He is hailed as the "Father of the Constitution" for being instrumental in the drafting of the U.S. Constitution and as the key champion and author of the Bill of Rights. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. A sincere and steadfast co-operation in promoting such a reconstruction of our political system as would provide for the permanent liberty and happiness of the United States. James Madison Jr. (March 16, 1751 – June 28, 1836) was an American statesman, diplomat, expansionist, philosopher and Founding Father who served as the fourth president of the United States from 1809 to 1817. He is hailed as the "Father of the Constitution" for his pivotal role in drafting and promoting the Constitution of the United States and the United States Bill of Rights. 237-238] It was the Universal opinion of the Century preceding the last, that Civil Government could not stand without the prop of a religious establishment; and that the Christian religion itself, would perish if not supported by the legal provision for its clergy. James Madison > Quotes > Quotable Quote “If Men were angels, no government would be necessary. James Madison — American President born on March 16, 1751, died on June 28, 1836 James Madison, Jr. was an American statesman, political theorist, and the fourth President of the United States. [James Madison, in a letter to Rev Jasper Adams spring 1832, from James Madison on Religious Liberty, edited by Robert S. Alley, pp. James Madison — American President born on March 16, 1751, died on June 28, 1836 James Madison, Jr. was an American statesman, political theorist, and the fourth President of the United States. False James Madison Quote “History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling the money and its issuance.” James Madison quote on Happiness, Home, Food, Trust, and Hope James Madison Happiness Quote. He is hailed as the "Father of the Constitution" for being instrumental in the drafting of the U.S. Constitution and as the key champion and author of the Bill of Rights.