He was eighth in the line of succession from the founder of the Chishti Order, Abu Ishaq Shami. Khwaja Abu Ishaq Chishti..the celebrated. Islamic world - Islamic world - Conversion of Mongols to Islam: For a time the Il-Khans tolerated and patronized all religious persuasions—Sunni, Shīʿite, Buddhist, Nestorian Christian, Jewish, and pagan. Although Khwaja Moin ud Din Chishti r.a the great saint of India, is widely regarded as the pivotal figure in the Chishtiya silsilah, the actual founder of the mighty order lived over two hundered years before him. The Prophet Muhammed, salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam (s.a.w.s.) Chishti master Hazrat Inayat Khan (rehmatullah alaih) (1882–1927) was the first to bring the Sufi path to the West, arriving in America in 1910 and later settling near Paris, France. Founded by Khwaja Abu Ishaq Shami Chishti, the Chishti order derives its name from the village of Chisht in Afghanistan, which is located thirty miles away from the modern city of Herat. It played an important role in the formation of a conservative ‘new piety’ and in the regulation of urban vocational and other groups, such as trades-guilds and youth clubs, particularly in Baghdad. Khwaja Abu Ishaq Chishti r.a is called Taj al-auliya, or “the crown of the Saints”. The Suhrawardiyya is a Sufi order founded by the Sufi Diya al-din Abu 'n-Najib as-Suhrawardi. Chishti Order 1 Chishti Order The Chishtī Order (Persian: چشتی - Čištī) is a Sufi order within the mystic branches of Islam which was founded in Chisht, a small town near Herat, Afghanistan about 930 CE. It is a strictly Sunni order, guided by the Shafi`i school of Islamic law, and, like many such orders, traces its spiritual genealogy to Ali ibn Abi Talib through Junayd Baghdadi and al-Ghazali. The Chishti Order is known for its emphasis on love, Brief Introduction to Chishti Order. . There are now several branches of the order, which has been the most prominent South Asian Sufi brotherhood 3.

Chisht was home to remarkable family that produced an unbroken line of … . It was the first of the four main Sufi orders to be established in this region. The Silsila of the Chishti Order of Sufis (Spiritual Chain of Succession/Spiritual Geneology) for the Gudri-Shahi Branch of the Chishti Order 1. Khwaja Muinuddin Chishti introduced the Chishti Order in Ajmer sometime in the middle of the 12th century. The Chishti Order is primarily followed in Afghanistan and the Indian subcontinent, Pakistan and Bangladesh. The foundation of Chishti Silsila in the south was laid by Sheikh Buhranuddin Gareeb, who was a disciple of Nizamuddin Auliya.

2. Hazrat Ali Ibn-e-Abi Talib, karram Allahu ta'ala wajhahu (k.a.w.) The Sophie community and its founder-Chishti sect-According to Syed Muhammad Hafiz,Chishtee is India’s first ancient Sufi series.

The silsila sabiriiya, Nizamiya and Ashrafiya is the branch of Chistiya Silsila. But in 1295 a Buddhist named Maḥmūd Ghāzān became khan and declared himself Muslim, compelling other Mongol notables to follow suit.