I really don’t know. Lyrics to 'Can't Even Love Myself' by Unspoken. I've been loving and forgiving and accepting other people for a long time, and I still haven't mastered doing it with myself. If you have to continually ask your partner if he or she loves you, or if your partner is never able to take in the love you have to share, both of you may want to seek some additional support. You can’t engineer or create your own source of love. Thank you all for sharing. Your mind is forcing this cycle on you where you think that you can't love yourself. I escaped depression, but I am weak.. Edit: So many beautiful comments.

People say we accept the love we think we deserve. You know the ones--You can't really love another until you love yourself.

by Laine Sterbenz. So I ask myself, what do I think I deserve? You can't blah blah blah until you blah blah blah yourself. You have the rest of the world seemingly pushing you to this feeling of exile, but I promise you, if you can just get your feelings out of the way you'll see why you don't hate yourself. I call bullshit. You can't. But at some point, I think we have to try.

So if you never learn to love yourself your feelings towards others whether they are in good faith or not will be just as superficial sounding as the feelings you project towards yourself. I can't think too deeply.

I am weak.

Can you love someone else when you don’t love yourself? Opening your soul to God – who is the only source of pure, unconditional, perfect love – is the key to learning how to love yourself.

I Can't Let You Love Me When I Don't Love Myself.

A human can’t give you the love you need.

Certainly not you.

/ All the imperfections that define me / Thought I was a man but I'm still a boy I have no strength for patience and doing what I want to. Fuck what anyone else says or thinks. My self-worth is in the gutter, almost beyond repair.

I am a shell of my former self.

You don't know true forgiveness until your forgive yourself.

It hurts to use my brain. In this moment, I hate everything about myself and most aspects of my life. Look into the mirror, what do I see? A possession or situation can’t stop you from not feeling good enough.