The process for beginning a game of Jackbox over Zoom is quite easy and starts with you installing your Jackbox Party Pack of choice on your PC or Mac. If you feel confident about you and your fellow players’ internet connections, just hop on a videoconferencing service (like Zoom or Google Hangouts). Here's how to play Jackbox on Zoom to have some at-home fun. With Zoom (or any other screen-sharing app), you can stream the screen so everyone can see it and play Jackbox games online. Jackbox: How to play over video during coronavirus quarantine Whether you’re writing family-friendly jokes, competing with rude drawings, or trying to figure out who’s lying about being a secret alien, Jackbox games are an excellent platform for social gaming. Additionally, if … Playing With Friends. You’ve found the perfect blog post. Jackbox Games are local multiplayer games, but with a few extra steps, it’s easy to get a game started with others in remote locations.