Donate Now . Communiqué du diocèse de Paris : Lutte contre les abus - signature d’un protocole d’accord entre le parquet de Paris et le diocèse de Paris. II.− [En relation avec catholique* II] Caractère de ce qui est universel. FORMED—Catholic online faith formation library. Diocesan priests– Men ordained to serve in a particular diocese. Le terme évêché renferme aussi quelquefois les archevêchés. A resource website containing thousands of faith formation videos, movies, programs, audio and books covering all aspects of our Catholic faith. Prononc.

Ds Ac. La catholicité de la raison (Foulq.-St-Jean 1962). The word ‘diocese’ comes from a Greek word meaning “to keep house.” A bishop is regarded by Catholics as a shepherd, a successor of the apostles whom Jesus Christ chose to carry on the work of His church. These priests take a vow of obedience to their local bishop and his successors. cese (dī′ə-sĭs, -sēs′, -sēz′) n. The district or churches under the jurisdiction of a bishop; a bishopric.

Diocese definition, an ecclesiastical district under the jurisdiction of a bishop. Le diocèse (du latin : diœcesis ou diocesis, qui vient lui-même du grec ancien διοίκησις / dioíkêsis, « administration, gouvernement ») est une circonscription territoriale de l'Empire romain conçue sous Dioclétien, à la fin du III e siècle.. Catholic a. Originally the term diocese (Gr. dioikesis) signified Origin of term. ‘The bishop of my own diocese acknowledged as much in his pastoral letter on the subject.’ ‘A large version of the candle will be lit in every church in the diocese at Christmas.’ ‘It is located in the diocese of Lucknow, one of 27 dioceses in the Church of North India.’ Diocese: A geographic area under the care of one bishop. Current and historical information about the Bishops and Dioceses of the Catholic Hierarchy around the world. Catholic Pastoral Centre | 120 - 17th Ave SW, Calgary, AB T2S 2T2 | Phone: 403-218-5500 | [email protected] Charitable Number: 10790-9939-RR0076 . You only need to register once for you and all your family members that attend the same parish or community in the diocese.

The term does not appear with this definition in most English dictionaries, which is part of the reason it is listed here. Appel à témoignages de la Commission indépendante sur les abus sexuels dans l’Église (CIASE) Confiée à la présidence de Jean-Marc Sauvé, et chargée d’accomplir un travail de vérité. ; see dia- … : [katɔlisite]. Lire la suite. The diocese provides them with seminary formation and oversight. 2. What does diocese mean?