Qt Creator is a cross-platform integrated development environment (IDE) built for the maximum developer experience. Qt Creator groups settings used for building and running projects as kits to make cross-platform and cross-configuration development easier. To install Qt Creator from its installer, download it according to the chosen license. run Note: It might be necessary to change the installer file mode to executable. It is part of the Qt Project. Qt Creator is a cross-platform C++, JavaScript and QML integrated development environment which simplifies GUI application development. I have the cross compiler tool chain for my target platform. This gives your access to native device features like sensors, camera, file system as well as multimedia, networking, localization and much more. Qt Designer 's GUI layout/design functionality is integrated into the IDE, although Qt Designer can still be started as a standalone tool. Qt Creator is a cross-platform C++ IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that is part of the Qt project. Qt Creator provides a cross-platform, complete integrated development environment (IDE) for application developers to create applications for multiple desktop, embedded, and mobile device platforms, such as Android and iOS.It is available for Linux, macOS and Windows operating systems. After compiling, just add this new build manually to Qt Creator and it's done. Finally, the Qt Creator IDE provides a cross-platform, complete integrated development environment (IDE) for application developers to create applications for multiple desktop, embedded, and mobile device platforms, such as Android and iOS.

Projects seem to have been a focal point of recent development works, allowing users better control in all sorts of contexts. Qt Creator runs on Windows, Linux, and macOS desktop operating systems, and allows developers to create applications across desktop, mobile, and embedded platforms. This is exactly what you’re looking for and it works through an integrated development environment..

Felgo harness the power of Qt, the leading cross-platform development framework used by over 1,000,000 developers. Viewed 2k times 2. Qt 5.9 LTS is a solid baseline, which continues to improve still during 2018. Qt 5.9 LTS is a solid baseline, which continues to improve still during 2018.

/ qt-unified-linux-x64-3.0.5-online. Now, I need to cross compile it for my target platform. Cross-Platform Development with Qt.

It is part of the Qt Project. If you’re a developer and you’re in need of a cross-platform tool to help you create apps for mobile devices and desktops, then you should look no further. Learn the basic concepts, tools, and functions that you need to build fully functional cross platform apps using Qt, QML and Felgo. Qt Roadmap for 2018 by Tuukka Turunen, Senior VP, R&D at The Qt Company. The best approach I could find was to compile Qt using the msys2 environment in association with the right cross compiler for the target platform.

This Set up is done on Ubuntu 16.04. For more information, see Supported Platforms.. It is available for Linux, mac OS, and Windows operating systems. You should use the configure script not the bat file. It comes with a code editor, and is integrated with tools for designing, coding, testing, deploying and maintaining your software throughout its product lifecycle. I am using 'Qt Creator version 4.5.0'. QT Creator - cross platform compiling. I have the cross compiler tool chain for my target platform.

Qt Creator is a cross-platform IDE for C++ and QML. The final release is planned for mid-April. The editor includes such features as syntax highlighting for various languages, project manager, integrated version control systems, rapid code navigation tools and code autocompletion. Ask Question Asked 8 years, 4 months ago.