183+56 sentence examples: 1. Envy grew in place of the poverty he had conquered. The problem is that the poor don't have enough money to afford the food.

Definition of Poverty. Economy is the poor man' s mint; and extravagance the rich man ' s p 2. Do not jeer at the poor. Students who are affected by poverty usually do worse in school than kids whose parents have plenty of money. 2. The sound quality was poor so we couldn't fully appreciate the music. 2. 3. This light is too poor to read Poor posture, sitting or walking slouched over, compresses the body's organs.

Give all to the poor. We should be humane to the poor. 2. How do you cope with the problem of poor vision? He lives in poor and dirty conditions. 5. 3. Armed force is a notoriously poor tool for solving political problems. One way to tell is by adding a clause that uses the verb “to be.” “She emphasized the poor who are always with us” is obviously correct; whereas, “She emphasized the poor who is always with us” is obviously incorrect. Laborious; vsureshWe use the before cow to refer to the whole class of cow or cows in generalThat's one way of referring to something in general. 3. We should be humane to the poor. Jealousy is a sign of poor self-esteem. Why are you troubling this poor boy? poor in a sentence.

I have a soft corner for the poor in my heart. 4. Poor without debt is better than a prince. Nov 14 2015 16:20:57. anonymous; Students: … Take all you can from the poor. 4. I have a soft corner for the poor in my heart. With the plural, the is not included. 183+56 sentence examples: 1. He lives in poor and dirty conditions. He is poor in studies. 3. (2) Standard and Poor’s blamed the political fight over the nation’s debt. The poor dog - it's shivering! : This scarab is a poor thing, give it back to me and you shall have a better. The local bus service was a poor substitute for their car. 4. Charities frequently give money and food to the poor people who live in the local region. Poor but honest. "The needy", "the poor", and "the aged" in those sentences denote a certain category of people. He is poor in studies. Examples of the poverty in a sentence: 1. : It's a poor thing to be so lonesome you'd squeeze kisses on a cur dog's nose.

Plural. My father is in poor health.

He doesn’t take any fee from the patients if he feels they are poor. 3. We must provide decent housing for the poor.

3. Living in severe poverty, the homeless man ate from garbage cans instead of the local café. My father is in poor health. Examples of the poor in a sentence: 1. 2.

poor in a sentence - Use "poor" in a sentence 1. Do not jeer at the poor. Before the poor wretch had time to speak, he was shot. Why are you troubling this poor boy? Jealousy is a sign of poor self-esteem. It has to do with being poor and scavenging for materials. Poor children could be seen on the streets of India begging tourists for anything they could get. (3) The recent U.S. debt crisis and Standard and Poor’s downgrading of U.S. debt has turned things around for Mr. Shu’s gold holdings.

Look at the poor thing! 2.

Another, common way is to use the plural, cows. Examples of Poor in a sentence. the state of having little money or possessions. 2. Don't let me Examples of Poverty in a sentence. poor in a sentence. He devoted his life to helping the poor as a penance for his past crimes. The poor man wants much, the miser everything.

: And was it to save the poor thing from being hurt by the fall on the hard ground! Farrakhan was a poor standard-bearer for the causes of African-Ame


For the poverty he suffers? A lamb is as dear to a poor man as an ox to the rich.

183+56 sentence examples: 1. Nov 14 2015 15:26:50.

Beginning her life as a poor girl, the celebrity rose to fame and is now rich and famous.

183+56 sentence examples: 1. 5 3 Poor girl probably dove off a cliff. standard and poor’s (1) On Wall Street, the Standard and Poor’s index was up 3.73 percent. But the poor thing is poverty-struck and friendless, or he says he is, and he wants money. Time is a great healer but a poor beautician. To you the poverty and distress are not displayed. He doesn’t take any fee from the patients if he feels they are poor.