Played straight for the Ravens when they are revealed to be Akira clones. Astral Chain is a stylish, gorgeous, and thrilling experience. Smart art design allows the game to stun visually, even on the limited hardware. It also serves to get adrenaline pumping in the intense boss fights throughout the game. Set in a future version of Earth overrun by dangerous alien life forms known as chimera, that started appearing through wormholes after a mysterious meteorite struck the planet. The soundtrack is fantastic at capturing mood in dingy streets, and hopping malls. It is still a fantastic game everyone should play with a solid 9/10 score.

However, Akira remains loyal to their sibling to the end. Now with, Astral Chain, the fan-favorite studio returns with its first original IP on the Switch, and it’s a knockout exclusive that stands shoulder-to-shoulder with some of the best games in their roster. The end of 2019 is nigh, which means it's time for us to take stock of this year's crop of games. Astral Chain is the most ambitious game Platinum has ever made, and is for the most part a success. Initially I was expecting a 10/10 score for Astral Chain, but I guess I set the bar too high this time. I took many screenshots of my anime girl and her legions ever-changing appearance. The Legions and character outfits have set color schemes that you unlock, but you can also edit them for your favorite color combinations. The color scheme of their Raven armor and the eerie red of their Astral Chain seem very off, and Hal tries to warn the player to be suspicious of the Ravens as a whole. Akira is the main protagonist of Nintendo and Platinum Games’s new upcoming series, Astral Chain. Even though PlatinumGames’ latest action title Astral Chain is set to drop at ... seen of Astral Chain is just how vivid it is.