Metropolitan of France Emmanuel, in turn, was briefed on the progress of the work on the reconstruction of Notre-Dame de Paris … Conference: Website: (in French) The Bishops' Conference of France (French: Conférence des évêques de France) (CEF) is the national episcopal conference of the bishops of the Catholic Church in France. Paris, France: Coordinates Coordinates: Region served . France: President. They were revolters; they were saying that God is dead. It is in particular recommended to refuse to give the ostia in the mouth of the communicants. & Nbsp; The Paris archbishop will also recite the Jubilee Prayer to mark the centenary of the basilica, which began on Oct. 20. Reconstruction of Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris, partially destroyed in a fire last year, should start in January 2021 once a consolidation phase is over, the archbishop of Paris said Tuesday. In the course of his sermon, he told of a priest who was hearing confessions. Denis-Auguste Affre, prelate, archbishop of Paris, and opponent of King Louis-Philippe, remembered for his brave attempt to end the June 1848 riots, in which he was accidentally slain. He successively And in his confessional, he could hear three boys outside. Archbishop Georges Pontier: Main organ. Presidents. A priest in the diocese of Paris was diagnosed positively with coronavirus on Friday, prompting Archbishop Mgr Michel Aupetit to ask priests in the parishes of the capital to take action against the spread of the disease. FRANCE: Paris: EXT Clergy processing along past crowd of onlookers at funeral of Cardinal Dubois Archbishop of Paris / Ornate horse-drawn funeral carriage (hearse) along past / Clergy processing along / General view of Notre Dame Cathedral Background: General views of the funeral of Cardinal Dubois Archbishop of Paris. There was an archbishop of Paris who gave a very famous sermon at Notre Dame Cathedral. Archbishop Michel Aupetit was particularly interested in the Orthodox Church in France and the parish organizational structure of the Holy Metropolis. Affre was ordained a priest in 1818 and became a Sulpician and a teacher of theology in 1819.