Her style is chatty, and is rather like talking to an exotic and slightly dotty aunt.

Margot Fonteyn was one of my heroines when I was a child, when I desperately wanted ballet lessons. In 1933 Fonteyn joined the Vic-Wells Ballet School (now named the Royal Ballet of London) and achieved principal status by 1939. “Margot Fonteyn: Autobiography,” unlike, say. She was named "Prima Ballerina Assolutta". Get exclusive access to content from our 1768 … Allen | language=English }} close Email This Record. This book is her story, from her first dance lessons in London to dancing for presidents. When Alici… Though he appreciated her lyric qualities and found her elegant, Ashton said of her early years that Fonteyn had brittle stubbornness and lacked polish. Another honor in requiem for her is the named "Margot Fonteyn Academy of Ballet" in Peekskill, New York. Email to: You must … That same year, Sir Frederick Ashton created the role of the bride in his choreography of Stravinsky's Le baiser de la fée specifically for her. She remained active in the world of dance until her death. There is a life-sized bronze statue of Fonteyn in her hometown of Reigate, Surrey. 1975, Margot Fonteyn : autobiography / Margot Fonteyn W.H. I think Margot had a little career luck (as well as talent) on her side in the form of her Covent Garden mentor Ninette de Valois, who had the uncanny ability to see 10/15 years into the future, and knew instinctively that Peggy Hookam would become the Margot Fonteyn we know today. Please see Wikipedia's template documentation for further citation fields that may be required. Allen London. Even the changing of her name is a … Tamara Karsavina's wonderful memoir “Theater Street,” is not an account of an artist's life, it is a success story. Dame Margot Fonteyn, original name in full Margaret Evelyn Hookham, married name Margot Fonteyn Arias, (born May 18, ... She also wrote a number of books, among them Margot Fonteyn: Autobiography (1975), A Dancer’s World (1979), and The Magic of Dance (1979). Wikipedia Citation. In spite of her perceived shortcomings, he cast her as the lead, playing the Creole girl in his production, Rio Grande.

Ninette could see the prima quality in Peggy at the age of 14/15. {{Citation | title=Margot Fonteyn : autobiography / Margot Fonteyn | author1=Fonteyn, Margot, 1919-1991 | year=1975 | publisher=W.H. In 1935, Fonteyn had her solo debut, playing Young Tregennis in The Haunted Ballroom.