Not just cranes and stars. The Sonobe unit is a simple example unit from modular origami that is both easy t… May 25, 2015 - Modular origami is a technique that can be used to build some pretty interesting and impressive models of mathematical objects. Mar 7, 2017 - Icosahedron Modular Origami: Create your own nerdy icosahedron with some simple modular origami.

But, even though it's not that great, I'm proud of this creation. Aug 10, 2013 - Post-It Origami Icosahedron: Here I show you how to make origami icosahedron from 30 sonobe pieces. Nice Origami Icosahedron: Ever since I've started origami, I've always been looking forward to building something great; like a swan, made with a ton of pieces. Alors l’origami, je vois ce que c’est.
Jul 30, 2019 - I spent the holiday weekend becoming fluent in the basics of modular origami. Icosahedron, Octahedron & Cube. Mais le modular origami (origami modulaire en français), ben non, je ne connaissais pas. In modular origami, you combine multiple units folded from single pieces of paper into more complicated forms.

With practice, you can churn out the below models surprisingly quickly. Icosahedron Modular Origami: Create your own nerdy icosahedron with some simple modular origami. Il s’agit donc de réunir différents modules, pliés en origami, sans colle ni agrafe, pour former une figure géométrique complexe en 3 … Joli mais sérieux. 21.8.2018 - Modular origami polyhedra (platonic solids) - tetrahedron, icosahedron & dodecahedron - published in Unit Origami Wonderland by Tomoko Fuse In modular origami, you combine multiple units folded from single pieces of paper into more complicated forms. The Sonobe unit is a simple example unit from modular origami that is both easy t… Nov 28, 2015 - Modular origami is a technique that can be used to build some pretty interesting and impressive models of mathematical objects.

Hé bien figurez-vous que c’est joli.