As the season progresses, the stems become somewhat woody at their base.

Theophrastus wrote about two different sages, a wild undershrub he called sphakos, and a similar cultivated plant he called elelisphakos. sage | definition: aromatic fresh or dried grey-green leaves used widely as seasoning for meats and fowl and game etc | synonyms: herb, clary sage, Salvia officinalis, common sage, ramona| antonyms: ill-advised, imprudent, backward, uninformed, grey-white Sage has been cultivated for millennia, its therapeutic virtues being mentioned by Theophrastus, Pliny and Dioscorides who called it elelisphakon, one of sage’s many ancient names along with elifagus, lingua humana, selba and Salvia.. The name of the genus, Salvia, is derived from the Latin salvere, to be saved, in reference to the curative properties of the plant, which was in olden times celebrated as a medicinal herb. There are many species of sage. Overview Information Sage is an herb. Apart from cooking, it is also found in various traditional European and Chinese medicines for its health promoting and disease preventing properties. From medicinal to culinary use, sage has long been an herb garden staple. The leaf is used to make medicine. The leaf is used to make medicine. The Romans referred to sage as the "holy herb," and employed it in their religious rituals.
Pineapple sage is known by other various names, including its botanical name Salvia elegans. Many lateral branches develop, giving the plant a dense, rounded form. Sage's light blue flowers and gray-green foliage help it combine well with other plants in a flower border or container. In the early 800s AD, sage was considered an important crop because of its medicinal properties as well as lucrative trade business. Though the herb is generally listed as hardy to Zone 8 or 9, the roots of pineapple sage overwinter in my Zone 7 garden under 3 to 4 inches of winter mulch, producing a larger clump of shoots each year.

There are many species of sage. Characteristics: Basil is the most commonly used herb in the United States. Pliny the Elder said the latter plant was called salvia by the Romans, and used as a diuretic, a local anesthetic for the skin, a styptic, and for other uses. Common sage (S. officinalis), a woody perennial growing 60 cm (2 feet) tall, bears aromatic leaves that are the source of the culinary herb. This sharp-flavored legendary plant has long been recognized as "the guardian of herbs." You can search the herb according to your requirement, from the list of most common herbs names given below :-