Leon: It's because Aquaveil is an island country. Yazuka. The included tools are: [unpack/pack] BIN: unpacking and packing main archives BIN. Tales of Destiny – Director’s Cut is an updated version of Tales of Destiny, an immersive genre game developed by Namco Tales Studio, first launched by Bandai on November 30, 2006.

The game has a sequel, Tales of Destiny 2, which takes place in the same world, 18 years after the events of Tales of Destiny. Tales of Destiny: Director's Cut (テイルズ オブ デスティニー ディレクターズカット) is a RPG video game published by Bandai Namco Games released on January 31, 2008 for the Sony PlayStation 2. Farewell, Swordians. A remake version of Tales of Destiny was later released for the PlayStation 2, followed by an additional Director's Cut version, which was released on the same system. Member. Oct 27, 2017 1,239 Sweden. The following year, a translation of Tales of Innocence was proposed, and it was released on June 29, 2010. Cless (cress2000 here), throughhim413, gogs, Kajitani-Eizan and Carnivol are working on doing a fan translation of Tales of Destiny Director's Cut!

Several months later, Absolute Zero teamed with Phantasian Productions in working on Tales of Destiny: Director's Cut. UPDATE Tales of Destiny Director's Cut Tools Platforms: PS2 A few months ago we started the translation of Tales of Destiny Director's Cut into Russian language. Some screenshots were released, so you can see their current progress. Absolute Zero (known for the Tales of Innocence fan translation) & Phantasian Productions (known for the Tales of Phantasia and Tales of Destiny 2 fan translations) are jointly working on a fan translation of the Director's Cut version of Tales of Destiny.

The translation will retain many of the original (PSX) Destiny localized terms. Tales of Destiny Director‘s Cut is still my favorite Tales game, but since it’s 2D, it never got localized. It can be used for modding the game, searching for hidden content and creating fan translations. Translation can be found here at the ToD translation wiki: http://todrtrans.pbworks.com/Script-47 Start reading from (Cutscene). Tales of Destiny – Director’s Cut (Japan).iso CRC = 340B189D. Expect to see many of the same ones in the translation (with the exception of some names like Johnny, Mighty Kongman, and Woodrow).

TRANSLATION] Tales of Destiny: Director's Cut Summary (2/3) ToD: Director's Cut Summary (2/3) Boat to Toukei Chal: For the young master, just having to ride boats on this journey is also a fight, isn't it.

Tales of the Tempest was also translated and followed on April 1, 2013.

Traveling by ship this much is a sacrifice I have to make. Tales of Destiny Director’s Cut Tools are hacking tools for the PS2 version of Tales of Destiny DC. We hope that fans of both the original translation and the Japanese text will be able to enjoy this translation. The West is missing out for sure.