Many churches experienced a great increase in membership, particularly among Methodist and Baptist churches. In Revelation 3:11, we are further warned against complacency, a life that does not bear fruit. Revival meetings, also known as "Tents" or "Crusades" are frequently held in large open air tents. The need for purpose is one the defining characteristics of human beings. The Great Awakening was a religious revival that impacted the English colonies in America during the 1730s and 1740s. A revival meeting is a series of Christian religious services held to inspire active members of a church body to gain new converts.Nineteenth-century Baptist preacher Charles Spurgeon said, "Many blessings may come to the unconverted in consequence of a revival among Christians, but the revival itself has to do only with those who already possess spiritual life." During this revival, meetings were held in small towns and large cities throughout the country, and the unique frontier institution known as the camp meeting began. Revival helps to resuscitate spiritual life. In Baptist life, it is usually used to describe a series of worship services in which a visiting preacher, and sometimes a visiting choir director, come to a church to lead special worship services. Revival: What it is and Who Needs it by Derek Gentle. Camp meeting, type of outdoor revival meeting that was held on the American frontier during the 19th century by various Protestant denominations.

Churches need to be putting more hooks in the water, not fewer. Revival meetings are another hook in the water. Revival is certainly a word in the Baptist vocabulary. 8. During this revival, meetings were held in small towns and the large cities throughout the country, and the unique frontier institution known as the camp meeting began. God is wanting to send revival, but He needs channels - “us” (verse 6) - believers, Christians; for - “Revival is the outflow of the Spirit of God through the regenerated spirit of man” (John 7:38-39). Camp meetings filled an ecclesiastical and spiritual need in the unchurched settlements as the population moved west.

There is a two-fold purpose of revival meetings.

The evidence of revival, a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon believers, is changed lives. Revival meetings …

Only isolated examples of the style are to be found on the Continent. Thus, if revival is to come, you and I are to be ready to receive the full blessing … The movement came at a time when the idea The earliest documented example of the revived use of Gothic Revival, architectural style that drew its inspiration from medieval architecture and competed with the Neoclassical revivals in the United States and Great Britain. The camp meeting is a form of Protestant Christian religious service originating in England and Scotland as an evangelical event in association with the communion season.It was held for worship, preaching and communion on the American frontier during the Second Great Awakening of the early 19th century. Revivals are not the only method to win the lost and invigorate the saved, but they are still a highly effective method. Human beings crave purpose and suffer serious psychological difficulties when we don’t have it. Second Great Awakening, Protestant religious revival in the United States from about 1795 to 1835. Trotline fishing is the most productive way to fish for souls.

All of these scenarios call for revival.