Moço (MOLSS) dude … Vish (VEESH) Used for surprise, like "Wow". Description: Cherry coloured, semi-dry, … See my video on valeu. Have a funny story you want to share? uau – wow! - which in English translation is "Jeez! It depends on where u from tbh|@Lucas_Oliveira também serve kkkkk sou de São Paulo também |@Leevellin to be honest! |It's like when something goes wrong then you can say ixi | It's a popular expression to say that you're afflicted about something. Let us know in the comments. vcs (vocês) – You (plural) vc (você) – You; vlw (valeu) – Thanks, it was worth it. (abreviation for "virgem Maria" (virgin Mary)) Nem (NAIM) Demonstration of disapproval (something like "no way"). Vish definition, to try to obtain financial or other confidential information from people by placing phone calls, typically automated, that seem to be from a legitimate organization, usually a financial institution: an increase in vishing, facilitated by voIP, an Internet-based phone system. Brazilian Portuguese tends to turn the "S" at the end of words into "Shh" , So possibly they are saying "vês" (you see) or possibly "visse" (You did see) zapzap – What the cool kids call Whatsapp; Did I miss anything? Hahhaha We usually say "Vish" as well. Also used in spoken Portuguese. "|vish is a term you use when something went wrong, for example: vish, lost my book that is: omg, I lost my book |This question is 2 years old and I don't speak Italian nor Portuguese. Translate Vish To Portuguese Online Translation > English Translation > Translate Vish To Portuguese Babylon NG Anem (ah-NAIM) Demonstration of disapproval (same as "nem"), or pity (like "oh no, I can't belive").

Vish unknown Short word or nickname for the drink Wisniowka... a polish cherry vodka/ cordial drink popular among many Eastern European Communities. When something goes wrong.