MODERN MOVEMENT 87. When I real-time review THE TUNNEL, my comments will appear in the thought stream below…. I read it recently as prep work. The spine should be broad and flat the way Viking Press’s edition of James Joyce’s Letters is, or Finnegans Wake. "If Finnegans Wake is a key book, it is a key which needs a key. Even now, and probably unwisely, seeing as I’ll be starting on the Wake shortly I’m lost in William H. Gass’s sixhundredworder ... Lots of fun at Finnegan’s wake. A ReaWakening "Paterson" as a Recasting of "Finnegans Wake" Michelle McSwiggan Kelly, Fordham University. Dear Jim, the Wikipedia page for our upcoming joint-toss of Joyce’s word-salad epic. William Gass takes the risk, and it is no small achievement to make us take our bearings from Swift and Wyndham Lewis and those magniloquent sourpusses Louis-Ferdinand Celine and Samuel Beckett, ghosts who seem to hover, as James Joyce does too, over this novel. Alfred A. Knopf 1995 (First edition) My real-time review of OMENSETTER’S LUCK by William H. Gass HERE.Trump was born in this book. Abstract.

Here’s a short section: The book should be bound in rough black cloth. A ReaWakening is the first detailed study of William Carlos Williams's reinvention of Joyce's Finnegans Wake in his own masterpiece, Paterson. (William Gass, “The Story of the State of Nature,” p. 257 in Finding a Form.) However, after the first humbling year among the mathematically minded, I … SLOCUM & …

Brian A. Oard is the author of Suicide: A Memoir, as well as a collection of art criticism, Beauty and Terror: Essays on the Power of Painting, and a historical mystery novel, The Degas Manuscript. Roaratorio, an Irish circus on Finnegans Wake is a musical composition by American avant-garde composer John Cage.It was composed in 1979 for Klaus Schöning of West German Radio, and premiered as one of the entries in Schöning's radio series.. Where Pop Goes, Goes the Weasel, Says Critic William Gass. Gass, who died last week, wrote up a memo with his specifications for its design, and it makes for fascinating reading. Posted in commonplace | Tagged william gass | Leave a comment ... finnegans wake (2) media consumption (360) stanzas in meditation (4) tables of content (3) wichita linemen (7) work in process (3) reviews (128)

(Click on the last two titles to read them online.) The Wake reminds me of the unfinished obelisk which lies on its side at Assuan, yet it has passages of unearthly beauty (particularly the last page) and huge comic scenes" - Connolly. REVIEWED BY, KENNETH BAKER. The spine should be broad and flat the way Viking Press’s edition of James Joyce’s Letters is, or Finnegans Wake.

In Santa Fe, New Mexico, during the fall of 2004, William H. Gass delivered a lengthy address as part of the Lannan Foundation’s “Readings & Conversations” series.The essayist, novelist, and critic took listeners through eight of what he called his writerly preoccupations—metaphoring and preaching among them—and read passages from several of his books to illustrate his points. During the days I spent in Cornell’s philosophy department as a graduate student in the late 1940s, I thought poorly of English departments, and believed myself, concerning literature, beyond instruction. Administered by DF Lewis as editor, publisher, writer and reviewer of fiction, plus hawler and synchronist.