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Download RTSS Rivatuner Statistics Server This is the official homepage for Rivatuner. Need help with How to disable RivaTuner statistics server. J. John2090073 Honorable. Posted by 2 years ago. RTSS continues to receive updates and many latest APIs and graphics cards. Mar 10, 2013 207 0 10,690 2.

Does MSI Afterburner require Rivatuner Statistics Server for custom fan curves? RivaTuner Statistics Server 7.2.3: RivaTuner Statistics Server is a powerful frame-rate monitoring and a helper application for RivaTuner graphic cards. RTSS has been causing some choppiness in my games, so I want to remove it. Close. Archived. Previous Next Sort by votes. RivaTuner Statistics Server (RTSS.exe). Does MSI Afterburner require Rivatuner Statistics Server for custom fan curves? RivaTuner Statistics Server, free download. guru3D Forums. Rivatuner Statistics Server is the de-facto framerate monitoring, on-screen display, and high-performance video capturing service provider for most graphics card utilities out there. But its role later shifted to a de-facto framerate monitoring and high-performance video capture service provider for the client applications. rivatuner free download - RivaTuner, Rivatuner Statistics Server, and many more programs It seems like it's impossible to use Afterburner without having the icon of RivaTuner Statistics just next to it.

Thread starter John2090073; Start date Mar 25, 2017; Sidebar Sidebar. Forums. The RivaTuner Statistics Server (RTSS) initially evolved as companion software to RivaTuner. 0. The program offers you on-screen display and high-performance videocapture services … Hardware. Initially designed as a small helper application for RivaTuner graphics card utility, RivaTuner Statistics Server became de-facto framerate monitoring, On-Screen Display, and high-performance video capture service provider for other graphics card utilities. Graphics Cards.