It appears what I received was swapped with the reward supposed to be granted for the High Stakes quest availale later in the game.

Win against Count Tybalt during the quest High Stakes Grave Hag. Eredin Destroyer of Worlds. Contract: The Phantom of Eldberg

You got Eredin's "Destroyer of Worlds" leader card. Forktail. The Heist. Eredin Destroyer of Worlds is a Gwent Card in the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Eredin Bréacc Glas: Destroyer of Worlds is one of five possible gwent leader cards for the Monsters deck in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Defeat Tybalt and win the gwent tournament held at the Passiflora. They include: Destroyer of Worlds - Pick a card from your discard pile and put it back into your hand; Bringer of Death - Discard two cards from your hand and in turn choose and draw 1 card from the deck. Imlerith. According to various guides, I need to win the Gwent Tournament to get this card. Eredin: Destroyer of Worlds (gwent card) It is unavoidable. I got "Eredin - Destroyer of Worlds"(which shoudl be reward for High Stakes quest in Novigrad) instead of "Eredin - Bringer of Death" in Velen quest. Fire Elemental. I just completed the Gwent Velen Players quest and was awarded "Eredin - Destroyer of Worlds", though when I look around in every guide it is stated that I should have been granted "Eredin - Bringer of Death" instead.


Ghoul (2 of 3) - Random. 72 XP, Eredin, Destroyer of Worlds Card: Gwent Master. Count Tybalt during High Stakes: Eredin Bréacc Glas: The Treacherous: Leader n/a: n/a: The Treacherous Doubles strength of all spies. Ghoul (1 of 3) - Random. Eredin King of the Wild Hunt. Destroyer of Worlds (Gwent Quest) -- Reward for completing this quest Velen Players Bringer of Death (Secondary Quest: High Stakes) -- During quest, Passiflora (final match) Eredin Bréacc Glas - The Treacherous (Hearts of Stone DLC) -- Bought from trader at Upper Mill. Foglet.

Seems 1.08 did switch those two cards but this list is confirmed.
Is there any method to farm them? - Eredin, Destroyer of Worlds Skellige Secondary Quest: Shock Therapy - Iorveth. Eredin: Destroyer of Worlds: Leader n/a: n/a: Destroyer of Worlds Restore a card from your discard pile to your hand. Thx again! I finally got them all. 15. Ghoul (3 of 3) - Harviken tavern.

Card Type: Leader; Faction: Monsters; Card Strength: N/A; Leader Ability: Restore a card from your discard pile to your hand. thats the card i got but if you look at the text for the reward i got or text in the bottom of the inventory where its says the recent item i got is Eredin Breacc Glas card instead but that got u can see at the end is still locked cause of this bug i guess.
Doubles the strength of all Close Combat units, unless a Commander's Horn is already in play on that row. See Also Ice Giant Location. Once you are victorious you and Count Tybalt will be informed that some dastardly thieves sneaked off with the purse! Consider using this card if you have few other options of cards serving the same strategic purpose. See Also Eredin Bréacc Glas, Eredin: Commander of the Red Riders, Eredin: King of the Wild Hunt, Eredin: Bringer of Death, Eredin Bréacc Glas: The Treacherous Eredin: Destroyer of Worlds should be the Prize from the Count at High Stakes Tourney; Eredin: The Treacherous can be bought in the HoS expansion (Upper Mill Merchant). I'm trying to aquire all the Gwent cards but i still need a lot of the random gwent cards you get from playing merchants. "I've long awaited this..." Card Information.