The Education Secretary said that no other developed

"The phrase 'Bob's your uncle' came about and all the rest of it. It is preposterous. I am not certain but I am reasonably sure that the etymology behind 'Old boy's network' stems from 'old boy' meaning alumnus, e.g. The education secretary, Michael Gove, has attacked the "preposterous" number of Etonians in David Cameron's inner cabinet and, in the process, taken aim at the chances of Old … "The phrase 'Bob's your uncle' came about and all the rest of it. Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London, who some have tipped to lead the Conservative party after Cameron, is also an Old Etonian, and some have traced the pair's rivalry back to their school days. The phrase ‘Bob’s your uncle’ came about and all the rest of it. Michael Gove highlights the number of old Etonians in Cameron's inner circle as ridiculous, however different versions of cronyism exist in Labour and the Scottish National Party, finding meritocracy is like finding a winner on Britain’s Got Talent, the odd working class person gets through to boost ratings Michael Gove last night took aim at David Cameron for surrounding himself with Old Etonians, describing it as ridiculous and preposterous. ... Mr Gove, who went to a fee-paying school in Scotland, said the concentration of Old Etonians at the top of the Conservative Party was due to the fact that "more boys from Eton go to Oxford and Cambridge than boys eligible for free school meals".