He has been behind bars since 1994 after he was sentenced to 34 years. His appointments were typically short. EVIL priest Gerald Ridsdale is arrogant, spends his jail time hiding inside his small unit and has multiple Catholic Church priests on his list of contacts.

Gerald Francis Ridsdale (born 20 May 1934), an Australian laicised Catholic priest, was convicted between 1993 and 2017 of a large number of child sexual abuse and indecent assault charges against 65 children aged as young as four years. From the Report: Following his ordination in 1961, Ridsdale held 16 different appointments over a period of 29 years as a priest. In all, Gerald Ridsdale is known to have abused at least 69 children. Gerald Ridsdale as chaplain at Nazareth House girls' home in Ballarat in the early 1960s. Gerald Ridsdale: jailed paedophile priest’s life and offending Read more Ridsdale has been convicted for abusing more than 50 children over three decades, dating back to … Where were you first in contact with him? https://www.sbs.com.au/news/feature/girls-paedophile-and-cardinal-pell INTERVIEW WITH SISTER KATHLEEN McGRATH OF 18 PARKSIDE STREET, BLACKBURN, TELEPHONE 878 7759, 24TH SEPTEMBER, 1993 Q Sister can you tell me when you first became aware of Father Gerald Ridsdale? Ridsdale's nephew, David Ridsdale, gave evidence before the commission that his uncle had sexually abused him from the age of 11 to 15. A Actually I was first in contact with him when I was a boarder at Sacred Heart Ridsdale, now 48, said he called his sister after the conversation with Pell and told her “the bastard tried to bribe me”. A father laid his naked daughter on a church altar where she was abused by Australia’s worst paedophile priest Gerald Francis Ridsdale, a court has heard. It was later revealed in May 2020 that Pell assisted in transferring Gerald to Sydney in 1982. Where Father Pell was involved more closely with child abuse offences was within the priesthood and the most notorious of these was Father Gerald Ridsdale. Mr Kenna said family was deeply religious and his mother and two younger siblings had attended the ordination of disgraced priest Gerald Ridsdale in Ballarat. Ridsdale. The same month, Ridsdale had …

He has been behind bars since 1994 after he was sentenced to 34 years. The former Catholic priest has pleaded guilty to sex crimes against another 12 children, one as young as six, during the three decades he abused children throughout western Victoria. He had been eligible for parole in 2022. In all, Gerald Ridsdale is known to have abused at least 69 children.