show. Let’s break down some pros and cons about books and films shall we? PM Kisan. Movies are more alluring, visually appealing, and considered by many as more enjoyable. Indian Mobile Company. BSNL Mobile balance. Check jio Balance. Well, anyway at the end of the day we are left to our opinions to love art more, whether it is books or movies! More times that not, the author has a lot to say in the matter as well. OBC Bank. To a greater degree, films are a part of popular culture, which functions partly to reduce stress.

Pro – You get to see your favourite characters brought to life through someone else’s interpretation. 3 KEY PROS OF MOVIES: 1. Chinese Mobile Company. So, we’ve reached the conclusion that both books and movies have their own pros and cons. 3 Cons of Reading Books Instead of Watching Movies 1. Coronavirus cases in world. Google Photos. Books Are Too Long With the jam-packed schedules of many adults and teens these days, books can take weeks, months, or even years to read. Telangana Coronavirus cases. A book is only limited by your imagination, while a television show or movie runs into issues regarding special effects, actors, finding the perfect setting, and all the other variables that go into making a movie or T.V. Therefore, books are like our business cards. Let’s be frank — most of us just love movies. Central bank of India. Writing a book and making a film, both requires creativity and hard work. A movie only has an hour and a half to two hours to convey the story, where a book has countless words to set the story.