“Tyrants, the World’s 20 Worst Living Dictators”, by David Wallechinsky, ranked Biya together with three others mainly in sub-Saharan Africa: Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo of Equatorial Guinea, and King Mswati of Swaziland. Though not the worst of the worst, Biya is one of the best-known examples of authoritarianism. Good governance is gaining ground in Africa. South Africa’s performance on a range of social, economic and governance measures deteriorated more in the past 12 years than any other nation … Current Wars of Africa . Article by sharon, February 10, 2014. Historyguy.com Historyguy.com>Current Wars of Africa. We are not secure, even here.

Anything could happen Having defined that, one would wonder why dig out those ugly skeletons of … The Second Congo War (also known as the Great War of Africa or the Great African War, and sometimes referred to as the African World War) began in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in August 1998, little more than a year after the First Congo War, and involved some of the same issues.The war officially ended in July 2003, when the Transitional Government of the Democratic … "This is really hell. Before listing out the deadliest (literally) events of human history, it is important to know that a war is an armed hostile conflict between nations or states. ... Late last year, I put a call through to my African followers on Twitter to nominate the worst African leaders of our times. Top 10 Worst Wars in Human History. Africa's worst ever war began following the invasion of the north and east of the country by Rwanda and Uganda, to, as they said, prevent armed groups attacking them from Congo's territory. Listed below are the current wars and conflicts in the continent of Africa.