If the player touches the conveyor pad, they are whisked off to the next island where they will have to dodge traps and defeat monsters. I,DRACULA: GENESIS is a  # PIXELART  # ROGUE-LIKE  # ISOMETRIC  # NEWRETRO  # SCI-FI  # TWIN-STICK-SHOOTER, set in a rather unusual universe which combines magic and post-apocalyptic ultra-modern weapons and devices. I, Dracula: Genesis Free Download If you enjoy your typical Roguelite/Roguelike experience, this is what you’re going to find here – times a dozen.

It dropped almost out of nowhere on the steam page and I sighed at the sight of another roguelite top down shooter… … “yet another one”. I, Dracula: Genesis is currently in Early Access and planned to release on PC, Xbox, Switch and Playstation in early 2021. Procedural generation, lots and lots of upgradeable weapons, spells, perks, alien artefacts, strange technologicaland magical devices, enemies, NPCs, traps, custom events and hidden shops. If the player touches the conveyor pad, they are whisked off to the next island where they will have to dodge traps and defeat monsters. I, Dracula offers traditional twin-stick roguelike with new styles The main idea is having an awful lot of different weapons and devices and switch between those in real-time. A self-confessed roguelite, I, Dracula: Genesis checks all the boxes of every indie developer’s favourite genre descriptor. It dropped almost out of nowhere on the steam page and I sighed at the sight of another roguelite top down shooter… … “yet another one”. The gameplay of I, Dracula: Genesis is something players can find in old arcade games. Defeat evil lord Dracula and save everyone, repeatedly. I, Dracula: Genesis Roguelite twin-stick shooter where magic and post-apocalyptic future technologies collide. I, Dracula offers traditional twin-stick roguelike with new styles I, Dracula: Genesis Free Download If you enjoy your typical Roguelite/Roguelike experience, this is what you’re going to find here – times a dozen. It’s an isometric shoot’em up that lets the player build upon their arsenal in-game. I,DRACULA: GENESIS is a  # PIXELART  # ROGUE-LIKE  # ISOMETRIC  # NEWRETRO  # SCI-FI  # TWIN-STICK-SHOOTER, set in a rather unusual universe which combines magic and post-apocalyptic ultra-modern weapons and devices. Please support us and follow development. A self-confessed roguelite, I, Dracula: Genesis checks all the boxes of every indie developer’s favourite genre descriptor. I, Dracula: Genesis Roguelite twin-stick shooter where magic and post-apocalyptic future technologies collide.

I never thought much of I, Dracula: Genesis. Combat is the focus of I, Dracula: Genesis, and it consists of collecting items and using their powers to kill monster. Procedural generation, lots and lots of upgradeable weapons, spells, perks, alien artefacts, strange technologicaland magical devices, enemies, NPCs, traps, custom events and hidden shops. The title has a superb demo at Game Jolt, albeit a relatively short and time-limited one. Combat is the focus of I, Dracula: Genesis, and it consists of collecting items and using their powers to kill monster. Please support us and follow development.

The gameplay of I, Dracula: Genesis is something players can find in old arcade games. I, Dracula: Genesis is currently in Early Access and planned to release on PC, Xbox, Switch and Playstation in early 2021. It’s an isometric shoot’em up that lets the player build upon their arsenal in-game. The player starts on a central hub island that connects to another island on each side. The New ‘iDracula’ Game ‘I, Dracula: Genesis’ Gets a New Trailer Ahead of Steam Early Access Launch, Still Might Come to Mobile January 24, 2020 by … The title has a superb demo at Game Jolt, albeit a relatively short and time-limited one. The New ‘iDracula’ Game ‘I, Dracula: Genesis’ Gets a New Trailer Ahead of Steam Early Access Launch, Still Might Come to Mobile January 24, 2020 by … If the Bitmap Brothers had made Enter the Gungeon or Nuclear Throne, it would look something like I, Dracula: Genesis, an isometric, twin-stick, …