Edward . Reggie .

Rate Armaan. The name Armaan has six characters. It means that this name is commonly used. Popularity statistics for the given name Armaan. Top rated boys names. Be the first to like this name. Spelling of Armaan A-R-M-A-A-N, is a 6-letter male given name. The graph below shows the popularity of the boys's name Armaan from all the UK baby name statistics available. We estimate that there are at least 48900 persons in the world having this name which is around 0.001% of the population. Armaan, the Pakistani Urdu melodramatic black and white film, produced by Waheed Murad and directed by …

Some names are more gender neutral than others, and some names are more strongly associated with either males or females. Isaac .

US Popularity Trend for Armaan. These are the baby names that you have voted for to show which you like the most. It's a quick easy way to see the trend for Armaan in 2020.

Armaan name meaning. England and Wales

Popularity statistics for the given name Armaan Armaan (masculine) in Canada (BC). The name Armaan is ranked on the 5,978th position of the most used names. Armaan name meaning is soldier, famous bearer and the lucky number associated with is 4. Reuben . Armaan - Name Meaning, Origin & Popularity. The Baby Name Guesser can answer all these questions about the name Armaan. Literal meaning of Armaan: Armaan is a Hindi/ Urdu word meaning "Ambition, want or desire".

Pronunciation of Armaan AR mon Meaning of Armaan Wish, longing, desire. Popularity of name Armaan over time There are 2645 people in the U.S. with the first name Armaan, this name was mostly popular in 2009 with popularity 174 . It means that it is relatively medium-length, compared to the other names in our database. Historical popularity of Armaan. Peter . Find all the relevant details about the meaning, origin, lucky number and religion is available in this page. Armaan is a Muslim Boy name and it is an Persian originated name with multiple meanings. More about Armaan. Find out the meaning of the baby boy name Armaan from the Indian Origin Popularity of Armaan. Compare Popularity Trend for Armaan Vs Other.

Origin of Armaan Indian Names Iranian Names Persian Names Sikh Names Popularity of Armaan Armaan currently has no likes. Armaan is also Persian word meaning "goal". Popularity of the Name. Armaan is used for Man .

Some spelling variations of the name Armaan might be more popular than others.