Columns . Settings . "The definition of stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Jonathan Bailey-March 24, 2010.

Someone who has to look up "stupid" in the dictionary because they don't know what it means. Engaging with anti-vaxers may help you understand how to do medicine better.” We want to hear what you think about this article. Misc.

Grass Valley, Calif., recently had to cancel a school fundraiser for fear of an armed attack. People who will say the opposite of anything President Obama says.

By. Learn more. Mostly conservative zealots, these days. ‘Many modern directors feel obliged to pose as anti-intellectuals, adopting a facade of stupidity they are unable to carry off with any conviction.’ ‘The festival will have something to tickle the interest of all but the staunchest anti-intellectuals.’ Choose your favorite theme, light or dark. The Stupidity of Plagiarism.

Anti definition is - one that is opposed. Nothing in which the Left believes – works in Reality. See a roundup of funny memes and tweets proving that Donald Trump is a complete and utter moron. Stupidity definition is - the quality or state of being stupid. And, amazingly, it … The Left loathes Reality. Antonyms for stupidity include braininess, brightness, brilliance, cleverness, intelligence, keenness, quickness, quick-wittedness, sharpness and smartness. Submit a letter to the editor or write to [email protected]. Find descriptive alternatives for stupidity. Colleges have widely adopted anti-plagiarism checking systems that largely automate the process of looking for copied text, newspapers may be slower to adopt but after the Jayson Blair and other scandals, are waking up. Grid ratio. Display info . Anti-vaxxer propaganda is only one tiny part of the bedlam online. Stupidity definition is - the quality or state of being stupid. Tort. Stupidities definition: → stupidity | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Which is why the Left also hates humans. The “definition of insanity” quote first appeared in 1981, in a document published by Narcotics Anonymous. There seem to be at least two mindfulness books among the top 10 non-fiction bestseller list at any time. Static Marvin A. The anti-vaccination movement is a loosely-organized conspiracy-theorist subculture that blames the medical practice of vaccination for a wide range of health problems and whose advocates have, ironically, been directly responsible for the return of health disasters by reinvigorating diseases that had almost been eradicated by said vaccines. It was a sort of guide book for addicts who trying to overcome their disease, and it warned its readers that, “insanity is repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results.” The root word stupid, which can serve as an adjective or noun, comes from the Latin verb stupere, for being numb or astonished, and is related to stupor. And humans make Reality. Theme. How to use stupidity in a sentence. Type. Define your way to browse content : Grid style, List style. "The definition of stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Small definition, increase load time, but loose quality. Define the grid ratio. Explore 185 Stupidity Quotes by authors including Albert Einstein, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Martin Luther King, Jr. at BrainyQuote. The Left’s Anti-Reality – is a nauseating and infuriating place.

Because Reality is antithetical to their perverse worldview. Anti-stupidity act. Stupidity definition: the quality or state of being stupid | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Senator Teofisto “TG” Guingona III, at the time, was reported to have voted against the bill because of its definition of “cybersex” as the “willfull engagement, maintenance, control, or operation, directly or indirectly, or any …