, and he was made to walk around a tree resulting in his insides being spun round the tree.[35]. [19], Mael Sechnaill launched a counter-offensive into Munster and in the ensuing battle he defeated the Dál gCáis, killing around six hundred men, including Brian's uncle. the merger. Marvel has killed off The Hulk's human alter ego Bruce Banner in its latest comic. due to his advanced age and frailty. Although Rebecca deeply loved Bruce, who returned her affection, Brian hated the child. David Banner was a genetics researcher who, in his quest to improve on humanity, experimented on himself; after his wife, Edith Banner, gave birth to Bruce, David, seeing that Bruce was not normal, barely showing emotion and gaining patches of green skin when he did, felt that he was responsible, realizing that his experiments on himself had affected Bruce.Trying to find a cure for Bruce's condition, David … [10], According to a biography of Brian, he once witnessed a raid on a Dal gCáis fort by the Vikings of Limerick. [29], There are many accounts of how Brian was killed. Indirect support involved a fleet making a diversionary attack on an enemy in a location far away from where Brian planned to strike with his army. The stress of his job eventually lead Brian to become an alcoholic, and he frequently lashed out at those around him. Then the two started having a physical altercation, and Therefore, the Kingship of Munster passed to the Dál gCais, and Brian became king. BRIAN BORU who again became the High King. ZZZAX. ; Back from the Dead: A shadow organization (later revealed to be the Ancient Order of the Shield) bent on gaining control of the Hulk harvests biological material from a mortally-wounded Bruce Banner. make up for past sins or some type of penance. Brian Boru was one of the twelve sons of Cennétig mac Lorcáin (d. 951), who was King of Dál gCais and king of Tuadmumu (Thomond), modern County Clare, then a sub-kingdom in the north of Munster. like this stuff, you should check out the real thing! His father was the first king of the Dal gCais to lead an army beyond his own territory and lead an expedition as far north as Athlone. Sir Lee MacMahon, ' Some Celtic Tribal Heraldry and Ancient Arms of Ireland, ' Irish-American Genealogist. In the decade that followed, Brian campaigned against the northern Uí Néill, who refused to accept his claims, against Leinster, where resistance was frequent, and against the Norse-Gaelic Kingdom of Dublin. His father, Brian Banner, wasn't good to him, nor his mother. They attacked Viking forts and patrols and survived with whatever food and weapons they found. In 1005, after Brian had departed, he attempted to exert his over lordship over the Ulaid, and seemingly wanted to punish them for submitting to Brian, to which the Northern Uí Néill were vehemently opposed. To accomplish this, he needed to impose his will upon the regional rulers of the only province that did not already recognise his authority, Ulster. [citation needed]. (Bts) - Brian went to the mental hospital. Mark Alan Ruffalo (/ ˈ r ʌ f ə l oʊ /; born November 22, 1967) is an American actor and producer.He began acting in the early 1990s and first gained recognition for his work in Kenneth Lonergan's play This Is Our Youth (1998) and drama film You Can Count On Me (2000). Brian accepted the submission of the Cenel Eoghain king in 1005 and later accepted the submission of many of the Ulaid clans at a sacred Ulaid site, Emain Macha. This event horrified Brian and had a lasting impact on him.[10]. When the Hulk began to suffer from Lou Gehrig's disease, Mr. Sadly, Dr. Brian Banner killed his wife in the lab after a particularly heated argument involving placing Bruce into an orphanage when he was six. For more information of domestic following sites: When his son was two years old his wife murdered by an angry Thaddeus, his godmother and aunt came down and the killer of his wife and his father-in-law ran away leaving Bruce full of vengeance. The Barons Inchiquin claim descent from Brian Boru, as did Sir Donough O'Brien, 1st Baronet. not as uncommon as you probably think. [21] Once again, Brian opted for reconciliation; he requested Sigtrygg to return and resume his position as ruler of Dublin, giving Sigtrygg the hand of one of his daughters in marriage, just as he had with the Eoganacht king, Cian. Brian said that he had won. Retrieved 24 January 2018. Such Hiberno-Norse cities occupied a tenuous position within Ireland's political scene long before the birth of Brian. After Bruce recommended that Brian get more therapy, Brian horsemen for Apoclypse, he underwent a process to transform him. When their father died, the kingship of Tuadmumu passed to Brian's older brother, Mathgamain, and when Mathgamain was killed in 976, Brian replaced him., "High King in the Cathedral: Body of Brian Boru Uncovered? There have been some doubts expressed about this explanation, given Brian's style of engaging in war; if he had found his opponent at a disadvantage it is most likely he would have taken full advantage of it rather than allowing his enemy the time to even the odds. His fleet sailed up the Shannon and invaded the Kingdom of Breifne, in what is now counties Leitrim and Cavan. This led to Brian returning yet again, this time taking hostages from the Cenél Eoghain back to his home in Kincora, finally gaining the proper submission of Flaithbertaigh. Maél Morda was killed in the fighting. He was violent and liked tormenting his son and wife. Want to know where the Hulk’s anger issues come from? [18] Brian's fleet did suffer a setback when a squadron of his fleet attacked Connacht, where they killed a prince of Connacht, Muirgius, who was among the defenders. [28], All of the accounts state that the Battle of Clontarf lasted all day. In the hallucination he found When he was young, he was sent to a monastery to study Latin and the history of Ireland. In the last decade of the 8th century, Norse raiders began attacking targets in Ireland and, beginning in the mid-9th century, these raiders established the fortified camps that later grew into Ireland's first cities: Dublin, Limerick, Waterford, Wexford, and Cork. According to the story, Brian, Mathgamain, and another older brother were on a hill or high ground near the fort tending to a herd of cattle. Royal Society Open Science. Brian's hard-won authority was seriously challenged in 1013 when his ally Máel Sechnaill was attacked by the Cenél nEógain king Flaithbertach Ua Néill, with the Ulstermen as his allies. he would never have helped Bruce willingly. [15], After his death on 23 April 1014, Brian's body was taken to Swords, Co. Dublin for the wake and then to Armagh to be buried. [34], Brodir was later captured and brutally executed by Ulf the Quarrelsome, an ally and possibly a relative of Brian who was fiercely loyal to him. testify to the judge that Brian had killed his own wife. get him to yield, he hit both her and Bruce. Brian always found reasons to get away from his young son, In 1985's Incredible Hulk #312, Mantlo introduced readers to Bruce's abusive father Brian Banner, who beat his wife and son regularly, eventually kill Bruce's mother when she tried to leave him. Incredible Hulk II#458 (November, 1997) - Peter David (writer), Adam Kubert (pencils), Mark Farmer (inks), Bobbie Chase (editor) Incredible Hulk II#457 (October, 1997) - Peter David (writer), David Brewer (pencils), Cam Smith & Andrew Pepoy (inks), Bobbie Chase (editor) horrible things and abuse their wife and/or children. In any case, the event is mentioned in the Annals, and the later source the Cogadh describes Brian Brian making a "great slaughter" of his enemies, killing both Donnubán and Aralt, and securing his position within the province. Retrieved 24 January 2018. He was taught at the monastery on the island of Inisfallen, near modern Killarney in County Kerry. [15], Cian, the son of his brother Mathgamain's sworn enemy Máel Muad, later became a loyal ally of Brian and served under him in a number of campaigns. Earlier attacks from both the Uí Néill and Vikings were also factors. On Christmas morning one year, Brian The One Below All is also assumed to be the reason Brian began to drink, lose his mind, and eventually kill his wife. "as true as the Vernons have Brian's sword"—McHugh points out that the Vernons, an Italian family, had an ancient sword said to be Brian Boru's).[51]. In doing this, he put pressure on the High King as he was now open to attack from both north and south. child, and there are really people just like Brian out there who do these I don't know Many Gaelic Athletic Association clubs have been named after Brian Boru. However revisionist historians see it as an Irish civil war in which Brian Boru's Munster and its allies defeated Leinster and Dublin, and that there were Vikings fighting on both sides. Bruce's childhood was nowhere close to what could be considered healthy; though Rebekah loved him as a mother should, Brian was an irascible drunkard who constantly abused his wife and child – often verbally and emotionally, sometimes physically. She was the mother of Brian's son Tadc, whose son Toirdelbach and grandson Muirchertach rivalled Brian in power and fame. According to one account he killed over 100 enemies, but the details of his own death are unknown. Brian made it clear that his ambitions had not been satisfied by the compromise of 997 when, in the year 1000, he led a combined Munster-Leinster-Dublin army in an attack on High King Máel Sechnaill mac Domnaill's home province of Meath. The Irish annals all agree that this was a particularly fierce and bloody engagement, although claims that it lasted from morning until midnight, or that the combined Leinster-Dublin force lost 4,000 killed are open to question. While Brian may not have freed Ireland from a Norse (Viking) occupation, simply because it was never entirely conquered by the Vikings, his rule saw consistent conflict against Vikings and Viking-founded settlements, the latter all having been founded to give raiders easier access to the interior of Ireland. (Incredible Hulk III#32) - To help cure Bruce Banner of ALS His inability to obtain troops from any rulers in Ireland, may explain why Máel Mórda sought support from rulers outside Ireland. In college, Brian met Rebecca, and married With a population of under 500,000 people, Ireland had over 150 kings, with greater or lesser domains. He eventually killed his wife infront of his son. This was a clever move, for the supremacy of the monastery of Armagh would last only so long as Brian remained the High King. The revisionist idea of Brian Boru's campaign and the battle of Clontarf being more akin to a civil war than an international war between the Irish and Norsemen has recently been challenged by researchers from the Universities of Coventry, Oxford and Sheffield. U-FOES. The influence of this book on both scholarly and popular authors cannot be exaggerated. [citation needed], Precisely because he had submitted to Brian's authority, the king of Leinster was overthrown in 998 and replaced by Máel Mórda mac Murchada. We learn that Bruce's father, Brian Banner, regularly lashed out at Bruce and his mother with verbal and physical abuse, ultimately beating his wife to death in front of their son. Though it is only speculation, it has been suggested that Brian and the Church in Ireland were together seeking to establish a new form of kingship in Ireland, one that was modelled after the kingships of England and France, in which there were no lesser ranks of regional kings—simply one king who had (or sought to have) power over all in a unitary state. Once again, it was his coordinated use of forces on land and at sea that allowed him to triumph; while the rulers of Ulster could bring the advance of Brian's army to a halt, they could not prevent his fleet from attacking the shores of their kingdoms. While passing an area named Graine, located outside Urlingford on the Leinster/Munster border, Brian's army was attacked and his corpse was tied against a tree to pretend he was directing the army. Having established unchallenged rule over his home Province of Munster, Brian turned to extending his authority over the neighboring provinces of Leinster to the east and Connacht to the north-west. (Incredible Hulk II#460) - After Bruce merged with the According to one account, Maél Seachnaill arrived after the death of Brian to lead the Irish army and completed the rout. [39][40] In January 2018 researchers from the Universities of Coventry, Oxford and Sheffield, led by Coventry University theoretical physicist Professor Ralph Kenna, published a paper[2] in the journal Royal Society Open Science, that used network science to mathematically analyse a medieval text, Cogadh Gáedhel re Gallaibh (The War of the Gaedhil with the Gaill, meaning invasions of Ireland by the Danes and other Norsemen), that listed over 1000 relationships between about 300 characters, and concluded that the standard and popular view of the war between the Irish and Germanic Norsemen was broadly correct, but that the picture was nevertheless more complex than "a fully 'clear-cut' Irish versus Viking conflict". Appearances: The character appears in 82 episodes of the series (although the actor actually filmed 81 episodes) and the three post-series TV movies,The Incredible Hulk Returns(1988),The Trial of the Incredible Hulk(1989) andThe Death of the Incredible Hulk(1990). Brian Banner is the father of Bruce Banner, the Incredible Hulk. 1985). Thanks to The Thus, in 999, the opposing armies fought the Battle of Glenmama. The horse won two Group 1 races, the Racing Post Trophy as a two-year-old and the St Leger as a three-year-old. In Incredible Hulk III#27, Bruce Banner had a hallucination He didn't even want the kid and had the doctor informed that his Unfortunately, Brian snapped under pressure from his Máel Sechnaill fails to rally the regional rulers who are nominally his subordinates by the time the deadline arrives, and he is forced to surrender his title to Brian. Brodir, who likely killed Brian, was captured and executed after the battle. Brian however, was convinced his DNA had been changed There was even a precedent for employing Norsemen from the isles; they had been used by Sigtrygg's father, Amlaíb Cuarán, in 980, and by Sigtrygg himself in 990. During the [13], Around the same time, in 978, Brian challenged Máel Muad to battle, and defeated him in the fateful Battle of Belach Lechta. to him, calling him a monster etc. In retaliation, the Connachtmen attacked the ships, massacring the crews. 1 Publication history 2 Fictional character biography 3 Powers and abilities 4 Other versions 5 In other … Brian Banner, Bruce’s father, had long abused his son physically because he thought there was something broken with the boy for being too smart. In fact, the problem is Rebecca loved Bruce very much, but her drunken husband Brian was jealous of the attention she gave to their son. This led to the belief in Leinster that Meath was weak or vulnerable and was open to attack, which would also weaken Brian if they could knock one of his allies out of the conflict. 1, Crucible; vol. 2 Of Gods and Men). TYRANNUS. Further, Brian believed that his radiation work had altered his … Please reorganize this content to explain the subject's impact on popular culture, Brian Boru and The Battle of Clontarf, Seán Duffy, Ní Mhaonaigh, p. 15, notes that Brian is associated with Béal Bóruma in a poem attributed to, CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (. it wasn't his father when Juggernaut complemented Hulk, which his own father turning into a horsemen for Apoclypse would help Bruce get away from him. At first terrorized by Brian, the Leader and the Maestro, Bruce eventually stood up to his father, brutally beating and strangling him before being returned to Earth by the spirit of his deceased wife, Betty Ross. unnamed suburb, formerly a mental institution, First Appearance: Incredible Hulk II#312 (October, Some sources include a rival gang of Norse mercenaries from the Isle of Man, led by Brodir's own brother, Óspak. Aged 15, he led the Irish infantry pursuing the Vikings as they fled to the sea. The descendants of Brian were known as the Uí Briain (O'Brien) clan, hence the surnames Ó Briain, O'Brien, O'Brian etc. 2. Initially the two brothers sailed from the Isle of Man to fight against Brian with the Leinster forces. They ambushed and routed the Norse at the Battle of Sulcoit. In an episode of the TV series Relic Hunter (1999–2002) a search is made for the missing crown of "the last king of Ireland", Brian Boru. learning what they were doing, he smashed Rebecca's head into the pavement, Brian Banner planned to kill six year old Bruce in the same manor, but when he exposed the boy to the gamma radiation Bruce's body did something a bit strange. his neck on Rebecca's gravestone (hope the irony isn't lost on anyone). The Irish Times. yelled at Bruce some more. With Leinster in rebellion, the kingdoms of both Brian and Mael Sechnaill were threatened, and thus they decided to briefly sideline their own conflict to defeat Leinster. Susan (mother-in-law, presumably deceased), Base of Operations: Formerly Los Alamos, formerly an The king's son, prince Murchad and heir to the High Kingship was killed. Brian's advisor, Maelsuthain O'Carroll, documented in the 'Book of Armagh' that, in the year 1005, Brian donated 22 ounces of gold to this monastery and declared that Armagh was the religious capital of Ireland, to which all other monasteries should send the funds they collected. Brian Banner is an alcoholic who married his college sweetheart: Rebecca Banner, and had a son named Bruce. Although he predeceased his father, Domnall apparently had at least one surviving child, a son whose name is not recorded. Reed Richards had Brian Banner's corpse dug up and extracted DNA from it which physically. Had Brian been alive, please let me know. In Incredible Hulk II#404,  Hulk was being mentally far from the tree. In 964, Brian's older brother, Mathgamain, claimed control over the entire province of Munster by capturing the Rock of Cashel, capital of the ancient Eóganachta, the hereditary overlords or High Kings of Munster, but who in dynastic strife and with multiple assassinations had weakened themselves to the point they were now impotent. [14], However, he did allow some of the Norse to remain in their settlement, as they were wealthy and now central to trade in the region, particularly the slave trade, and possessed a fleet of great value, which Brian would utilise in his later naval expeditions. This was because of Flaithbertaigh Uí Néill, king of the Cenél Eoghain and the northern Uí Néill, was again becoming troublesome for Brian. He turned into a big … He found one in Flaithbertach Uí Neill in Ulster who had only recently submitted to Brian.

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