Roughly speaking, a total variation measure is an infinitesimal version of the absolute value. SEE: Total Variation. The total variation measure of $\mu$ is defined on $B\in\mathcal{B}$ as:\[\abs{\mu}(B) :=\sup\left\{ \sum \norm{\mu(B_i)}_V: \{B_i\}\subset\mathcal{B} \text{ is a countable partition of } B\right\}\]where $\norm{\cdot}_V$ denotes the norm of $V$. The total variation of a signed measure µ, on a sigma-field A of subsets The total variation of a $${\displaystyle C^{1}({\overline {\Omega }})}$$ function $${\displaystyle f}$$ can be expressed as an integral involving the given function instead of as the supremum of the functionals of definitions 1.1 and 1.2. Total variation. Given a complex measure, there exists a positive measure denoted which measures the total variation of , also sometimes called simply "total variation." Total Measurement Variation Total variation (TV or σ TV) for the study is calculated by summing the square of both the repeatability and reproducibility (R&R) variation and the part-to-part variation PV, and taking the square root, as follows: The contribution of the equipment variation (EV) is … In classical analysis, the total variation of a function f over an interval [a,b] is defined as v(f,[a,b]):= sup g k i=1 |f (t i)− f (t i−1)|, where the supremum runs over all finite grids g : a = t 0 < t 1 <...