You are commenting using your account. This plugin will help you to track your most successful posts, visitor’s peak traffic times and timelines of … If a visitor is online, he or she will be highlighted. Sign up for an account at Statcounter to get your code. Determines whether the current visitor is a logged in user. It comes with a detailed event view showing each user activity with their IP address. The complete list of the WordPress activity log events the WP Activity Log plugin uses to keep a log of changes that happen on your WordPress websites and multisite networks. JetPack by is a multi-functional plugin for site management and security.

WP VisitorFlow not only tracks the flow of visitors to your WordPress website, it makes the flow visible. This one login form can do three things: Log into a site (by filling in a valid Username and Password).

In this page you can find all the events used by the WP Activity Log … Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Email (required) (Address never made public) Name (required) Website. Learn more, including how to control cookies. Other Plugins to Help Monitor WordPress Activity. (hosted by wordpress) Install Guide Statcounter provides customisable hit counters , visitor tracking , web analytics and website stats for (hosted by wordpress). See, how your visitors use your website. WordPress Live Visitor Counter allows you to display how many times a page has been viewed with this simple, fast and easy to use the plugin. Detailed but still clear diagrams provide you with the full information about the visitor flow. ... Our staff management systems are designed to track employee’s log in, files and data. An event is an entry in the WordPress security & activity log.For every change the WP Activity Log plugin keeps a log of it creates an event with the details of the change, as explained in what are events and event IDs in the WordPress activity log.. Below the form are two links: One is for registered users who've forgotten their password. Learn, how changes in your website’s structure or new posts or pages influence the visitor flow. Alternatively you can opt to never prune the logs, however this might not be a good idea … This includes visitor geo location, ISP, organization, user agent, IP address, referrers and landing pages . Visitor’s Log. The "Log In" button for submitting the form data. Enable you to display how many users are online on your WordPress blog with detailed statistics, easy to install and working fine (Thousands of WordPress sites are already using it) The settings of this WordPress audit plugin allow you to define when to prune the log, either by the number of entries, or age of the alerts. It’s a robust analytics tool that also comes with a number of other features like security and image optimization. By continuing, you agree to their use. Page loads log provides detailed visitor and page activity information about every single page load in real time. Visitor counter WordPress plugins are an awesome expansion to any WP site or blog since they enable you to effectively monitor what number of Visitors you have had on your website.