Hounds can be contrasted with gundogs, that assist hunters by identifying the location of prey and/or recovering shot quarry.The hound breeds were the first hunting dogs.They have either a powerful sense of smell or great speed, or both. All Dogs – over 500 breeds. Its body is a bit longer in proportion to his legs.

Affenpinscher; Afghan Hound See more ideas about Greyhound, Greyhound pictures, Dogs. The Galgo Español (Spanish galgo) or Spanish sighthound is an ancient breed of dog, specifically a member of the sighthound family.The English greyhound is possibly a descendant of the Spanish greyhound and, for several years in the 20th century, some breeders did cross-breed Galgos and Greyhounds in order to produce faster and more powerful Galgos, specifically for track racing purposes. Greyhound owners consider Greyhounds wonderful pets. All Dog Breeds – over 500. There are three types of hound, with several breeds within each type: . Baddog Greyhound 10 – egy felívelőben lévő magyar márka terméke Az alkatrészek tökéletesen működtek a teszt során, semmilyen probléma nem merült fel velük kapcsolatban. A kis olasz agár kutya (Italian Greyhound) Az olasz agár ókori kutyafajta- az ókori művészetekben való ábrázolása kb 2.000 évre nyúlik vissza. Összességében egy régi vágású, hagyományos értékeket szem előtt tartó klasszikus országútival van dolgunk, ami jól teljesített ott, ahová alapvetően szánták. 07.10.2013 - Magyar Agár / Magyar Agar #Sighthounds #Greyhounds #Dogs #Puppy Mehr dazu Finde diesen Pin und vieles mehr auf Mudhol Hound / Hortaya Borzaya / Galgo Español / … Greyhound puppies that have not been taught how to utilize their energy, however, can be hyperactive and destructive if not given an outlet, and therefore require more experienced handlers. A reneszánsz korban ezek a kutyák rendkívüli népszerűségnek örvendtek az olasz nemesemberek körében, innen ered a kutyafajta olasz agár elnevezése. They are very loving, and enjoy the company of their humans and other dogs. All Dogs - over 500 breeds. Pets. The Magyar Agár has thicker skin and a longer coat, making it more tolerant of cold weather. Feb 21, 2018 - Explore fatboyandumi740's board "greyhound" on Pinterest. Description. The Greyhound has a faster sprinting speed at 45 mph, but the Magyar Agár is the clear winner in a marathon. It also has a larger head than the Greyhound.

Dec 12, 2013 - magyar Agar hound photo | Magyar Agár dog face photo and wallpaper.