Yes, these sisters know there were cruel women among them and they live that sense of betrayal very painfully. There have been few modern-day cases alleging abuse by nuns. Is it still going on?

Gleeson said Fisher made it seem like the abusive relationship was like a … In part, that's because reports on allegations of abuse …

My mother and her sisters were taught by ‘nuns’ in the 1920s and 1930s; my sister, brother and I in the 1960s to 1970, my daughter in the late 1990s.

I'm sorry to …

Remember some of these women and religious men and priests too went unto these institutions at 13, 14, 15 years of age. As the nun drew her closer, she began to be increasingly isolated from friends in high school. Same here. Three of every four of these nuns claimed they were sexually victimized by a priest, nun, or other religious person.

They loved helping the poor and talking about the Bible and so forth.

.all of us had nothing but positive experiences for ourselves and we never saw anything (or heard of … The orders, citing confidentiality concerns and logistical difficulty, have refused to do so. I went to communion late and the nuns were usually very nice.
The reason may simply be that there are far fewer nuns. “We were sent upstairs. In 1965, the number of U.S. nuns peaked at 180,000. Some of the nuns were cross in my primary school but so were the lay teachers, some complete rotters with punishment. . It's definitley not all nuns, so I would change the subect headline to "Why are some Catholic Nuns so mean?"

Pope Francis' acknowledgement aboard the papal plane this week that nuns have suffered sexual abuse by priests and even bishops -- including nuns in the U.S. -- … Roman Catholic] Church but was leaked by some Vatican insider), it is reported that a minimum of 34,000 Catholic nuns (about 40% of all American nuns) claim to have been sexually abused. “The nuns from the Good Shepherd were called,” she says. Asked why we haven't heard much about abuse by nuns until recently, Dispenza said, "A lot has to do with the culture of nuns which are, they are very, very private by nature." So she began lying to her parents about where she was, just so that she could go see the nun. Victims of sexual misconduct by nuns say there hasn't yet been a reckoning for their claims.