Let there be untied sky from earth and sea, night from light, and you looked and saw that it was good. Awards. The Where to Submit list is a community space, just like all of Entropy. Then to make Eve, took him apart. Repeat. Please do not submit more than once per genre per submission period. You spoke, then saw what you’d wrought. Submit. We aim to respond to submissions within six months, hopefully earlier. What file types can I submit? We accept all file formats. We are the monster in the mirror, God, your world made of words. Is it just me or does it feel like the beginning of 2020 was about a million years ago? Our primary goal is to help connect writers with small presses, journals, and other literary opportunities. Unsolicited poetry, fiction, and nonfiction submissions should be submitted via our online submissions manager. Our reading periods for unsolicited submissions are June 1-July and December 1-January 1. Your account will be set up during your first submission. We strongly prefer pieces be set in in Size 12, Times New Roman or Times font. Guernica. Please wait for our response before sending us other work to consider. poetry 0 . Additional submittable submissions will be held until the subsequent period. Additional paper submissions will be discarded and not considered. When you are ready to submit, please visit our submission system at poetry.submittable.com. All text submissions must be formatted in standard manuscript format and submitted in .doc format. With spit and a fistful of dust, you made the first man. Whatever the length, the piece must be exemplary. Logan Science Journalism Fellowship 2017 - Biomedical and Health reporting WOODS HOLE, Mass.

Please DO NOT email submissions directly to our editorial staff. REGULAR SUBMISSIONS: • We are currently closed for submissions. If you submit and do not receive a verification email, please resubmit and send us an email letting us know what happened. Please submit only one piece at a time, and please include a cover letter along with your piece. Once you have submitted your work, you can check the status of your submission by signing into your Submittable account. Of course, rules like this were made to be broken. There is no need to create an account beforehand. Writers will receive compensation for accepted magazine pieces. If you are in touch directly with a Catapult editor, please share your writing with them via email, and do not submit here. Rebecca Foust Do you still look and see that it is good? Multiple submissions will be automatically rejected; While Brick does not set a word limit, we tend towards a range of 1,000–5,000 words. Please only submit one piece at a time. Our submissions system should send you a verification email within 24 hours. submit.