Consider getting a shallow cat box or placing a ramp at the entrance of the box. 4.

Veterinarians prescribe hormone therapy to female cats that urinate in their sleep. Having a male cat urinating everywhere in the house is not only embarrassing but also annoying. ... Our cat has all of a sudden started urinating uncontrollably. By being aware of your cat's regular activities and his general healthy physical appearance, it will be easier to notice little changes and identify when he's sick. He is fixed. Zorro's Owner. The usual prescription calls for phenylpropanolamine and estrogen hormone replacement. When a cat enters deep sleep, the brain temporarily closes down. 3320 Recommendations. He … Please let us know how he is doing when your vet gives you a diagnosis. Your cat has started to display some odd behavior lately. 3.

Make sure there's a box on each level of your home. My un-neutered male kitten Max seems to have an involuntary muscle movement in his hind legs recently.

They may have diarrhea which is difficult to control or stop using their litter tray as they normally do. 2 Increased Thirst. For the sake of your cat's privacy and your own decor, consider a decorative screen to separate the cat litter box area from other areas. A Helpful & Useful Guide . Depending on your cat's medical prognosis, there may come a time when you and your vet decide it's in your cat's best interest to make the compassionate and loving choice to euthanize her. Your house will not stop smelling of pee and your cat will continue behaving this way. Not all owners can recognize these key signs of a urinary tract infection (UTI). Rarely, if ever is stool used for marking. He is male, and is usually at normal weight.

Let the cat decide, now is not the time to be fussy about where your cat sleeps. Cat seizures can occur during sleep and in some cases the cat may not even experience seizures but simply move during sleep.It is important to distinguish between sleep apnea and seizures and find the cause of the seizures to be able to administer a suitable treatment.

Hi. If your cat is suffering with incontinence, they may struggle to urinate and possibly strain while doing so. He is outside most of the time now, but if he comes inside he will run up to me and spray my leg. If your cat is sleeping all day and not eating or generally just seems like he's not feeling well, there's a good chance he may be sick. Urinating while sleeping is more common in older cats as they start losing their basic, most important senses and become disoriented and scared as their eye sight decreases in quality. He did notice a very high white blood count and gave her a steroid injection, which completely fixed the problem, but only for about two weeks. by The Neptune Cat Lady (Neptune city NJ) My 2 year old female indoor cat will jump on my bed and urinate, right next to me while I am asleep. He will stand in a trance like position. He's a pretty big cat - I never realized how big until I got a kitten. More importantly, the body is completely relaxed.

Marking includes spraying urine on vertical locations; on occasion a cat may mark its territory by urinating small amounts on horizontal surfaces. I have a cat, who is female, that is almost 5 years old.

This only occurs in the middle of the night.

Alternatively, they may not recognize when they are urinating and leave trails of urine in the house. Avoid any major changes. I have taken her to the vet and while she did have an infection, that has been cleared but the habit has only gotten worst. I wasn't worried, because he ate kitten food beforehand and had the same reactions, and I started trying to catch him more, he stopped, and in a few days he was fine. She has begun to pee in her sleep, or also when she is just relaxed, very often. While litter boxes function as feline restrooms, sofas and beds are supposed to be for relaxing, sleeping and (if we’re lucky) cuddling cats. It doesn't have to be forever, but when you aren't sleeping in the bed, Garber says you could cover it with something like a shower curtain to make it a non-absorbent place the cat isn't going to be interested in.

Then dribbles will come out. Make the previously soiled area unattractive to the pet. Groom and clean the cat: While awake he uses the litter box.

Your previously house-trained cat is now urinating in your bathtub or on your bed. She had tests at the vet and she does not have a bladder infection.

How to Stop a Cat from Urinating While Asleep.

It has happened more than once, and while I slept in a different bed. Consequently, its bladder distends to the maximum especially at night. The cat will breathe deep and even, and not respond to any stimulus. Male Cat Urinating Everywhere.

Also, your cat strains as if constipated, just sitting there in the litter box waiting and repeatedly scratching.

Ask your cat’s veterinarian to do a complete examination to identify medical problems that could cause restlessness, discomfort or an increased need to eliminate. I have a 10 year old cat (or there abouts). About ½ to ¾ of the treated cats respond positively to the treatment.

Aug. 22, 2018. When he lays down or wants to cuddle his back legs kick out every few seconds, while this happens his tail twitches back and forth rapidly and constantly. A cat that pees while napping is likelier to be in deep sleep.