The activist cited Cardinal Cupich in his letter. Bishop Paprocki letter on Province of Chicago Plan for Re-opening Churches May 13, 2020 -Page Two Now that the faithful are also permitted to receive Holy Communion, our diocese in most respects is already in Phase IA of the Plan, awaiting Phase II, the Resumption of Public Masses. Bishop Paprocki must also disclose what transparent new procedures are being immediately implemented to protect our children and defrock these criminals. Thursday ... who issued an encyclical letter in 1891 on the rights and duties of capital and labor, entitled Rerum novarum.
In a recent letter …

"Bishop Paprocki provides pastoral guide on gender identity." As we reported in yesterday’s Bondings 2.0 post, Bishop Thomas Paprocki of Springfield, Illinois, has issued a wide-ranging decree barring lesbian and gay couples in civil marriages from communion, pastoral leadership, being granted funerals, among other things. Bishop Paprocki annoucement regarding Masses, other activities from Diocese of Springfield in IL on Vimeo. Bishop Paprocki rebuked a homosexual activist in 2016 who said in a letter to the editor of an Illinois newspaper that persons in “irregular” marital situations can receive Holy Communion if their “conscience” tells them.

Ars celebrandi et adorandi - Pastoral Letter from Bishop Thomas John Paprocki.
The following is an open letter to Bishop Paprocki in response to that decree from New Ways Ministry’s Executive Director …

Fetal-Microchimerism gives new meaning to the bonding of Motherhood.

Bishop Paprocki’s nearly unparalleled crusade against LGBTQ people is shameful. Ars crescendi in Dei gratia - September 15, 2015 A Pastoral Letter To the Clergy and Faithful of the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois On Building a Culture of Growth in the Church The decree, and an accompanying letter, were mailed earlier in the week to all of the Catholic lawmakers who voted in favor of the bills. In a letter to the editor published over the weekend in The State Journal-Register, Bp. Bishop Paprocki has announced that Catholic churches can begin holding in-person services, under certain restrictions, as soon as June 6. By LISA BOURNE SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (LifeSiteNews) — Pope Francis’ no-comment reply regarding Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò’s testimony implicating the Pontiff and other senior prelates in covering up for alleged sexual abuser Archbishop Theodore McCarrick is insufficient, Bishop Thomas Paprocki of Springfield, Ill., said on August 28. His dangerous wielding of authority harms many people not only in his diocese, but in the wider church.. English ESPAÑOL. Thomas John Joseph Paprocki is an American prelate of the Roman Catholic Church who serves as bishop of the Diocese of Springfield, Illinois. A Post-Synodal Pastoral Letter To the Clergy and Faithful of the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois On the Art of Living and Dying in God's Grace. After receiving a 17-page letter from two Washington, D.C. law firms representing the diocese, the city and county backed down. Reprinted with permission. How the unborn child blesses the mother and physically changes her, for the rest of her life.

In a sermon written by Bishop Thomas John Paprocki and delivered at all 130 parishes last weekend, the leader of the Springfield Roman Catholic Diocese admitted to …

Catholic World Report (February 10, 2020). In an op-ed for the newspaper, Paprocki rejected that possiblity. Bishop Thomas John Paprocki: I respectfully disagree . A Pastoral Letter from Presiding Bishop George R. Lucey, FCM, on Roman Catholic Bishop Thomas Paprocki’s Refusal of Christian Burial to Persons in Same-gender Relationships + In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit! Catholic World Report is an online news magazine that tells the story from an orthodox Catholic perspective.