Customized base image for Telekube that enables GPU support.

In this first part we proceed to install Docker, present the concept of a Dockerfile, create our first container that runs a Python program, and we publish this container to Docker-Hub, in the cloud. This is Part 1 of a multipart tutorial on using Docker to setup an Anaconda environment that can be easily shared with coworkers and students.

Like the other respondents indicated, these are different animals. 422 Downloads. In the question "What are the best Linux package managers?" Container. Anaconda with its sandboxed environment for scientific python packages and Docker’s containerization technology make a great combination for scalable, reproducible and portable data science deployments.You can use Anaconda with Docker to build, containerize and share your data science applications with your team. Gallery About Documentation Support About Anaconda, Inc. Download Anaconda Anaconda Distribution works with Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Microsoft’s lightweight and fast open-source code editor.

VS Code is free for both private and commercial use, runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux, and includes support for linting, debugging, task running, version control and Git integration, IntelliSense code completion, and conda environments. Collaborative data science workflows with Anaconda and Docker make the transition from development to … Anaconda Cloud. By continuumio • Updated 2 years ago When comparing Conda vs Docker, the Slant community recommends Docker for most people. Docker is ranked 4th while Conda is ranked 12th Setup a docker data science container on the Qnap TS 251+, its a nice and easy to setup process than can replicated across different containers. 0 Stars. Description. continuumio/ap-git-storage . The top level of this tutorial can be found here .

However they do have some overlap in terms of providing consistent software across platforms.