Caprica is an American science fiction drama television series. Based on a contingency plan developed prior to colonization by Saul Tigh and William Adama, a Raptor regularly jumps into the nebula surrounding New Caprica in an attempt to contact the humans left behind. A spin-off prequel of the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica taking place 58 years before the cataclysmic destruction of the twelve colonies of Kobol, Caprica shows how humanity first created the Cylon androids who would later turn against their human masters. New Caprica during its liberation. Elle mène Athéna et son enfant jusqu'à un rapace et retourne avec elles sur le Galactica où elle est promptement emprisonnée. Zelent

The distance between Caprica and Gemenon is 493,000 km, so at the scale of this map, their common orbit would actually be about the side of the period at the end of this sentence.

With Eric Stoltz, Esai Morales, Paula Malcomson, Alessandra Torresani.

Within five days, the Satarran forces were quickly defeated and retreated. Second Battle of Caprica Edit. Caprica Commanders: Keon Gatwick.
Caprica and Gemenon Caprica and Gemenon share a mutual orbit, revolving around their common barycenter or center of gravity with an orbital period of 28.2 days. After Grelocks Vendez, one of the last surviving members of the Freedom Fifteen, sent detailed information on the Satarran ground and space forces occupying Caprica to the Terran Federation; an invasion force arrived within six days. At one point in the battle, a basestar invades the airspace above Caprica City and deploys numerous squadrons of Raiders that are able to inflict major damage on the city (Blood and Chrome). The Battle of Caprica is a conflict between the Twelve Colonies and Cylon forces above the colony of Caprica. The Battle of New Caprica and the Second Exodus Main article: Battle of New Caprica. Two families, the Graystones and the Adamas, live together on a peaceful planet known as Caprica, where a startling breakthrough in artificial …

Battle of Caprica City: Conflict: Caprica Campaign, Tzenkethi War: Place: Caprica City, Caprica: Result: Tzenkethi general Zelent orders surrender of Tzenkethi troops Tzenkethi withdrawal from Caprica: Combatants: Caprica militia Tzenkethi Coalition. Caprica Six désactive alors puis tue Boomer qui menace d'étrangler Héra malgré les suppliques déchirantes d'Athéna. Number Six is a family of fictional characters from the reimagined science fiction television series Battlestar Galactica.She is portrayed by Canadian actress and model Tricia Helfer.Of the twelve known Cylon models, she is the sixth of the "Significant Seven". Created by Remi Aubuchon, Ronald D. Moore.
C'est en prison qu'elle a une liaison avec le colonel Saul Tigh, tombant enceinte à la suite de cette relation.