In this sense, dignity is not granted to persons by the ethical activity of others. Dignity is not bestowed on persons by other persons, by the family or society or the state. At the national level, the Catholic bishops were unswervingly behind the civil rights movement, and their series of public statements made their position crystal clear. Noté /5.

2 In the church’s law, rights and obligations are inter- woven and often interdependent.

The Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches defines "rite" as follows: "Rite is the liturgical, theological, spiritual and disciplinary heritage, distinguished according to peoples' culture and historical circumstances, that finds expression in each autonomous church's way of living the faith." The breadth, depth and universality of human rights in the Catholic tradition 'Human rights' is the contemporary language for embracing, and the modern means of achieving, respect and dignity for all. Rather the reality of human dignity makes claims on others that it … CORPUS CHRISTI, TX (Catholic Online) - The Church has adopted into her teaching the modern language of human rights with some important qualifications. Rights in the Church: Notes on Canon Law No. Reflecting on the final form of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Mary Anne Glendon observes that Catholic social doctrine is one of the many tributaries which fed into its formation: They are sacred and precious. It insists that human rights be understood within the limits of human nature and natural law. Retrouvez A Concise Guide to Your Rights in the Catholic Church et des millions de livres en stock sur

They must be seen in the context of a community, whether that commu- nity is strictly limited to members of the Catholic church or is more inclusive. Achetez neuf ou d'occasion David Hollenbach notes that in the Catholic rights tradition human dignity is an indicative rather than an imperative: Human persons have dignity. At the level of the papacy, Pope Paul VI left no question about Catholic teaching and universal Church policy in the matter.