Don't front yo move stop cappin talkin too much In rare cases, the … "Man, did you ever notice how frontin Valen is?"

To lie constantly and outlandishly, typically to impress or in some way deceive others to maintain / generate a certain image. Urban slang. Gold fronts started in NY. #fronting … Letting people know what you plan to do before you actually do it. frontin' knowing that you're wrong, but won't admit it because you're too proud. Man dawg, why you frontin'. You are asking if your getting up in your face. the part or side of anything that faces forward: the front of a jacket. Put on a fake or false personality; not keeping it real. Last edited on May 14 2011. the foremost part or surface of anything. Gangsta slang. The toes may or may not curl over the front of the shoe. Bust the old school spitage: "Well that's true that's why we never have know Beef so I washed off the soap and brushed the Gold teeth" Slick Rick Ladi Dadi 1984 "I got Gold teeth and they don't chew beef" Big Daddy Kane Young Gifted and Black 1989 A [facade]. Get a you frontin mug for your father-in-law Bob. frontin When a woman (or a man) wears open-toed shoes that are too small and the toes extend forward past the sole of the shoe. To put up a facade or make appearances, typically to impress or in some way deceive to maintain image. Someone who is extremely nice to a Police Officer even when the Police Officer is being a jerk... That Dude is a Cop KIsser he thanked the Officer for giving him a ticket for Jay Walking at 3AM on a … [Appearing] [one way], but really acting another.