Olive Oyl is a cartoon character created by E. C. Segar in 1919 for his comic strip Thimble Theatre. Olive Oyl is a fictional character created by Elzie Crisler Segar in 1919 for his comic strip Thimble Theatre.Best known as Popeye's girlfriend She is Popeye's eternal sweetheart and the two have stuck through thick and thin to face many challenges and adventures together.

Spinach-eating Popeye appeared in 1929, and other Oyl family members such as Cylinda Oyl, Diesel Oyl, Violet Oyl, Otto Oyl, Sutra Oyl, and Standard Oyl appeared. Lead character Olive Oyl was joined by her brother Castor Oyl, and her boyfriend Ham Gravy. Since her debut, Olive is one of the most recognizable female cartoon charact… Eventually, mother Nana Oyl (for banana oil) was introduced, as was daddy Cole Oyl.

She is more curvaceous than Olive, but otherwise looks very much like her.

Olive Oyl is a character created by Elzie Crisler Segar in 1919 for his comic strip Thimble Theatre (which was subsequently renamed after Popeye ever since the sailor character became the most popular member of the strip's cast). In the comic strip series "Thimble Theatre", Olive Oyl had some competition for her main squeeze Popeye. The strip was later renamed Popeye after the sailor character that became the most popular member of the cast; however, Olive Oyl was a main character for 10 years before Popeye's 1929 appearance.

Sweet Oyl is Olive Oyl's big city cousin. In the Segar era, this came in the form of Sweet Oyl, a gal from the city who came to the countryside to steal away Olive Oyl's lover (while not knowing what he looked like or who he was, a fact that Wimpy took advantage).