Transmit; Transmitting; Transmitted; Transmits; 1.

The concert was transmitted by satellite to over 100 different countries. 56. 2. Transmitted sentence examples. It is difficult to transmit information these days. 4. Use "transmit" in a sentence. to cause something to pass from one person or place to another.Examples of transmit in a sentence. English words and Examples of Usage Example Sentences for "transmit" The concert was transmitted by satellite to over 100 different countriesOne way that AIDS is transmitted is through unprotected sex. CM 601741 Can you drive a manual transmission?CK 270800 Water transmits sound better than air. All he needed to do was transmit his. 25 examples: This dichroic mirror transmits more than 90 % radiation from 410 to 620 nm… How far can it transmit? This is currently the most efficient way to transmit certain types of data like el Transmit sentence examples. It's difficult to see transmit in a sentence . CM 22931 We have to transmit our culture to the next generation. transmit in a sentence - Use "transmit" in a sentence 1. By communicating with other people we often transmit our ideas to them, even if they don’t agree with : 2. 167+4 sentence examples: 1. Choose a language, then type a word below to get example sentences for that word. 1. English words and Examples of Usage Example Sentences for "transmit" The concert was transmitted by satellite to over 100 different countriesOne way that AIDS is transmitted is through unprotected sex. 3. 278751 Iron transmits heat well. By communicating with other people we often transmit our ideas to them, even if they don’t agree with them. 3. Any act that might transmit a sexually transmitted disease is prohibited. Examples of transmit in a sentence: 1. Transmit definition is - to send or convey from one person or place to another : forward.
Using unsterilized tools may transmit viral infections, such as hepatitis B or warts. The concert was transmitted by satellite to over 100 different countries. It is not true that mosquitoes can transmit AIDS to people. 2. They also claim ferrets have never been shown to transmit rabies. CM 300948 He has transmitted all his knowledge to his son. immitis are transmitted in the manner indicated.

It is difficult to transmit information these days. Examples of transmit in a sentence, how to use it. Parents transmit some of their characteristics to their children. 2.

121. I may have an important cable to transmit to you. We use telephones to transmit our voices from wherever we are to the location of the person we are talking to. NekoKanjya 39650 Data can be transmitted from the main computer to yours, and vice versa. CK 269864 Wires transmit electricity. 3. transmit definition: To transmit is to transfer, or cause something to be transferred from one person to another or one place to another. 151. How to use transmit in a sentence. 44. Luckily, the student did not transmit the infection to others. We use telephones to transmit our voices from wherever we are to the location of the person we are talking to. How to use transmit in a sentence. It is not true that mosquitoes can transmit AIDS to people. transmit. : This book is a great account of a school developed in a Navajo community to transmit cultural values and language to the next generation. Transmit definition is - to send or convey from one person or place to another : forward. The roots transmit moisture and nutrient to the trunk and branches. : Panicky use of unsterile needles may transmit HIV, hepatitis C, or other infections. Examples of to transmit in a sentence: 1. Examples of Transmit in a sentence. Transmit in a sentence. I may have an important cable to transmit to you. One does not have to believe in the accuracy of these numbers; the message they transmit is pretty clear anyway.. At that point, Node C also knows the direction the message must transmit, which is away from Node B, or toward Node D. "We changed the SIM card and it was able to transmit, which is to say that the system works," he said. It seemed to transmit some of his strength and optimism. A pair of convex screws, each rotating about its axis, are used as an elementary combination to transmit motion by the sliding contact of their threads. 2. 63. transmit load to the main girders. It, too, transmits all this wirelessly around the house. Nor did he transmit his eyes. Transmit sentence examples:1.the channel counter and decoder provide the channel select information to the data latch and Transmit logic circuits.2.then, use the netdev receive and Transmit probes to capture the packet length data.3.a communication channel, of which each end can simultaneously Transmit and receive.4.his _Optical connection, which uses light to transmit audio signals. 2. ( About 328 feet ). Sentence with the word transmit. I would then transmit them to the FBI. 26. Then you will transmit these. Definition of transmit. The boxes transmit calls round the network via conventional phone lines.