Define black spot. The sub-type of ALM that affects the nail is called subungual melanoma. Black spots can be an indication of a serious tooth health problem, such as including damaged tooth enamel, tooth decay, or the start of a cavity, so contact your dentist as soon as possible if you notice a dark spot developing. n. Any of various fungal or bacterial diseases of plants, resulting in small black spots on the leaves or on other parts. Rose black spot is caused by the fungus Diplocarpon rosae, subdivision Ascomycotina ‘Many popular roses are also susceptible to three fungal diseases, whose names black spot, mildew, and rust are descriptive of their appearance on rose leaves.’ © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. black spot definition: 1. a place on a road that is considered to be dangerous because several accidents have happened…. Leaves on susceptible varieties turn yellow and drop early. Thirteen years after Jack Sparrow made a deal with Davy Jones, to captain the Black Pearl for 13 years, Jones sent Bootstrap Bill Turner to warn Sparrow that his debt had to be paid. "With a black spot on my arm" so he's been marked a dead man; he now has a bad reputation or something. c. ... an accident black spot → un punto negro para los accidentes night spot → … They vary from mild to serious conditions and may require little to no treatment. The Black Spot was a mark given to an individual who owed their servitude to Davy Jones. A mark on a surface differing sharply in color from its surroundings. b. One of the most common reasons for black spots is dental caries. Injury. As soon as you notice the black spot, try to think of a time you may have injured the toe or caused trauma to the foot. It was a source of much fear because it meant the pirate was to be deposed as leader, by force if necessary—or … While the black spot is thus a real, material object, it also serves to represent the entire logic and system by which the pirates organize their lives. Learn more. The Black Spot is a mark of death to a pirate. It was originally a proverbial term applied to a pirate who has a death mark by the authorities or other pirates for misdeeds he must pay for with his life.
spot synonyms, spot pronunciation, spot translation, English dictionary definition of spot.
In Pirates of the Caribbean, the Black Spot is a literal marking that appears on a … a place that is notorious for something, especially a high crime or accident rate. The Black Spot is a literary device invented by Robert Louis Stevenson for his novel Treasure Island (serialized 1881–82, published as a book in 1883). Definition of black spot 1 : any of several bacterial or fungal diseases of plants characterized by black spots or blotches especially on the leaves 2 chiefly British : a dangerous or troublesome place or area … Black spot of roses is a serious widespread disease caused by the fungus Diplocarpon rosae.On rose plants, the spots are roundish and up to 1 cm (0.5 inch) in diameter with fringed margins. black spot synonyms, black spot pronunciation, black spot translation, English dictionary definition of black spot. There are several factors at play behind the black spot under toenail causes. Black Spot on Toenail Causes. Define spot. Black spot fungus begins to develop in the spring when temperatures reach into the sixties and the garden has been continuously wet for six to nine hours. In the book, piratesare presented with a "black spot" to officially pronounce a verdict of guilt or judgement.

n. 1. a.

A blemish, mark, or pimple on the skin. Black Spot a is a French-Belgian television supernatural thriller that premiered on France 2 … 1. See also: black, spot Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

Black spot definition, a disease of plants, characterized by black spots on the fruit and foliage, twig lesions, defoliation, and rotting, caused by any of several … A black spot under the nail can indicate a type of melanoma called acral lentiginous melanoma (ALM). black spot - any of several fungous diseases of plants that produce small black spots on the plant plant disease - a disease that affects plants Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. Black spot definition, a disease of plants, characterized by black spots on the fruit and foliage, twig lesions, defoliation, and rotting, caused by any of several … It consists of a circular piece of paper or card, with one side blackened while the other side bears a message and placed in the hand of the accused. By the time temperatures reach into the seventies, the disease is running rampant and won’t slow down until the … These melanomas can appear anywhere on the body, including underneath fingernails and toenails. Those marked with the Black Spot would be hunted across the Seven Seas by the Kraken.