The executive branch is responsible for the implementation of political, economic, cultural, social, national defence, security and external activities of the state. Politically, Vietnam is a one-party communist state. The National Assembly elects the President of the State and … Legend has it that the peoples of this land originated from a union between an immortal Chinese princess and “The Dragon Lord of the Seas.”2. The country's flag is red with a yellow star featured prominently in the center. The official and national language is Vietnamese. The official currency is the Vietnamese Dong. Over 86% of people who live in Vietnam are Vietnamese. Vietnam War (1954–75), conflict that pitted the communist government of North Vietnam and its allies in South Vietnam, the Viet Cong, against South Vietnam and its principal ally, the United States. Vietnam - Vietnam - Government and society: The first constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, adopted in 1980, established a Council of State as a collective presidency and a Council of Ministers. The largest city in the country is Ho Chi Minh City. The National Assembly is a A socialist country, Vietnam is under the leadership of the Communist Party, which holds a national congress every five years to outline the country's future course, and formalise policies. Vietnam occupies the eastern and southern part of the Indochinese peninsula in Southeast Asia, with the South China Sea along its entire coast. As in China, however, the economy is increasingly capitalistic. The Executive consists of the president, the prime minister, and the government. Its government is Marxist-Lininist one-party socialist republic with a president and prime minister. The country’s name was originally spelled as two words, Viet Nam.3. 1. The president is the nominal head of state; the incumbent is Nguyễn Phú Trọng. It was part of a larger regional conflict as well as a manifestation of the Cold War. The national assembly elects the president for a five-year term, and he can serve for only two terms. In 1992 this document was superseded by a second constitution, which, in addition to replacing the Council of State with an elected president and otherwise reforming Vietnam’s government and political … The president appoints the prime minister, the vice president and the heads of courts with consent from the national assembly over a vote of the majority. In 938 AD, the Vietnamese developed a trade system to exchange animal skins, ivory and tropical goods for Chinese scrolls on administration, philosophy and literature.5.