This Flying Tiger, named Arvid Olson, was a close friend of the founders of the Hell's Angels Motorcycle Club after the war, but never even tried to … The motorcycle club's official history says it comes from a World War II veteran from the All-Volunteer Group (AVG), better known as "the Flying Tigers." I've heard veterans say, they scratch their head and they're sad over the fact that the world didn't turn out better at the end of World War II in 1945, but I'm not prepared to say that we lost the peace at the end of the Second World War. In March 1945 the Japanese, then in retreat from south-east Asia, abruptly ended French rule and seized control of Vietnam, installing Emperor Bao Dai as a puppet ruler.

5. Vietnam's economy after the war (1975-1986) After the war, the Northern and Southern Vietnam were unified as one state: the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. In 1978, Vietnamese government issued new currency of Vietnam Dong (VND), unified financial market of the North and the South. Wars-of-continuation decided the fates of Vietnam, China, Korea, Indonesia, and much of the rest of the Asia-Pacific. Of course the Cold War was punctuated with episodes of hot war in Korea and Vietnam and other places. 4. On July 2, 1946, for example, twenty-one-year-old Medgar Evers , his brother Charles, and four other Black World War II veterans, went to the courthouse in Decatur, Mississippi to vote. Ho Chi Minh announces Vietnam's independence. Graham's story wasn't a happy one, and the Smithsonian says after the Navy found out how old he was, he was stripped of his medals, served some time in the brig, and was kicked out of the military without an honorable discharge.

1941 - ICP organises a guerrilla force, Viet Minh, in response to invasion by Japan during World War II. These were the agreements made by the United States and Soviet Union. 1945 - The Viet Minh seizes power.

After the war, it found a new market, at first in its original form before continuing in front-line service after being modified to become …

For much of World War II, the Japanese allowed the French colonial government to continue ruling Vietnam. World War II Infantryman, kneeling in front of M3 Half-track, holds and sights an M1 Garand rifle. He was just one of the so-called Baby Vets who grew up way too soon. 3. Fort Knox, Kentucky, June 1942.

Japan lacked the men for a full-scale occupation of Vietnam. It took until 1994 to get benefits and medals returned to his family — he died in 1992. Vietnam - Vietnam - Effects of French colonial rule: Whatever economic progress Vietnam made under the French after 1900 benefited only the French and the small class of wealthy Vietnamese created by the colonial regime. In many ways returned Black World War II veterans changed the climate of the South by taking up the deliberate and concerted work of dismantling white supremacy. However, in 1947, the Cold War that had emerged between the U.S. and the Soviet, as well as the political differences by Korean citizens in both the north and the south, in addition to other issues and occupation forces, all led to the breakdown in communications and agreements which had taken place prior.