Aeris probably doesn't know that the Buster Sword was once Zack's, but she probably would recognize the uniform or think that it was odd how similar that it was. xXxHaseoxXx 11 years ago #3. not that i know of know... (spoilers) Cloud didnt know who Zack was when Aerith died so i doubt she knew that he was dead.... only time she knew he was dead is when she goes to heaven and sees Zack there =D. Aerith and Zack develop a romantic relationship, ... "Aeris wouldn't have died, and gamers wouldn't have learned how to cry." *Spoilers*". In the original English release of Final Fantasy VII, Aerith's name was transliterated as \"Aeris\" by SCEA. Was Zack and Aerith's relationship romantic or platonic? 1 in its list of top video game moments. User Info: xXxHaseoxXx.

edited 1 year ago. The name in kana is エアリス, \"e-a-ri-su.\" Because the Japanese alphabet lacks a true \"th\" sound, ス (su) is often used as a best-fit substitute for the sound when spelling out loan words. Due to her nature as an Ancient and being able to communicate with the planet (she knew this at a young age too), I'm sure she found out from the Lifestream about Zack's death.

For Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII on the PSP, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Did Aerith know? ScrewAttack has added Aerith's death to their top 10 "OMGWTF" moments, referring to it as one of the "touchiest moments in video game history." In 2011, IGN ranked her death scene at No. In fact, after playing CC I always imagine that opening sequence where she's standing in the alleyway praying could very well be her communicating with the planet and finding out about Zack's death.. Zack died just a mile or so outside of Midgar, about 15 years later when Aeris was all grown up and had full understanding of her power, a man she had close ties to. Zack, assumed to have been born in the town of Gongaga, had childhood dreams of joining SOLDIER to become a 1st Class. At the age of thirteen he left for Midgar without notifying his parents and joined the Shinra military.By October of 0000, Zack had reached SOLDIER 2nd Class under the tutelage of SOLDIER 1st Class Angeal Hewley. Angeal's words of wisdom and strong sense of honor had a profound effect on Zack, who wants to emulate his mentor. It is believed that Aerith did know, which is why she looked up towards the sky in Crisis Core and why she became close to Cloud in VII since Cloud had Zack's memories. Another thing it's if Aerith did find out about Zack's death: we don't know. So, yes, probably. This stems from the nature of the katakana alphabet and how it is used to represent loan words.