In the Netherlands, Moroccans are the third largest group of non-western immigrants after people from the former Dutch colony of Indonesia and the Turks. Through a moving exhibition, the Moroccan community in Holland celebrates the fights and … They are one of the larger immigrants in Netherlands just like the Turks. The country is among the ones in Europe with the largest concentration of Moroccans… At over 4% of Belgium's population, the Moroccan population in Belgium is the highest percentagewise in Europe. It is 50 years ago this week that the Netherlands and Morocco signed to a special deal regulating the migration of Moroccan workers to the Netherlands. However social analysts such as Ineke van der Valk, the author of Half a Century in the Netherlands: the Moroccan Labor Migration in 50 Stories, say Wilders is overlooking statistics instead of promoting policies to address disproportionate crime rates "It's not that crime is exclusive to Moroccans. There is a bigger network of young Dutch-Moroccan criminals in The Netherlands than previously thought. If Moroccans continue to apply for asylum at the same rate that’s been seen so far this year, the Netherlands will see as many or more asylum requests from this group than were seen in 2016, when 1283 Moroccans applied for asylum. The first wave of Moroccan immigrants in the Netherlands was registered between 1965 and 1973 and since then, the country became a good home for numerous people from Morocco, who legally work and live there. Despite a worse than useless integration policy, young Dutch Moroccans are doing very well in the Netherlands, write D66 parliamentary party chairman Rob Jetten and integration spokesman Jan Paternotte. Asking for fewer Moroccans is something totally different than if I were to want all Moroccans to leave the Netherlands or than if I were to object to every Moroccan. The Moroccan-Dutch are the immigrants from Morocco to the Netherlands. Not dozens but hundreds of youths are in this web of drug dealers, gunmen, executers and facilitators. This group is tied to at least six executions and several extremely violent robberies in The Netherlands and in Antwerp, according to a police investigation. Roti roll, which is natively Hindu-Suriname is the most popular dish in all take-out shops across the Netherlands and most small scale stores are run by the Turks or Moroccans. Dutch-Moroccans celebrate 50 years of immigration through a moving exhibition. Morocco and the Netherlands abroad; The Moroccan embassy is one of 268 foreign representations in the Netherlands and one of 121 foreign representations in The Hague. To put things in perspective, 2015 saw just 90 Moroccans apply for asylum, while the year before saw 65. In Belgium, Moroccans now form even the largest group of non-western immigrants. Moroccans were not much represented in the first major postwar wave of migration to the Netherlands from the mid-1940s to the mid-1960s, which consisted mostly of people from the Netherlands' former colonies.

I have yet to meet the Dutchman who wants more Moroccans in the Netherlands. These representations include an embassy in Rabat and consulates in Casablanca and Nador. Migration history. In 1969, Morocco and the Netherlands signed a bilateral treaty for the recruitment of guest workers. They came from the Netherlands colony, Morocco, during the treaty agreement signed between the countries. Netherlands in Morocco; The Netherlands has three representations in Morocco. Like me, 43% of all the Dutch and 95% of my supporters want fewer Moroccans in the Netherlands.